ITT: ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself.

>Why am I the only one who makes these threads?
Quit your bitching, no one's holding a gun to your head and making you do it.

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Girls: do you actually enjoy romcoms into adulthood? Or is that just a meme?

I can enjoy a good romcomp as a form of cheap entertainment, but it's not my preferred genre.

Here's my situation:

I've been with a guy online for a year now. He knows me only as a friend and we've never met IRL. Since the two of us began talking (we've been Skyping with each other - sometimes just the two of us, sometimes with a group of friends - at least twice every week) he's had a few roadbumps in his life including two failed-to-take-off relationships. I desperately want to invite him over and am planning to do so really soon before the year ends. The issue is, I have tremendous romantic feelings for him and plan on fucking him once he's over here, not to mention taking him to lovers' places. How would I go about this, if I'm inviting him over as "just a friend"?

>Meet girl in class
>talk to her casually
>seems like could be pal
>come a bit late next time
>only seat left in front is near her
>she shifts her whole body away from me
>when i ask her about the work she gives me some shit answer
>feel so uncomfortable that i just shift seats during break

why treat me like this ? As a guy i would never disrespect a girl i found unattractive like this. I speak to women all the time too not shy or anything either. Seemed rude and made me feel like this bitch thought i wanted to fuck her for little to no reason while not even knowing me .

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You invite him over for a date.

Also prepare yourself for the fact that he may not want to have sex, even if he is interested in you that way. Pressuring guys into sex is a lot easier than pressuring girls into it but I promise you he won't be thankful.

Honestly it could be mood swings.
I had a brief friendship with a girl for about a year, taking two classes together in two semesters.
She was cool fir the most part, but I recall a handful of moments where she said some incredibly bitchy things to me or other classmates.

Wait to see how she reacts next time you see her. If she keeps it up, drop her and focus on your class or making friends elsewhere

How do girls deal with creepers? There's this streamer I've been watching for about a year now, low view count so the regulars have become like family. And this one dude that shows up occasionally is just creepy/weird as shit. I know it's weird in itself to be getting defensive over a girl that's not my girlfriend, but goddamn. A part of me wants to ask her about it, but that may be too far.

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>Honestly it could be mood swings
Probably this. Coworker of mine goes from ingoring my existence to being jokey and playful over the course of the day.

She's married though so it ultimately doesn't mean shit.

>You invite him over for a date.
So when I ask him to come over I should specifically state it's a date?

Since he's far away (it's a 5-hour plane ride between the two of us) I plan on inviting him over for at least a week. First night I'm planning to take him out for dinner, take him to a romantic place, watch documentaries beside him as we sit in my bed together, and then once he's tired start massaging him and lure him into sex. Good?

She could easily block him from her stream there is literally no reason to give a shit about a stream who gives 0 shis abou you in return.

>gives 0 shis abou you in return
I want to disagree with this, but I guess I could never truly know.

Fuck her in the back room

Oh I wish, few weeks ago she was wearing a somewhat seethrough top and you could see her bra, made me want to fucking ravage her.

It's good if he likes you that way, it's bad if he doesn't. You might try to find out before asking him to fly all the way to your city thinking it's going to be a week of non-stop sex when he just wants to sight see and hang out.

He doesn't know I like him in that way.

My main issue here is, how do I go from friends to lovers in a relatively short time? Is a bottle of wine and a few hours watching Youtube together enough to make him want to put his cock in my vag?

I do like some. "As good as it gets" is still one of my top 10 movies.

This is one of those questions where the answer is: it depends on how he feels.

I'm going to make a pretty big assumption here, which is that any guy who will fly 5 hours to meet a friend he's never actually seen in person is probably at least hoping for something more romantically inclined. If I, as a dude, made friends with another dude online, I sure as shit would not bother flying 5 hours away just to meet him. Maybe if there was something happening in his city and I wanted to attend that I'd make time to meet him while I was there, but I wouldn't dedicate a whole trip to it.

