What the hell?

About 10 years ago I met a bunch of weird guys in a game, they told me about Jow Forums and not to go there. I think they were either being protective or maybe they didn't want a girl on Jow Forums. Anyway, they became my friend and I learned about weird Jow Forums things through them.

I've stayed away from this "cesspool" for 10 years but decided to join recently, got banned for something stupid (I think it was a prank, makes no sense), now I'm back.

I looked up Moot and he looks like a 14 year old but worse than that he works for Google! I'm shocked. Why would he do that!? What sort of place is Jow Forums really?

Attached: Fake+moot+_ee9bb500f935b9009959d2d18b8a7c1d.jpg (958x591, 191K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Jow Forums.org/faq#whoadmin

He shouldn't work at Google.

Google is evil.

Wait, is mootkins really working for Google?

When that happened? I always picture him working a dead end retail job telling some kids how he changed the web forever in his free time.

bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/35752705/Jow Forums-founder-moot-joins-google-but-why

No wonder Google Plus is an abandoned shithole

>I think they were either being protective or maybe they didn't want a girl on Jow Forums.
number of maidens rescued dot jpg

>Anyway, they became my friend and I learned about weird Jow Forums things through them.
Beta knights are the new holy rollers; they want you to do as they say not as they do. They can be left wing right wing up wing down wing and still possess these negative traits.

>I've stayed away from this "cesspool" for 10 years but decided to join recently,
PROTIP: Jow Forums is not a quality board. It was invented specifically to leech impurities from Jow Forums, and though the experiment was a failure it continued onward for the sake of knowledge alone.

>got banned for something stupid (I think it was a prank, makes no sense), now I'm back.
moot uses/used a lot of autobans because he cannot possibly find reliable mods from among his fan base. There was a website that hosted his (now-returned) deleted boards, he repeatedly voiced loving that site but has also had it an autoban word for years after the site itself stopped operating. moot is really onions like that.

>I looked up Moot and he looks like a 14 year old but worse than that he works for Google! I'm shocked. Why would he do that!? What sort of place is Jow Forums really?
THAT sort of place. moot has taken incredibly large amounts of money to build pointless website(s) that did nothing and attracted nobody, I mean to say that he has taken far larger amounts than other startups that went on to become hundred billion dollar operations by making games for Faceberg.

>What sort of place is Jow Forums really?

Right now a shithole, back in the day it was the frontier of the internet culture, birthplace of every meme worth it and where shit happened.

I recommend to stay away from the bigger boards e.g. /b/, Jow Forums, /v/, etc. and pick one of the smaller ones that Cater to your hobbies.

For example places like /p/ or /toy/ gets a post every blue moon but all of them helpful and cool. Back in the day /co/ used to be the bigger yet decent board but now is all Jow Forums vs /Tumblr/ shit

>Right now a shithole
Rose-colored beergoggles alert, Jow Forums was always shit and it was never famous outside of the occasional moments of pearl-clutching from the mainstream world at /b/ or Jow Forums. One or both of these boards hurt somebody's butt, that somebody announces their hurt to the world, /b/ and Jow Forums chuckle at each other and get drunk happily ever after.

Beta knights are the new holy rollers; they want you to do as they say not as they do. They can be left wing right wing up wing down wing and still possess these negative traits.

I suppose. I'm not impressed by the hivemind view of women here. It's cultish.
leech impurities from Jow Forums, and though the experiment was a failure

Leach impurities?

moot uses/used a lot of autobans because he cannot possibly find reliable mods from among his fan base.

I think he's gone?

THAT sort of place. moot has taken incredibly large amounts of money to build pointless website(s) that did nothing and attracted nobody, I mean to say that he has taken far larger amounts than other startups that went on to become hundred billion dollar operations by making games for Faceberg.

There has to be a reason.

Google Plus serves one single purpose, it's the copycat nemesis of LinkedIn.

>>software design engineer
>>graphic designer
>>instructor of mathematics
>>religious clergy
>>diploma wall
>>trophy wall
>>hobby photos wall

>>sit on couch watching Netflix all day

I've only looked here and Jow Forums

I'm not convinced Jow Forums is a positive influence on the world.

