ITT: we ask questions and offer advice about sex.

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So here's what I've learned:

>two thirds of women cannot orgasm from just penetration and have no operational G spots
>a third can and will enjoy penetrative sex on a whole different level
>G spots are usually 5 cm in
>most vaginas are about 10 cm deep
>virtually all men are sufficiently equipped to pleasure a woman with a functional G spot
>some say G spots can be awaken
>a big cock is useless to make a woman orgasm from her vagina if she has no G spot
>the clitoris is a safe bet for any woman
>compatibility is what makes sex great or lame

Don't be afraid to fuck ugly girls if you're young and desperate for pussy. Every guy who's not a 8/10+ has fucked some ugly/old/fat women just from thirst. I see guys on this site posting about how much they hate being virgins but you all have your sights set on good looking young girls. Go to bars at night and try to pick up whichever girl you want. Don't worry about your friends teasing you for fucking some dimepiece, we've all been there. I had a conversation with some friends on Sunday where we all talked about the ugly girls we fucked. You want to be experienced when you actually meet a nice girl.

Don't bang fatties, they are disgusting and will give you ED.

I can't do that because doctor told me to stop doing things that I know I will regret later.

how get?

By using these simple steps:
>get in contact with a woman
>become friendly
>become close friends if you sense an interest from her
>become intimate friends
>become lovers
>have sex

If you have any degenerate fetishes, ugly girls will let you do anything you want to them. You're right about the regret though. I've woken up next to women that made me want to jump out of the window. Being in a bar late at night trashed out of your mind tends to lead to that. You just look around for any female. However, you can get rid of the regret by telling your friends and laughing about it.

That doesn't cure internal regret though. I'd hate myself even more.

Part of growing up is learning to live with bad decisions. Eventually you'll stop caring.

This, plus
>fingers and tongue beat benis for most applications


>Walk up to girl on street.
>Ask for advice.
>Get her talking.
>She invites you to join party with her.
>Charm the shit out of her.
>Go home and sleep.
>Next day, she invites you to party.
>Go to party.
>Only two people there.
>Charm the shit out of her again.
>Go to nightclub with her.
>Kiss her until she gets dizzy.
>Make out for 2 hours.
>Go home and sleep.
>Next day, invite her home.
>Fugg her.

50% of the time, it works every time.

Then you're not doing it right. While many girls enjoy a good licking, benis is always the most appreciated.

how do I last longer?

Condoms, have a quick fap before sex

what is sex like?

Man here. I never understand the problem with lasting, but maybe I am different.

1. stop when you're too close; switch to licking or touching, and resume when you've calmed down a little; repeat forever

2. come but keep fucking, although this may be unique to me; once I came, I can keep fucking forever, is this normal?

Ah, the good old fashioned way.
I like you user.

i think i did this in the sims once. it didnt work there either.

It depends heavily on the person you're with. It can be awkward and gross to heavenly and beautiful.

I never used any other way, and this feels the most natural. You fugg when you feel it's the right thing to do.

Nah man you gotta learn to laugh at yourself sometimes. It’s the most consistent fix for most problems.

Your sensitivity often determines how long you last and the pleasure you feel. If you get over the "hump" when having sex (i.e. if you keep going for so long that your sensitivity is lessened sufficiently) then you can last forever.

If you want to be numb from the start, fap several times, preferrably the day before so your sex drive is back up to normal when it's time.

Not really.

t. girl

>1. stop when you're too close; switch to licking or touching, and resume when you've calmed down a little; repeat forever

i'd have to stop every 5 seconds or so

>2. come but keep fucking, although this may be unique to me; once I came, I can keep fucking forever, is this normal?

I'd have to rest for about 15 minutes before i can get another erection..

Personally, if I came not too long ago, I cannot come again. Endless sex mode unlocked. But it's not fun.

>i'd have to stop every 5 seconds or so
Are you telling me you can have sex for 5 seconds and then you come?

Any girls here who have actually achieved G-spot orgasm alone?

I have a dildo and whilst it feels great being penetrated, I can't orgasm unless with a vibrator on the clit. Orgasms with the dildo feel 150% better than without, but I don't think this is a g-spot orgasm.

Not that user but the girl I'm seeing will get mad if I dare to pull out once I'm in.

Like, she doesn't understand that I want to last longer and get legit mad at me if I try anything that isn't "think in something else".

I need one hour for it to be fun again but I'm sure you are just lying or forcing it to a point where it doesnt even feel good

Only 20 posts in and this thread is already cringe.

If you read this you are literally more clueless about sex than before.

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If you don't have a G spot, try finding a harder bump on the ceiling of your vagina, roughly 5 cm in. Use middle and ringfinger. Stimulates that area every day, see if it "wakes" up, report back.

sometimes, some other times i can last longer but never full throttle so I'd have to got super slow and stop a lot and even then it's just only a couple of seconds at best. Note that those were wearing condoms as well, don't think i could hold it as long without wearing one. Sometimes I feel i'm about cum just by putting on the rubber.

When i'm getting bjs i pretty much cum as soon as my dick is inside a mouth.