My other serious bit of advice is don't fuck him on the first day. He will think less of you. At least wait until the second day. Suck his dick or something if you can't help yourself.

Straight Cis Girls:

What’s wrong with being the one to make the first move? If you always expect the guy to make the first move, is that an unfair expectation based on a stereotypical gender role?

You just triggered me

My mom is 50 and she watches novelas all day every day. not rom com but romantic none the less

Screenshotting this for my next FEMINIST #REKT video compilation on youtube.

M to F

I'm 25 and I've only had sex a handful of times in my life; all with the same person, with whom I no longer speak to because she's literally obese.

Needless to say my sexual experience is extremely limited. I feel like at this stage in the game I am so behind with both sexual prowess and social skills that I am pretty much fucked and essentially even if I manage to get the attention of someone whom is attractive they will probably lose interest in my pretty quickly; and or cheat because I can't do the job properly.

Is this a valid fear?

>What’s wrong with being the one to make the first move?
Nothing, and I'll do it if I want to. I rarely have to though

>If you always expect the guy to make the first move, is that an unfair expectation based on a stereotypical gender role?
I don't expect guys to make the first move.

Also I know you're trying to make a point but the fact is, most guys will make the first move and most girls will expect the guy to make the first move. 'Calling it out' isn't going to change anything.

Thank you for answering, and I know this is Jow Forums but I wasn’t trying to call anything out and I’m not one of these incel assholes. I’ve long considered myself a straight cis male feminist, it’s just something that’s always seemed contradictory to me. And I completely understand that any girl on any dating app is going to get bombarded with dicks from every direction, and I feel like that kind of necessitates that guys have to conform to that stereotypical model because no straight girl ever has a reason to be the first to reach out.

So asking you specifically, have you ever made the first move?

Not with asking a guy out or anything, but I kissed my fiance first and I have no problem initiating sex. If I was single then I wouldn't have a problem asking a guy for his number or on a date. Maybe it's just my personality (I can be quite impatient), maybe it's just the attitude that there's nothing to lose and that I have nothing to gain by sitting around and waiting for guys to pick up on signals. And for what it's worth, I'm 26 and past the whole "tee hee boys are an alien species" phase.

>What’s wrong with being the one to make the first move?
Nothing. I've made the first move with guys I really like.

I think that a lot of girls have no real reason to make the first move.
At the end:
>If he likes you, he most likely will ask you out
>If he doesn't like you, it makes no sense to ask a guy out

I made the first move with guys I liked, who liked me back, but were too anxious to make the first move.

Also having good sex is not rocket science. Just put effort into making her come and you're better than most.

For sure, I’m 29 so I feel the same way regarding impatience. Dating once you’re out of school and working and supporting yourself is so exhausting. And I think it’s very different between sexes, at least for straight people. I think from a lot of guys’ perspectives there’s a pressure to be perfect since there’s so many others vying for a single girl’s attention. Obviously not all the time, I’m speaking in a broad generality. And I think that “vying for attention” culture can create toxic anomalies that are bad for both sexes. It’s made me give up the online dating game entirely, I enjoy face to face interactions so much more than trying to craft that perfect text that is the result of my perception of what I think the other person is looking for.

Appreciate the answer. I agree with the point you’re making with that 2nd paragraph

I am girl, and this happens to us as well with other girls.

Girls are assholes in general. It's not about thinking you just wanted to fuck her. She probably just heard something from a friend, or thought of something stupid that made her suddenly regret talking to you in the first place for some reason.

>is that an unfair expectation based on a stereotypical gender role
Yep. Bites me in the ass, too, because it makes it infinitely harder for me to ask out a guy, because I feel like I either come off as super desperate for not waiting to be asked out, or worse, not "getting the hint" that he didn't want anything to do with me, and now has to be turn me down.

It's irrational fears, I know, but God if it isn't hard to overcome. Family is super traditional, and having been brought up with the "men ask out, girls make themselves desirable, if you aren't asked out, no one wants you" mantra, makes it incredibly hard to even try, and when the first 3 attempts ended in failure....

