Advice for dealing with baldness at a young age? (23)

Advice for dealing with baldness at a young age? (23)

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Shave your head and hope no one calls you a nazi.

balding is a condition, bald is a choice. Just shave it off and be done with it.

>tfw I shave my head, I look more like an irish convict than a nazi

Anyway, shaved heads have grown somewhat fashionable in the past four years.

>Irish convict
OK let's change nazi to white nationalist so we can include the IRA.

>white nationalism

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I mean technically they were white and they were nationalists amirite?

IRA's nationalism is more in the aim to establish independence from Great Britain, while white nationalism is more in the aim of racial supremacy.

Honestly all I really know about the ira is what was in patriot games and the fact that they helped the nazis in wwii.

They were white.
They were nationalists.
They were white nationalists.

It's not too hard

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Accept it, don't try to hide it, make it part of your style, and wear it with pride as if it was a choice.

White nationalism is white supremacy, while Irish nationalism is just to cut themselves off from England. That's a complete misunderstanding of what nationalism is.

that's not what nationalism is...

Be stoic about it.

nah, white supremacy is white supremacy. White nationalism is white nationalism. Both existed in Nazi's (less so in neo-Nazi's), while the IRA is just white nationalism. What distinguishes the IRA from some white nationalists is that their direct opposition are also white nationalists. So it gets to be a bit redundant to point out they're white.

>nah, white supremacy is white supremacy. White nationalism is white nationalism.
Those are the same thing.

>while the IRA is just white nationalism
It's Irish nationalism and independence. Which is much different from white nationalism.

lol no, white nationalism isn't white supremacy. Someone can be white and nationalistic but not be a racial supremacist.

I don't understand, what's more nationalistic than wanting a nation?

>white nationalism isn't white supremacy
White nationalism IS white supremacy.

>Someone can be white and nationalistic but not be a racial supremacist.
Being nationalist and a certain race doesn't automatically make you a nationalist. Actively advocating for it does. Just because someone's Irish and nationalist, doesn't make them an Irish nationalist. If they actually advocate and strive for Irish nationalism, then they are Irish nationalists.

*be a nazi


Thread ruined

nothing, but white nationalism isn't that, because white isn't a nation or country. that's more racism than it is nationalism. it would have to be based on national or ethnic identity, not racial.

I'm sorry my joke derailed the thread. Shaving your head is still my honest advice though.