Jow Forums is overrated in good ways and bad, much like weed.

>muh memes
>muh imaginary identity
>muh axe to grind
>muh lack of trust in own team
>muh paranoid hostility toward all that is different just like social justice warriors

>I'm not convinced Jow Forums is a positive influence on the world.

How can you said that when moot was elected Times must influential person of the year?


>Rose-colored beergoggles alert, Jow Forums was always shit

But it was fun shit, now is mostly identity politics and right wings bullshit.

>Why would he do that!?

Because like the new owner announced shortly after taking over, the website was just haemorrhaging money since no one in their right mind wanted to advertise on the site that supported gamergate and the fappening and other shit like that, it proved too much of a headache for moot who just wanted to have a website where people could hang out and have fun and talk about anime, so he jumped ship and sold the site to 2chan's original owner.

At this point in time this site is deader than dead. It's indistinguishable from r/thedonald and other subreddits. Kek killed it.

Attached: newfag meter.jpg (827x411, 61K)

>But it was fun shit, now is mostly identity politics and right wings bullshit.

This. All the raids on Habbo Hotel, Tom Green's livestreams, the Christian Chats, the early days of Encyclopedia Dramatica and discovering Chris Chan, etc.

Now it's just a bunch of closet redditors that do nothing but repost the same cartoon frog everyday, and kids on r9k who like to roleplay as autistic NEETs who also spam the cartoon frog.

Attached: 1533606900112.jpg (480x953, 79K)

Jow Forums is just like a wastebin of the internet, really

>/b/ and Jow Forums chuckle at each other and get drunk happily ever after

Jesus christ, I can't believe nobody told him to lurk moar. Hai reddit.

There's nothing to lurk for
It's just shitty teenagers being edgy faggots because this is the only place with standards low enough to let them do it AND give them attention for it
Telling him to lurk would be like telling him he needs to spend a day in a public restroom to understand why nobody fucking likes them

It takes like five minutes on a real good day to realize public restrooms exist because a lot of people would just shit on the floor otherwise, even though they already do

not lurking is what created modern r9k culture. Newfags didn't realize that we were being ironic, and actually making fun of autistic NEET retards, and now years later people are repeating the tendies and normie thing unironically. but yeah these days there's no point for newfags to lurk.

I'm confused.

I'm female and I don't go to reddit.

reddit is code for "acting/liking" things I don't.

Back in the day we used to blame ebaumsworld or 9fag.

"lurk moar" is the default answer when someone ask about the site or doesn't understand something.

And no one here is actually female. There are lots of traps, however.

I am a maggot feeding on this website's corpse.
I am displeased.

mooties created 4chun before he worked at google dumbs ass.

Jow Forums is a place where people can post about whatever they want anonymously (if you use a tripcode/namefag in here you are pretty much retarded.).
However that freedom comes to a price that being that you'll find some content that wouldn't be desirable for you in the first place.
Besides that, since moot is gone, the (((mods and janitors))) have taken over have been shitting up the site little by little with time. That's why some people are getting (perma) banned for stupid reason that in the good ol' times were the norm.

Oh thanks for explaining.

They already doxed me on Jow Forums to do a voice clip. Like an idiot, I did.

I didn't think he still ran it. I'm just suspicious about Jow Forums now knowing he works at Google.

are you using facebook? what about twitter or instagram?
all those sites harvest your information to not end and sell it to the highest bidder. New admin is likely doing the same youtube.com/watch?v=6KFz9WRRNpk

I exclusively browse Jow Forums using a vpn, a exclusive web browser and never put personal info in here.

No I don't use those sites.

I know they harvest info. At this site I'm unmasked. I don't care anymore, you have to be an expert to hide your identity today.

>you have to be an expert to hide your identity today
not really, just be careful with what information you put out and use a vpn to cover your tracks and you'll be fine.

And use an operating system and CPU architecture without hidden telemetry
>enjoy Arch on an ARMv7 lmaooo