Just invite him and come onto him. Guys appreciate forward women.

You don't have to do the autistic thing of making it specifically and explicitly clear that you want him to come for a date. Just have him come over, then come onto him.

This is basically what happened with my first gf. I had to fly out to meet her, got to her place, was gonna stay for a week... basically the minute we got into her place, we started making out and it went from there. She controlled the pacing and everything, so it was pretty easy for me.

Maybe it's just me, but I have serious issues being interested in a girl who makes the first move.

Even if I was slightly interested, and thought she was cute enough to maybe ask out, the second she makes a move, it makes me feel like she is just grasping, desperate for attention, and likely has issues that means guys generally avoid her, or at least break up with her relatively fast.

I don't necessarily mind pumping a few times, but it'll be short fling at best. If you aren't worth asking out in the first place, you aren't suddenly more interesting just because you made the first move.

Second day works fine as well.

How do I romance him on the first day?

>Has a guy friend whom I have known for almost 2 years at this point.
>Spend a fair bit of casual time together, tennis is a favourite of ours, but he always keeps a distance and never talked as if he wants to be more than friends.
>Literally always been single since I've known him, had previously thought of what I'd do if he had asked me out first, but he never did. Would probably have said yes
>Now he is being pissy because I accepted a date from someone else who actually asked me out
Why do guys do this. What do you expect would happen in this sort of situation? If you want me to make the first move, that's fine, but then you have to accept the risk of someone doing it first, especially when I don't get good signs that makes it clear you want more than friendship. And no, "being near me as a friend" isn't a sign.

I just don't get it. I wouldn't even have cared if he had not become pissed at me.

A GILF told me her address but never gave me her number.

Should I go during the weekend to smash or no? If so, what would be a good time?

Did she know you as anything more than a friend though? Was there anything romantic between you two beforehand?

This guy thinks I'm just a "really good friend" even though we flirted with each other when we first met. He's dated a few other girls during the past year when he knew me.

>Company I work at gets restructured
>Start working pretty close to this cute girl.
>Don't do anything, because don't shit where you eat.
>Still hit it off good though, just as coworkers, nothing more
>6 months in, things are great
>She starts talking about open positions elsewhere
>Ask why she wants to quit
>"Oh no... Not really interested in quitting, just thought it was interesting."
>Recently got a call from a headhunter looking for someone with a lot of experience in the systems we use at work.
>Talk a bit with him, and decide to ask how he even got in contact with me, since I don't have any LinkedIn or anything of the sort
>My co-worker had been called up, and given them my details
What the fuck? Is this some subtle "I hate working with you, please fuck off" shit? Should I expect to suddenly get a call from HR about an anonymous sexual harrasment charge if I don't find another job?

I don't get this. I haven't once voiced dissatisfaction with this job, and I thought we meshed really well. I can't figure out why the fuck she'd want me gone other than some retarded women's logic.

>How do I romance him on the first day?
I'll tell you what the story with my ex was.
>Get into town, call her and tell her I'm at the bus station and need pickup. She says she's leaving to come get me.
>Not long later she shows up, gets out, walks up all excited (she lets out a little squee), then literally leans in and makes a kissy face for me. So I kiss her. My first kiss is now gone.
>We talk a little, get in her car, talk some more, go back to her place.
>I'm exhausted from traveling. She offers a little snack. I get on her wifi, tell my mom I got there safely. Send her a selfie of us both smiling like idiots.
>We sit down together on her couch and I begin to relax. She notices I'm relaxing and holds hands with me. We talk a little, sweet stuff, you know the drill. A little light kissing.
>I figure I'll be bold and put my hand on her thigh. She takes it and puts it between her legs. I can feel she's wet.
>I start to spill the spaghetti. "Uhh. Is that because of me?" She grins and guides my hand down her tights. Shows me how to get her off.
>Next she stands and strips. Then sits back down and says she wants me to go down on her. So I do.
>After I got her off, she says she wants me to fuck her. So I do.
>Did she know you as anything more than a friend though? Was there anything romantic between you two beforehand?
>This guy thinks I'm just a "really good friend" even though we flirted with each other when we first met. He's dated a few other girls during the past year when he knew me.
We knew each other as best friends for like 5 years before then. She was my emotional support through grad school. I started to fall for her after I graduated, and apparently she'd had a thing for me from the start.
We did confront that prior to me coming out, though she'd been flirting hard for about six months by then. Honestly even if we'd not had that confession moment, I'd brought up the possibility of coming out to visit after this case I was on settled.

