Can organic relationships exist nowadays or is it impossible without tinder and social media?
Can organic relationships exist nowadays or is it impossible without tinder and social media?
Yeah, of course. Why shouldn't it exist?
I've never had social media and I've done just fine.
What is an organic relationship?
i imagine op is talking about a romantic relationship existing outside of and separate from social media?
seems stupid though. social media is a part of modern life and you can't really share half your life. unless neither of you have social media then it isn't possible because it won't be a real relationship.
Neither my bf and I use social media, it's not a big deal at all.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>implying you need spaghetti code to actually have a relationship
user please, not everyone gives a shit about what you ate at that restaurant or your rants on Twitter.
Social media is useless, it doesn't hold a monopoly on how to keep in touch with other people and I can confidently say that my quality of life has increased since I've stopped having any.
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i use it for work and you're using it right now. i'm not talking about pictures of your fucking food you dirty thot, i'm talking about how fucking convenient it is to be able to communicate with all your friends and employees as well as track down people you have just met to keep in touch in one convenient place.
honestly, if you don't think that social media plays a huge role in modern society then you must have a fucking dismal social life or you are being willfully contrary or ironic like some faggot hipster. social media is extremely useful.
Jow Forums is an imageboard, it's not social media.
I communicate to people I love through phone apps (WhatsApp and Discord, mainly). Neither of them are social media.
I manage to have a decent social life even if I'm off facebook and instagram.