Be fat and that guy who's always single all my life

>be fat and that guy who's always single all my life
>however I started to lose weight and became fit
>talk with a girl about general health shit, she's a marathon runner
>she tells me I was ok and didn't need to lose weight, that I'm "too skinny" now, girls don't like muscular men anyway
>tell her it's been years since I've taken a woman's opinion seriously
Was it too jaded or autistic of me? I turned my rage mode on, how in the fuck does she dare to tell me that, Jesus fucking fuckedy fuck.

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Too autistic from your part and too retarded from her part.

But it is true user, there's such a thing as being too fit. Luckily you still have a niche market out there.

That's fucking false. Most women fall apart if you're muscular. She sounds like a dumb bitch.

>girls don't like muscular men anyway
That's bullshit, though.

You should have just laughed it off, unless you did it in a jokey way, but it sounds like you just did it in an edgy way. Women will say dumb stuff they frequently hear just for the sake of saying stuff, there's no need or use in calling them out on it.

But why is it too autistic? I've been getting this from pretty much every girl that never gave a fuck about me anyway. The only people who appreciate my shit are dudes, unironically getting mires on my arms and shoulders.
I'm tired of this bullshit. I'm genuinely physically tired man, and I got this from her, a fit marathon runner of all people. I get it, fatties try to bring you down back to their level, it's a known fact, but why do people insist on this bullshit that "girls don't like guys with muscles that much anyway"? It's a blatant fucking lie and I've stopped taking this shit to heart.

>She's a marathon runner
>Prefers you when you're fat

Then again there's a chance you weren't actually fat and did that dumb shit that attractive people do when they're normal and say they're "fat".

Fuck both of you either way.

Oh, at 126 kg I was fat alright, no way around that one.

She was probably hoping she could get into a relationship with some fat faggot so she could feel like the dominant figure

Nobody is going to ask? Really??

Alright, so is that you OP or could you point me in the direction of your sauce, cuz, that is literally perfection, 10/10

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No, she sounds like one of those hookers who works out so she can take dumbass instagram photos of those obnoxious high-waist panties

>The only people who appreciate my shit are dudes, unironically getting mires on my arms and shoulders.

Because women don't mire when they see muscles. They ovulate. And because it's embarrassing and not the right thing to do, especially when married to a leek (well I think he's still sexy as hell and i love him), they don't comment on anything. They won't even look at your direction. Just avoid you and leave your presence as soon as possible.

Begs the question - how fat are you?

There's a difference between getting Jow Forums and being one of those anorexic faggots that whine and cry about how no one will ever love you because you ate a whole pea today.

> since I've taken a woman's opinion seriously
Wow. You're not only a fatty fuck, but you're a douchebag too. Congrats. All you need is a MAGA hat and you'll be the trifecta of Amerigoodness.

People who are jacked are cheaters. They're philanderous and conceited.

Just like how fat guys are undesirable, jacked guys are good for one night stands and that's it. You can't rely on them for anything selfless.

You a woman? Perfect post if true, it explains a lot of things.

>You a woman?
I squeezed out three kids so yes, I guess I am

I laugh all the time about those /fit memes where only guys mire their muscles. If they only knew...

She's trying to prevent you from seeing other women/becoming attractive to other women while simultaneously keeping you interested in only her.
Pretty much you did the right move and you are based/redpilled af

Truly redpilled person wouldnt need support of Jow Forums anons about his life decisions.

Pic related. Get some social gains.

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I'm not the OP (though I'm a fatty who wants to get fit, so I might be in his situation sooner or later), but I think I'm like handicapped in this regard.

I'm not gonna meme myself into saying I'm autistic, but I've read (well, listening to it as an audiobook) How To Win Friends And Influence People, and I feel like I've made little to no progress.

>I feel like I've made little to no progress.
This is exactly just like my experience with the book. I don't see why it got so popular, it was little to no help for me.

holy shit this thread 40 keks

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So why dont you work out with your husband instead of emotionally cheating on him?

Muscle dudes seem douchey to me desu

>I was ok and didn't need to lose weight, that I'm "too skinny" now, girls don't like muscular men anyway
she was negging you

>So why dont you work out with your husband instead of emotionally cheating on him?
I don't cheat emotionally. It's not like I'm telling my body "look at this fine man, come on get horny". When I notice someone like that I immediately look away, ignore and escape. Even if it's at work.

I'm a short (5'3), soft, squishy (138lbs) woman and I don't think women look aesthetical when they work out and get toned. Women are way better when soft. Yes I'm lowkey bi and it disturbs me seeing muscles on a woman which gets my heart beat pretty much faster too.

As for him I told him if he worked out he'd be so fucking irresistible hot, especially because he's pretty handsome too (big blue eyes, blonde hair, cute face, 6'2 tall).

But he's just the nerdy type which is nice too. Maybe even better, because if he really went Chadmode, he'd have tons of woman chasing him I guess, so yeah on a second thought I much rather have him this way.....

>the old "they can't be good enough for others" mentality
This thought alone kept me away from relationships for a very long time. Why bother when it's all just a matter of qualitative preference anyway? Just move on and find someone hotter, right?

Jesus. You are scum. Get over your insecurities

>Just move on and find someone hotter, right?
>Jesus. You are scum. Get over your insecurities
Guys I'm half heartedly joking. We've been married for 12 years now and have three kids. Also the older you get the less are looks relevant.

Still if my body reacts a certain way when seeing other guys, so does his. When a big busted woman wears revealing clothing maybe a mini skirt.

I really trust him not to cheat on me because his ass is even more autistic than mine. But still, what if some whore threw themself on him If he went full Chad?
Not all woman avoid the risk of falling for someone like me by going away and avoiding to look at hot guys.

If he decided he wants to get fit, of course I'll just deal with it and enjoy the new hot body of my loved one.

>Still if my body reacts a certain way when seeing other guys, so does his. When a big busted woman wears revealing clothing maybe a mini skirt.

Makes sense, those guys giving you shit are not being reasonable.

>not wanting your partner be the best they can be

>Makes sense, those guys giving you shit are not being reasonable.
Right? Also I get hit on pretty often too. Or flirtatious comments even at work.

I mean ok, it's not usual for a woman to behave this way, but what if he gets hit on too, because he's gone fully Chad?
Even with leek mode I see women following him with their eyes.
Or smiling pretty friendly and shy.


You're fat. And that's coming from a fellow 5'3" femanon.

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Well I love him the way he is. It's not like he's fat or unattractive or something.

>You're fat. And that's coming from a fellow 5'3" femanon.
I know and I don't think there's something wrong with it. I'm not obese or something. I feel good and am proud that I'm near my old weight even after three pregnancies.

Also I totally prefer the left pic.
Right pic is what I meant with I don't like toned women. Doesn't look aesthetical.

You like pregnant belly even when not pregnant?


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Yeah man it's called a natural belly. Every woman's belly looks like this, when they're not starving (food and water in digestive system) nor flexing.

But it's just different tastes man.

First off, disregard anything women say
Secondly, do your thing
Thirdly, muscles not being attractive is a meme and only applies to roided freaks massmonsters

T. 26kisslesa virgin thqt gets lots of attention since he got jacked, but still cant get laid

>shaved head



Its called shit posture and even worse diet

Be better not bitter