Should I trust people who are seemingly nice for no reason?

Should I trust people who are seemingly nice for no reason?

Women say I should, but men say I shouldn't. And frankly, I don't see why you would be nice if you're not getting anything out of it.

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what do you mean by nice?

By being nice. That's self-explanatory.

The only reason why I'm nice to others is because I enjoy it. I try to be nice to everyone I meet.
I smile to everybody, I try to help whenever I can, I listen to everyone willing to talk to me and am interested in everyone's stories.

Truth is - I was a very lonely kid and I wish someone paid attention to me. I try to pay attention to others.
I'm not gaining anything in particular if not the knowledge that I might have made a little difference for somebody.

The only people I don't do this with are guys around my age, because they misinterpret it with me having romantic interest in them.

Do what you want, trust them or not.

no it's not. do you mean opportunist nice or being kind nice? do you mean saying "having a good day" or offering you lunch for apparently no reason? there are different ways to be "nice".

I pay attention a lot to other people but I'm not nice, in something better than nice. Im helpful
The only people you should be wary of are the overly nice, people tend to be nice because it's cheap and easy and they can pretend they did something good later

Just being nice in general. If you think there's some specific standard for that, you're probably not a nice person.

>I'm not gaining anything in particular if not the knowledge that I might have made a little difference for somebody.
I hope you find happiness and i wish you good luck and a lot of health user.
Tank you for existing an being you.
I love you.

That's up to you, if you think something shady is going on don't, otherwise be nice too.

I am nice to almost everyone, I try to help them when I can, because I know they'll help me too. World is a shitty place, having some people to help you deal with that is always awesome.

Most people think their nice, when they probably aren't.
>this thread is already filled with them

Don't be afraid to trust those who are nice. But be afraid to trust those who describe themselves as nice.

>Should I trust people who are seemingly nice for no reason?
I'm a short, small framed and weak ass woman. I can't trust any male ever. It's not possible, nice or not there's just too much of a risk.
With woman I don't see any problems. Of course I'm still cautious with complete strangers.

As a male.. I don't know, don't have any experience with that.

>As a male.. I don't know, don't have any experience with that.
As a male myself, I don't recall too many instances where some guy was nice (to me or others around me) without some strings attached.

>As a male myself, I don't recall too many instances where some guy was nice (to me or others around me) without some strings attached.
Hmmm... what about women being nice to you or other men you knew of?

>what about women being nice to you
That's just usually default behaviour for them (even though they're not always honest through that niceness).

>other men you knew of
Crapshoot. Sometimes they do something nice if it doesn't require a lot of effort. Sometimes they're wary of the idea, for worry being taken advantage of, and treated like a doormat the second they let their guard down.

Interesting. Thanks user.
So we (women) tend to be nice to people without strings attached, whereas men don't.

I guess op has his answer now.

no, you probably aren't a nice person yourself, since you can't distinguish between kindness and opportunism. only one is geared towards respect.

Almost forgot. I myself am only very nice to people I know, who I judge that are good hearted enough to deserve my help. With being nice I mean actively investing big part of my time and effort to help someone out without wanting anything in return. The feeling to have helped someone who deserved it is enough for me.

>Women say I should, but men say I shouldn't. And frankly, I don't see why you would be nice if you're not getting anything out of it.

Low effort bait. People can be nice because they are nice or because they want something from you. Women included. Why does this board always make everything into a gender war?

>Why does this board always make everything into a gender war?
Sorry didn't mean to be offensive.
I said tend to be and meant that. Of course there are a lot of man who are nice just to be nice but I think most still tend to expect something in return.
Plus of course there are manipulative bitches out there, but most women tend to be just nice and not expect anything in return.

That's really sweet, user. Thank you.
I hope you have a great life, too. I pay attention a lot to other people but I'm not nice, in something better than nice. Im helpful
I'm not competent enough to think I'm helpful, to be honest. I'm not a mental health specialist, or a doctor, or have a solution for everyone's problem.
I try to be kind, if it helps then even better. From what I know, compassion and empathy are usually good enough things to have.

>only one is geared towards respect.
That's absolutism.

if you have to ask, you're probably not a nice person.

>can't distinguish between kindness and opportunism
that has nothing to do with being nice.

don't trust them, but be polite and nice in turn.

>Why does this board always make everything into a gender war?
Because there are distinct differences between the genders and how they approach the world and other people; much like there are differences between one culture and another. And those differences are observable.

It's not a war, just recognition of those differences. And if you take exception with recognition of what your own gender does, that's a problem with you.

OP you're fucking stupid, that's the real issue here. Do you have autism?

This, I am an unkind person and I don't know that because I don't know what it is to be kind to some one.