>its another "he should have made the first move" post

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She probably doesn't know the headhunter is contacting you. She probably did the retard thing of giving coworker contact details out to this guy who had tried to poach her. Honestly, I'd bring it up with her:
>Hey do you know [name]? I got a call from him the other day, I guess he's a headhunter. He said he got my details from you. Not that I'm mad about it, I just wanted you to know in case this guy was using your name without your permission.

That's my issue as a girl... I have heard this once before. That I "ruined the game and the chase", and made him feel like he would just be settling if he accepted my invitation.

It sucks, because I know not all guys think like this.

>don't shit where you eat.
I'll be honest, it's probably this. She is being a bit hamfisted about if, but I've had fantasies of coworkers I have flirted heavily with as well, where I desperately hoped they would quit, or I would get an offer elsewhere. Pulling this sort of stuff seems autistic though.

>first 3 attempts ended in failure....
Not the guy you're responding to, but I just want to gloat in your face about you giving up after only three tries. Hilarious. You'll never get laid like that, you need to man up and throw yourself back out there.

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It’s ok, I’d bet money that you’re not oerceived as being desperate. I think it’s good and healthy to seek what you want rather than wait around for something to fall in your lap, so godspeed, and don’t let 3 discourage you. I’d say the same thing to any of my guy friends as well as long as they feel good and confident about themselves and who they are and who they want to be and who they want to be with. I think the same applies to girls too

This might be the case had I been dying to date him in the first place, but I wasn't. I assumed he wasn't interested at all, so I just kept it to friendship like I originally preferred. He was a great friend, and never acted as anything more.

Why would I make the first move, when I prefer us being friends, and he makes no indication of wanting more? That would be retarded. If neither of us are interested, dropping that bomb would be stupid.

>I just want to gloat in your face about you giving up after only three tries
Where exactly did you get the idea I had given up..?

Yeah, definitely not giving up. I am mostly dating through people I know, though, so my pool is rather limited. I really don't like dating apps.

I am actually curious, guys and girls both, which is the easiest ways to ask out a guy without seeming too weird? I am awful at talking to guys, but texting is easy enough. Would a text be good enough?

Mind you, I am 26, so stuff like a folded note is probably too childish.

>It's another "I'm too much of a pussy to make the first move, and girls are responsible for asking me out, even when they just want to be friends".

>That I "ruined the game and the chase", and made him feel like he would just be settling if he accepted my invitation.
>It sucks, because I know not all guys think like this
Well, yeah, guys the like first one I quoted falls into that category. But you would probably prefer a real man in the end, and not some bitter Incel who thinks you are obligated to doing it.

To each their own, but those spineless omega faggots will require you to mother them at every step of their lives, because that's what this mentality signifies when they can't even confess to a girl they like. I suppose some girls like having that kind of control, however.

>Mind you, I am 26, so stuff like a folded note is probably too childish.
Just letting you know, as a single guy in his 30s, this sort of shit has just the right combination of cuteness and being refreshingly different from the utter cancer that is adult dating. Like, it won't work with every guy, but it gives a feeling of youthfulness and innocence, that even if we know better, tugs at our heartstrings and reminds us of childhood crushes.

Like with the right guy it'd give a nostalgiaboner in addition to a shot right across the bow.

