This is gonna sound weird but hear me out. My stepdad, who pretty much raised me since I was 5 (now 32) is getting old...

This is gonna sound weird but hear me out. My stepdad, who pretty much raised me since I was 5 (now 32) is getting old. He has blonde hair and blue eyes, unlike me and my mother, solid black hair and brown eyes. I took a dna test and have mostly eastern euro, caucas and iberian ancestry and my step-dad took one with the northern most parts of scandinavia (sweden, norway) and iceland ancestry.

He is the last man in his line of family and I do not bare his lastname. I also have this obsession with eulogy and feel really bad that what is basically a unique minority of being him, speaking in terms of genetics considering more than half the planet has brown eyes and dark hair, will probably not even exist in 200 years.

So the weird question is, how could I convince him to be a surrogate for my wife. Now I know this sounds crazy and pointless to people who simply don't care about eugenics, but my wife has blonde hair blue eyes and I just thought rather than having more of the majority in genetics on the planet, our children can be blue eyed and blonde haired with his help.

He is super traditional so I want to know more so on how to convince him to do this rather than you explaining to me why this is crazy. I want children but they don't have to look like me and I feel it would be doing a service for my stepdad to carry on his soon to be extinct rare lineage.

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Nigga that’s cool but also weird as shit

That's pretty weird. You want your step-dad to knock up your wife? Jesus.

Or you could just convince him to donate to a sperm bank, without the emotional baggage of raising your own stepbrother. Jesus christ give your head a shake.

Dude, just put your fucking penis inside your wife. What is more important, muh Aryan race or having a child that is really yours?

>rare lineage
OP you know we Nordics still exist right? Getting your wife pregnant with your step dad will do nothing for preserving blue eyes and blond hair.

Also the northern parts of Norway and Sweden have less light features than the southern parts. The north is the where the Sami people hails from.

It sounds more like your interested in combining a chuck fantasy with your latent racism due to self hatred. Than actually caring about Nordics.

>OP is willing to have his wife be impregnated by his step-father's semen because he doesn't understand basic genetics

So OP - get this, recessive genetics are way harder to erase from a population than simple dominants. They can get passed on for generations and pop up again when you least expect it. Outside of an outright genocide, there will always be people who have blonde hair and blue eyes, they'll just be less common - because no one in their right mind is going to pair up on the sole basis of their fucking hair and eye colour.

t. animal breeder

>know this sounds crazy and pointless to people who simply don't care about eugenics
I'm into Eugenics and think you should also get castrated or at least get a vasectomy aswell you cuck.

>doing it for inferior blue/blonde genes
>not because he's a good dude, you like him, he likes you, and is overall an upstanding guy
>not asking your wife

If he's a man at all, I feel like he'd be offended to hell and back at how retarded his stepson is.

You could secretly pour his sperm into a poked condom. Secretly get your wife preggers with his semen.

Problem is how do you get a hold of his semen without him knowing?
Maybe something about a routine check up?

Don't even know why I'm answering. This is just crazy man...

(Top Kek)^23

It's kind of wierd, but also I realy like the idea. You could always tell him you got tested and have some shitty genes that could result in malformed babies but you realy want kids so you would realy love it if they were his instead of some random guy from a sperm bank.

>iberian ancestry
you mean north african

wasn't my wife but my stepdad knocked up my ex gf and it wasn't some plan, she went after him. they're still together

user go kill yourself.

I hope this is bait.

Also, we'll be genetically engineering children in the future so you'll get to pick hair and eye colour. Plus, there'll be all kinds of DNA banks so single women will be able to pump whatever genes they want into them.

Lol I love how nobody even mentioned IF THE WIFE KNOWS ABOUT THIS PLAN

>So the weird question is, how could I convince him to be a surrogate for my wife.
cuck bait trick question, well played i give you 5/10

I assume your dad is over 40.
If the father is over 40, the child has higher risks for autism and such diseases.
Do not put your children's health at risk for "eugenetics".

>You could always tell him you got tested and have some shitty genes that could result in malformed babies but you realy want kids so you would realy love it if they were his instead of some random guy from a sperm bank.
This, so now you can have a fresh sperm sample from him. Now if you're a bastard you could calculate her ovulation. While on foreplay you tell her you picked up this new lube, it's all natural, no chemicals at all. You've heard it'll make her super sensitive and orgasm 10 times harder. Now you blindfold her and inject his sperm inside her and start fucking her with your condom on.

Have some kids and then mention it.

Obviously say you would raise them as your own and make sure he knows your wife is down for it too.

This wins my Seal of Upheaval (Bleeccch) as Worst Fiction Of The Day

Attached: seal.jpg (300x276, 8K)