>Not that user but the girl I'm seeing will get mad if I dare to pull out once I'm in.
The hell... What if you eat her out while you rest?

He's correct

t. Actual Girl

>you are just lying or forcing it to a point where it doesnt even feel good
No, I can fuck for hours, but yes, it doesn't feel good because when this happens I have no desire and little pleasure.

Sex is often cringy. The fact that you came here to post this and nothing else is even more cringe, because it obviously shows you have issues and couldn't resist taking the opportunity to feel superior to others in this thread.

Whatever you're hiding, good luck with it.

He's not.
t. literally a girl

I'd say you're clearly a premature ejaculator, which means you can look up solutions for that. Try putting two or more condoms on.

I can barely feel anything with a single condom on, I'm quite amazed by your abilities.

Please elaborate on why you enjoy penis, I need to hear that.

t. boy

For some weird mental reason she doesn't like oral sex that much. I need to get her in the right mood for she to let me give her a good licking. Is not even a matter of me doing wrong, she doesn't like it because reason.

I think her ex broke her somehow. I assume he was one of those insensitive guys that would last forever and now she expects every other guy to be the same.

Typical women who seem to struggle with the idea that they aren't all the same.

One day, women, you will explain to me why you believe this so naively.

Solution: use your fingers or use a dildo when you rest. Or ask her what her idea of a solution is, that way you work on this together.

I have to say, if my man is able to keep thrusting for around 20 minutes, and get into a position where I can vigorously rub my clit with my eyes closed - the penis is perfect. But that's difficult so oral/fingers are more appreciated.

I don't want to laugh at myself anymore. It stopped working years ago. I want to admire myself.

Can you do this in doggy or do you have to lay flat on your stomach and keep your legs closed? Asking for a friend.

My solution was multifactorial (kek),

I accidentally came upon some sex-ed videos at /gif/ that gave me pointers on how to last longer. In my case i focused more on what I was feeling to get an idea of when I was about to cum plus applying three finger pressure to the base of my penis or the "head" in order to avoid ejaculation.

Secondly I'm going crazy mad with my fingering, once she orgasm or is close to it she doesn't mind about how much I last.

i have autism and hate doing things for the first time. normally this is fine in activities that only involve me.

but sex involves two. now i've had sex with 3 women, but i've not been able to go down on them - they did not want it.

thus i have not been able to pratice this. now i'm 20 and have no experience in this. any idea how to overcome this? i've stopped dating because of fear for this.

is there like a teacher for sex you can hire and learn how to perform cunnilingus? wtf to do lads help an autistic bloke out please.

care to share how long does it take you to cum when you are jerking off?

Think about your grandma.

Ideally, I'd be on my back with my knees bent, feet against the wall - like I said, perfect orgasm position is very inconvenient. I'm actually trying to condition myself to orgasm like you described (on my stomach, legs closed) so that I can easily fondle my clit whilst he's pounding.

I'm 36 and have almost zero experience in this also. Stop seeing sex as a sport and focus on relationships. If you find the right woman, it'll happen naturally.

Today, 4 hours. I meant it to last that long, though. I can come very fast if I want to, but the orgasm sucks if I didn't work my cock for a while.

This is my first time opening a thread here, and now I'm horribly turned on. I didn't expect that.

>boner no

I don't see it as a sport, and judging from you who are 36 years old and have almost zero experience, I doubt "you'll find the right woman, eventually"

No offence meant. It just shows life does not give freely, you have to search and learn.

Are you retarded? He said he had almost zero experience in oral, you dumb fuck, and why the hell would you tell him you doubt he'll find the right one, considering he was talking about you?

Fucking autistic pieces of shit need to burn and fuck off from this entire website.

Seriously, I hope you get cancer and die slowly.

me and gf early 20s both virgins, she claims having never masturbated and hurts whenever I try to insert a finger, no matter how wet she gets. Will I ever get my penis inside?

No. That was not what I said.

I said, that I doubt this:
>If you find the right woman, it'll happen naturally.

A woman just doesn't appear suddenly, and besides finding a woman was not my question in the first place.

I think you need to calm down hombre. I specified that I meant no harm and obviously if you can read I put it within quotation marks.

I think you are the dumb one, judging by your demeaning reply.
Accidentally pressed enter on my last reply.

Damn user, im in the same situation here, but im the girl. Not gonna lie, its gonna take a few months until it stops hurting, but I think that what you can do is going really slow.
Have you given her oral? It really works wonders for me and after a bit of experimenting around, my bf could make me cum in 1 to 3 minutes while just working my clit. So maybe you two coukd ditch penetrative sex for a while and just focus on discovering what feels good?
But yeah, questions:
1. How are you masturbating her?
2. Have you ever given her oral?
3. How wet is she usually?
4. Why dont you try out kinks with her?

Everyone always says big dicks are a meme, but are there ANY positions or something that are better/only possible with a big dick?

Hi. My first gf had pain while PIV, unironically solved through generous application of cocounot oil as a moisturizer for a few weeks and then plenty of foreplay and lube.

if you use coconut oil as lube, make note that it breaks down latex condoms.