Like I said though, it might not be for everybody, but it'd definitely DEFINITELY be the approach that'd win me over if I were interested but uncertain.

It's not just the headhunter. It's the entire "look at all these great jobs out there!" Thing she is going for lately that is bothering me.

>I've had fantasies of coworkers I have flirted heavily with as well, where I desperately hoped they would quit, or I would get an offer elsewhere. Pulling this sort of stuff seems autistic though.
What the... I guess that sorta makes sense, but that doesn't seem autistic, that seems insane and super manipulative.

Not sure how I feel about this. I would smash her 7 days a week if I could, but changing job to do it seems really God damn stupid. Could I reasonably confront her on this, or would that cause problems?

>It's not just the headhunter. It's the entire "look at all these great jobs out there!" Thing she is going for lately that is bothering me.
Simple explanation that doesn't involve her being evil: She really was looking for a new job but thinks she shouldn't be telling people at work, but couldn't help let on her interest in casual conversation.

>Could I reasonably confront her on this, or would that cause problems?
Just bring up the headhunter call and ask if she knows about it. Odds are she'll confess she was looking for a new job and apologize for you being bothered. Then you can talk more about you guys staying 'in touch' after she leaves.

>Just letting you know, as a single guy in his 30s, this sort of shit has just the right combination of cuteness and being refreshingly different from the utter cancer that is adult dating.
Huh... I hadn't thought of it like that. Modern day dating feels really awful, so maybe it wouldn't be that bad to try something unconventional, I suppose. Texts always felt a bit hollow to me, it just felt like the next best option after talking.

Well just bear in mind that texting is peak conventional in many ways. We like to say around here that it's the loser option or that you need to do everything in person to have the right feeling, but it's an oversimplification. Much of what people say around here is about minimizing the risk of misunderstanding.

Earlier today the guy I like told me I’m his biggest weakness. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Good. Even if he meant it in a bad way it's good.

How do I stop being so jealous? I swear I never used to be, to the point I used to insist I would be fine with a poly relationship or being a sister wife. But then I fell in love and any time this guy is nice to other girls in front of me I become sulky and childish and feel like crying and I fucking hate it. This is not the type of person I want to be. I can tell that he isn’t the kind of guy that finds it cute or endearing so I really need to stop before I push him away. Please help.

The one guy I liked enough to ask out myself ended up dropping me fairly quickly. The more initiative I took the more disinterested he became. Ngl, I had tons of fun teasing the shit out of him and watching him sperg out and stuff, but I doubt I’ll do that ever again, especially since I’m attractive enough to have guys chase after me if I show them even minimum amount of attention.

Girls, if you reject a guy, what are the chances you might change your mind down the line at some point?

I'm just wondering cause I've started talking to a girl again who rejected me and she's been saying I'm funny and she likes seeing me around.

For the record I think shes just being nice. I don't talk to her all that often and I'm not autistic enough to hear a compliment and think she likes me, just a thought I wanted to entertain.

>Girls, if you reject a guy, what are the chances you might change your mind down the line at some point?
Nearly 0 unless you change dramatically in some way.

Depends on what you want.

I did some very low key flirting with a co-worker some time ago, and he told me he hated being near me. When I asked why, he said he was always afraid of making a wrong move and doing something he would really regret. I was already crushing on him, so it made it really easy to get him to make this "wrong" move.

If you *dont"* like him, this is probably a bad thing.

I realized that I’m in love with a guy that I once rejected. He has a girlfriend now though. But yeah. I’d be with him in a second if he was single again, but timing’s a bitch.

>Nearly 0 unless you change dramatically in some way.
This. And the "some way" almost always has personality, career, money, and fitness components. Also there usually needs to be a time delay during which you weren't in contact. On the order of a year or more.

That's why you generally advise rejected guys to move on: It's not worth the effort and it requires leaving a LOT to chance (i.e., odds are she won't be single at the exact moment you become desirable). But when it randomly happens, and it sometimes does, it can work.

