Im scared Jow Forums. I'm going to message her and hope for the best but im scared. Just tell me it's going to be okay.
Im scared Jow Forums. I'm going to message her and hope for the best but im scared. Just tell me it's going to be okay
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Ask her out in person and no emotional bullshit.
If it works, congratulations. If it doesn't work, you gain experience. You always win.
We met once on a date. I only have her number to talk to her. In scared lads but I'll do it soon.
>you already dated
What are you waiting for?
Waiting to grow a pair.
What? How did you have a date if you can't even text her? This is bait, right? I can't be anything else.
I wish you assholes would at least put some effort into the bait.
Matched on tinder. Had a very nice first date. Now I'm struggling to ask her again cause I'm anxious. Not bait at all
How did you go out the first time, then?
maybe it's not going to be okay. maybe it is. but everything is worth the risk.
A lucky coincidence I guess. We talked for an hour or so on tinder and then met up spontaneously
You gotta go for it man, not a lot can go wrong personally. If she says no then consider it a lost battle but not the war.
However if she says okay then play it cool, and keep that ship sailing. Grow a nutsack user and slam it out. As normie cringe as it sounds the things that you'll trully regret is the stuff you don't do.
>then met up spontaneously
So you teleported randomly to the same place, gotcha.
No she brought up getting dinner so we did that.
So why can't you just do that? This is not a big confession, this is just doing the same thing she already did.
just say you had fun and ask if she wants to come over for pizza and drinks or something
I dont think we are at that stage just yet. But I messaged her just now and she suggested sunday. So ill see what happens.
tell that jezebel that you have church and she should too.
If I was any good at texting I would not be here.but made me chuckle cause we talked about church last time we met.
>I dont think we are at that stage just yet.
What stage, dating? Dude, you can't keep expecting her to set up every date for you. You'll need to step up t some point. Hopefully, you do it before she gets bored.
Well duh but neither of us is into hooking up. I feel asking her to my place is a bit too forward right now. I'm okay with taking it slow. I see what happens sunday and maybe the next time I'll go with that.
You don't need to take her to your place, you just need to ask her out anywhere.
I did. Asked her to go on a walk with my dog since sunday shit is closed anyways. And she asked about it before.