Phisically impossible. Vaginas go usually up to 6", max, so big dicks only ever hurt

Long dicks are a meme, now girth is a different story.

Lifesaver! Will do

np fren. gl

the truth honestly

I've never been able to cum through sex. Nothing does the trick for me. Blowjobs, handjobs, different postures, not even without a condom.

No matter how much I keep going on, I eventually get exhausted and have to stop. Sometimes I get close, but I never reach that point of no return.

I'm already trying nofap/noporn.


And if I'm well equipped in both aspects?

Are you on any medications, antidepressants in particular?

Then keep your thrusts short but in a good angle, the girl will see stars

>1. How are you masturbating her?
fingers, I don't think she's in for oral just yet
>2. Have you ever given her oral?
no, but i'll consider more seriously
>3. How wet is she usually?
i don't know i'm a virgin. It's not dripping out, but the inside is pretty slippery
>4. Why dont you try out kinks with her?
isn't that the reverse of taking things slowly?

But is there anything I can do with a big dick that I could not with a smaller one?

Any other woman got troubles with getting wet? My boyfriend might be doing worse things to my pussy than hitler did to the jews but we have to CONSTANTLY use lube. Help a girl out pls

>fingers, I don't think she's in for oral just yet
How with your fingers exactly? Do you touch her clit or massage it, Or do you just go in for the hole without doimg any prep? Sometging that i found is good is starting slow, (REALLY slow) first making out, then going for the tits, then slowly touching the clit, to only then in the end try going for the hole - while still touching her clit

>no, but i'll consider more seriously
Pls do its heaven on earth

>i don't know i'm a virgin. It's not dripping out, but the inside is pretty slippery
Well, you should be able to at least feel it. Maybe try scooping a bit of the juice inside then bringing it more outside? Will make the clit touching not hurt (imagine rubbing your cockhead without any lube, it hirts like shit)

>isn't that the reverse of taking things slowly?
Youd be surprised

Give them the feeling of being "stuffed"/filled, someone none dicklet can dream of.

I really cant think of anything honestly.

is it normal that after my bf cums hes not in the mood for the rest of the day or even a couple of days?


Love fingering, love getting eaten out, but nothing ever beats a good dicking.
Like, I'll come from clit stimulation but when he makes me come with his dick I lose control.

Presumably I could do that with 6 inches.


Might be a medical problem.

actually hes never in the mood, its always me who starts everything, when we fuck we always do it in one position until he cums, its fucking weak, how can i change him?

I have a pretty big ass, but sex while spooning is a little hard for me if the guy isn't big.
But it's mostly my fat ass, not the dick.
Otherwise, no, all good.

Is he under lots of stress, works too much? Under some medication?

Nope, user

no, he used to watch porn before pretty alot tho. when we met he used to be in the mood all the time, then it disappeard(im starting to think its because he stopped watching it?) and now its me all the time who wants to do it, seems like im forcing him, im tired of this desu

>Sometging that i found is good is starting slow, (REALLY slow) first making out, then going for the tits, then slowly touching the clit, to only then in the end try going for the hole - while still touching her clit
>Well, you should be able to at least feel it. Maybe try scooping a bit of the juice inside then bringing it more outside? Will make the clit touching not hurt (imagine rubbing your cockhead without any lube, it hirts like shit)
pretty much what I do already

>Pls do its heaven on earth
She tells it's embarassing and wouldn't let me go down, so I have to insist there to convince her, but i'm unsure i could make it feel this awesome on the first try

Do women actually care about guys being virgins (as in being a dealbreaker) or is it a matter of preference?

I'm coming up on 29 and this shit is clawing at the back of my mind.

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>Otherwise, no, all good.
I suppose I can't expect you to decipher which other posts are mine, but I've got a big dick and was trying to get ideas on how to use it.

Well, from what you have tell me he's either cheating or you got fat. You need to talk to him about this.

Only time I have ever lost libido is working 14 hours shifts.

>Today, 4 hours.

Sounds like he picked up the porn addiction again.

Any other help? It's starting to worry me...

Same here man. Maybe you have deth grip syndrome?


Bring her into the mood slowly. When you kiss down her neck slowly go down, lick, smirk up at her, do the whole dance. She'll be shivering in no time.
When you do get to her legs avoid the area and kiss her legs (maybe her feet too), then go back up again and kiss her thighs, slowly working your way to her inner things. There, you should tease her.
If shes not begging you to eat her out by then theres something very wrong going on lol

I thought about that. Miraculuosly got laid this weekend and I was 1 week into nofap, maybe I need more than just a week to regain sensitivity, but yeah, even after a whole week of not touching my dick I still couldn't cum.

And oh god, the pain in the balls after fucking for a long time and not cumming is horrible.

Yeah. I'm 20 and he cusses me out because I'm dry. You're just going to have to resort to lube. Has this been a recent thing? If not, migjt want to get checked out. But if you've always been that dry then you'll have to use lube forever.

Yeah, fuck that shit. Nofap is good but also cumming from not gripping too hard or fast might do the trick.

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>Are you on medication?
>Are you anxious when you have sex?
>Are you out of shape?