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Done it before. Told a guy I didn't want to date someone who refused to improve himself (fat/obese and lazy), and 2 years later, he was chubby at best, was working out regularly, and had heavily improved his ability to keep his apartment good looking, as well as fixing his fastfood diet.

May just be me, but if I tell someone I have certain issues with him, and he actually manages to fix those, the least I could do is give him a chance. And he wasn't bad as a person, I just could not deal with a guy that couldn't deal with himself. Self improvement is hot, too.

I’m in love with him. He went through a bad break up a few months ago and used to say stuff like he doesn’t believe in love and that he’s dead inside. But recently he’s been telling me I make him happy and that he really cares for me, that I’ve become his biggest weakness, etc. So I hope I’m getting through to him a little.

It's not kind of weird and creepy that you're the sole reason for his change?

The funniest part is he told me he’s still in love with me, but he can’t leave his girlfriend.

It's worth noting that most of these issues are often universal issues a girl might have. So even if you don't expect to get back with that particular girl, it is usually still worth working on it.

Fitness is easy to fix, and lets be honest, no girl finds a fatass desirable. Personality is often more a question of outlook on the world, and if you are a bitter and angry guy who hates everything, you'll have that issue with most girls.

Not really. People do more insane stuff to get a girl to love them, and in the end, this was all self-improvements, not something insane specifically to impress me, like some crazy expensive gift or something like that.

And seriously, I doubt he'd have problems dating now, and he actually came back to ask me out again. That is a level of commitment I would be interested in seeing if that could go the distance.

Sounds all good then.

I made the first move and asked out the guy I'm currently dating

Sure it's scary but I'm not gonna waste time, drop subtle hints and sit around and hope he asks me out first


What was the worst decision you made while being horny?

Went without a condom once on a one night thing. Didn't cum though, but I was scared of STDs for weeks until I got tested. Never ever did that again.

Also met up with a trans when I went through a trans stage. That was a mistake, he had hairy knuckles and man hands. My advice to other guys on here is don't be fooled by the trans/trap meme.

I rejected a guy and have since dated him. WORST decision of my life.

The red flags were there and I was more mature and sane when I first rejected him. There's always a solid reason why - you shouldn't ignore that.

Not a guy, but I was on the receiving end of it once.
>Very few friends, even fewer close by
>Due to some temporary health issues, I gave a spare key to a male friend who lived 2 minutes from me, as he was one of the few people who might actually be able to help me in case something happened.
>Never reclaimed the key as it felt like a nice safety net in case something else happened.
>Never dated, either, he had a girlfriend at first who cheated on him, but he didn't take single life too well.
>Late Wednesday night, he had gotten himself drunk over his misfortune, and had had a long dry period.
>Decided to dress up as a burglar, break in (using the key he borrowed) and rape me
>Hoped I wouldn't notice it was him, somehow
Idiot managed to hurt me quite a lot, including a sprained wrist, due to his violence.

It's even worse, because just a month prior, we had talked about his dating issues, and when I had asked why he hadn't made any moves towards me, and his response was that he couldn't risk our friendship.

What the fuck. I have so many questions.
>Would you have fucked him had he asked
>did you mind the rape
>What happened afterwards? Police involved? still friends? Locked up behind bars?
What a fucking Trainwreck.

This was 3 years ago, mind you.
>Would you have fucked him had he asked
Maybe. Probably. He was both very hot and a pretty great guy. I am honestly a bit confused about how he had such terrible luck. I would think the usual tinderwhores would be all over him. The only guy I have ever actually considered sleeping with, despite not even being in a relationship with.
>>did you mind the rape
Are you stupid? I wouldn't have considered it rape if I had enjoyed it, holy shit.
>>What happened afterwards? Police involved? still friends? Locked up behind bars?
Police got involved because I was in so much pain afterwards, that I went to the hospital, both to ensure no internal injuries, but also because my wrist hurt like hell. Hospital staff didn't give me the choice, and police and doctor got me to admit it was rape. I honestly didn't want him to get in too much trouble over it, we had still been friends for awhile, and he had been there for me when I needed it previously. We settled it quite peacefully out of court as well, but no, I never talk to him anymore. I can't be close to a guy who might do this sort of insane and autistic stuff like that.

