What is the most practical degree to get at community college so I can find work?

what is the most practical degree to get at community college so I can find work?

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You don't need a degree to "find work", at most just a high school diploma.

>but I want that big community college money, not minimum age

If you're going to work a meme job JUST to make the upper end of blue collar money then you're going to hate your life and hate yourself. it'll still feel like you're flipping burgers at McDonalds even if you're making not-terrible money.

You should only get into one of those meme degrees if they make your dick absolutely rock hard because you're totally autistic for plumbing or electricity or whatever

where I go to college the options are really limited. I don't know how to program and I only have a moderate interest in it and I'm not that good at math so I don't know about computer science or engineering. Would it be good if I got an IT Technician degree? Maybe I could do computer repairs, that sounds like fun.

i dont know why you want to go to community college instead of doing an apprenticeship but you can learn accounting while you're there assuming you're going into a trade.

business administration

It's really hard to find an apprenticeship where I live. I don't know what to do.


A piece of paper saying you know a trade is far less valuable than showing your work professionally.

Learn a trade as an apprentice, then once you're comfortable, start your own company.

t. never worked a real day in their life

Honestly, find a CC with an electrical engineering/industrial automation associates. It gives you 70k salary out of school with ability to work into triple digits quickly.

Welding and machining are also good candidates, albeit with less pay

I could take welding at my local CC. It is a good stable career?

they say that trade jobs are in big demand. Too many people are going to uni to get meme degrees. Not many people are going into trades anymore, so they are desperate

I got several CompTIA tech certs and have worked my way up to 60k in under 3-years and three jobs later. Currently working on a CCNA which will hopefully bump me up close to six figures or over. No college necessary.

one of my friends who had 0 cyber experienced studied and passed Security+. he just got a job offer last week on a government contract doing cyber security making $115k/yr. he has 0 real experience in cyber and no degree

I know a guy who is in a similar position with a Sec+, but he also had military intel experience and top secret clearance so that helped him land a job as well.

I'm drawn more towards networking, but the massive money in the security arena is very tempting.

>I know a guy who is in a similar position with a Sec+, but he also had military intel experience and top secret clearance so that helped him land a job as well.

I know someone exactly like this too... what’s the first letter of his last name?

What CompTIA certs do you have? I am working on my A+ and then maybe my Net + next. I hear CCNA is good but I am not sure if I would enjoy it.

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A+ and Net+

not same person

Do you use Professor Messer youtube videos? I am using that now and it is pretty easy (along with practice tests and other things). It helps I already build PC and have previous computer knowledge

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I made pretty good work of your mom's ass last night.

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welding is a shit job if a value your eyes and health. im not sure it pays too well compared to other trades unless you become the 1337 meme tier underwater welder. underwater welding sounds like fun but i dont know what the demand is.

>and no degree

I mean the comptia certs are basically degrees.

Not him but yeah I have that dude's face burned into my memory. Cbt nuggets was good as well you can google and get them for free.

>Cbt nuggets was good as well you can google and get them for free.

Thanks for the advice. I have CBT Nuggets and watched them all once. It was horrible compared to Professor Messer. At least the A+ videos are.

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