Different people like different things. I never liked romcoms much. I'm sure in ten years I'll still want to watch Mean Girls for nostalgia sometime if I'm sick, but I couldn't list more than three titles I liked anyway and it's been years since I watched one.

Don't waste too much energy on it. Maybe she had a bad experience right before with a guy who accused her of leading him on over nothing, because that does happen. Maybe she was in a really shitty mood and did not want to talk to anyone at all. Maybe she started overthinking something you said last time and got weird vibes from it suddenly. You don't know. Until she actually uses her words and sheds a light on what her issue is, it's just that, her issue. Don't make it yours. Nothing wrong with chatting to someone.

>He was both very hot and a pretty great guy. I am honestly a bit confused about how he had such terrible luck
Lusting over you, probably. I have broken up a friendship for similar reasons. I wanted her so badly, but was super afraid of ruining our friendship, and in the end, I pushed us so far apart we stopped being friends anyway. You can't really prevent that, because no matter how hard you had pushed for it, it would have ended up badly.

I was super horny, and in my teens, and we were on a family trip with a lot of as swimming at the beach. My same-age cousin was very frisky, and she looked too good in her bikini.

Not something I am proud of. At least we used condoms.

I do sometimes. Imo there's three reasons. The first is that there's still a cultural notion of men being the chasers/hunters, and that creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. Guys already sometimes ask "but if she likes me, why wouldn't she do anything about it", but girls who regularly experience guys coming on to them have even more grounds to convince themselves if the guy was into them, they'd know.
The second reason is really practical. Putting yourself out there and facing potential rejection is scary. Girls can often avoid this to a far greater extent than guys.
Third reason is that it's relatively common for girls to feel that guys looove that narrative of "getting the girl", and they will not really value you if you just fall into their lap. That you can show in many ways that you like him and create opportunities for him to flirt/ask you out, but unless you leave some semblance of him taking initiative, he's going to see you as low hanging fruit.

>I swear I never used to be, to the point I used to insist I would be fine with a poly relationship or being a sister wife.
That's not something you should want.
>How do I stop being so jealous?
Make him yours, don't let your love get away!

Thats incredibly fucked up.

how do so many women cope with the fact that most men would happily fuck them? Is it just something they naturally accept or something else?
All i know is the little attention i already get is enough to go to my head, don't know how they deal with it.

>enough to go to my head
Well, the men who would fuck me because I'm on the young side, not overweight and look okay face and bodywise far outnumber the men who would fuck me because they think I'm a wildly attractive person compared to another similar looking woman my age. Most men who would have sex with me just want sex, and I don't turn them off enough to stop wanting it. It's not like a personal accomplishment and it doesn't mean much about how they feel/think about me in terms of appreciation, respect, whatever. It just means they want pussy and I have potential to make that happen.

If women took every sign that a man wants it to say something about themselves, they'd be putting themselves in a risky situation in terms of being taken advantage of.

Honestly? I get so little attention I don't think it's much more than what the average guy gets.

I think it's just a skewed perception. Like, even if there may be a lot of people who fantasize about fucking you, the amount of people who actually would, and shows it, are so small, that it isn't actually felt. The ones who DO get a lot of attention, are the top 1% attractive girls in any given area, who also acts and dresses like massive whores. Make of that what you will.

But both of you are clearly interested. Stop making excuses.

If you ask a question that you later find out that is stupid, should you carry on with the convo or should you say "forget about the question, now I know the answer"?

They never express their willingness to fuck me unless I start giving them attention and what goes through their heads at any given moment I dont really give a shit about.

That random person you commute with every day could be plotting a high level political assasination for all you know, but you don’t really put much thought into it, do you?

The girls who get tons of attention are the very pretty or the very slutty ones. I'm neither.
I am a 6.5/10ish in terms of looks. I'm very modest and reserved.
I don't get much attention.

>I was super horny, and in my teens, and we were on a family trip with a lot of as swimming at the beach. My same-age cousin was very frisky, and she looked too good in her bikini.
Im a woman but I can sort of relate to this. No, not in a sense of wanting to fuck my cousin (though I had some strange dreams), but I did notice that my libido shoots through the roof whenever I’m on summer vacations in the warmer climates. Normally I have nearly no libido in my every day life. Maybe it was the same for your teenage cousin.

To be perfectly honest, it was more about a lack of options. It was a rather secluded place, we were young and not allowed to really go too far out, and we met no one else our age. We had probably done it with someone else, had it been available. Small amount of flirting from both sides just escalated it super quickly, and I had brought condoms hoping to find a native (Spanish) chick to fuck.

Warmer climate is probably not far off. From Scandinavia, and it was just always around 20 degrees even during the summer that year, so the sudden heat just messed us up.

We haven't even talked about it since, and it is still awkward whenever we see each other, and I have once almost slipped up and said something wrong while a boyfriend of hers was attending a birthday party.

Excuses for what? For not being interested enough to go for him? Fuck off.

If you want something, you take it. I didn't want it enough to bother. That's not my problem, and it never should be. I asked for why men does stuff like this, and it appears part of the answer is autism, based on you response.

>Why do guys do this.

Come on, read the OP. Don't ask this stupid questions implying every person of the same gender does the same shit.

Your friend is a dumbass if he gets possessive but never asked you out.

I hope you didn't lead him on. If you didn't, then don't worry. If you did, don't be a bitch next time. It's a pretty easy question to answer once you ask the right question.

>Why did my friend get hung up on me?

Either because you lead him on or because he is a huge dumbass. Maybe even both.

>implying every person of the same gender does the same shit.
I know not everyone does this, if I formulated it wrong, that's my bad. English isn't my native language.

>Lead him on
See, he seem to imply I did, but I don't see it. We were friends, we spent tie together on the hobbies we originally met each other doing, and not much else. Never once dropped any hints, and we always kept that "no touching" distance. I specifically avoided it because he obviously tried to avoid it as well. That's why it is so bewildering.

I was trying to understand the thought process to avoid a similar situation in the future. "Dumbass" makes that a bit hard, since he didn't seem like a stupid person, and I'd rather not just cut out all men just because of a few tards.

>I was trying to understand the thought process to avoid a similar situation in the future.

Read around this board and you'll see people get possessive all the time. Yeah, don't avoid men, but there's really no way to avoid it because the process happens inside the other person, sometimes without you doing anything.

>See, he seem to imply I did, but I don't see it.

I only have your side of the argument here, so I'll probably never know if you really didn't do it. Both are equally plausible. Maybe he is just that socially awkward that he wanted to have you for himself but never actually flirted or asked you out. Maybe you did fan those flames, after all, you wouldn't have turned him down, so you thought of him in that light, right?

So, yeah. Don't avoid men, and remember even if you really don't flirt and you really act like just a friend, this will probably still happen. Sorry.

>Maybe you did fan those flames, after all, you wouldn't have turned him down, so you thought of him in that light, right?
The main reason I am pretty sure I don't, is that I am not really a social butterfly myself, and often hear from guys I am crushing hard on, that I seem like I don't care about them. Not sure why he would feel differently, but I have no idea.

I mostly thought of him in that light because he seemed interested at first, but when he very quickly started talking about missing a good friend to play with, I assumed his interest was platonic from then on out, and made nothing more of it.

I guess I'll just have to suck it up and accept it can happen. It's too bad, feels a lot like a lost opportunity.

Not sure if it's too inappropriate to outright ask guys what they are hoping for? Not that difficult to me if I mostly see them as friends, but it would be great to avoid this in the future, both for their and my own sake.