I feel like I've been fucked over by almost everyone in my life I tried to be nice to and years of being treated like...

I feel like I've been fucked over by almost everyone in my life I tried to be nice to and years of being treated like shit have ruined my kind and empathetic views and turned me into a crazed and hateful person. I have no one I can talk to and basically all I want is revenge against a long list of people because I can't shake terrible memories. What do?

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Get therapy and digest these feelings so you can move on.

I did and I'm not sure it even made a marginal difference, I'd consider going back and maybe trying harder to make it clear to them I wasn't fucking around and I have problems but it's not convenient for me right now and I have some concerns about privacy.

Fuck you guys responding to all the 'no gf' and 'im a girl teehee' threads but not ones about actual problems

You gave up on therapy, dude. How can we solve this for you in a day? I do have some advice, though. Notice how when things don't go your way you get mad and start throwing shit. THat's not gonna make people like you.

'you stopped going to therapy so therefore this is all your fault and I dont have to even respond haha entitled much?' go to hell

You stopped working on it. What can we do against that? It's up to you to want to try. We can't make you magically believe people are good. That takes effort, you need to address the deep-seated trust issues you have and find better ways to engage. Jow Forums can't solve that.

In the same position as op, blow your brains out. You people could be suggesting something that helps other than therapy.

OP, invest in yourself and fuck everyone else. Take up something YOU personally enjoy. It doesn't matter what it is as long as you immerse yourself in it. Make yourself happy first.

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I mentioned one specific thing that I stopped doing, and that was just because the therapist declared me 'cured' despite never really engaging with me on the original problem and at that point in my life I thought I was ready to forget about it all. I've been trying really fucking hard to do better and have made serious *tangible* improvements to my life and am a lot happier when things are going well but I still have what are essentially PTSD flashbacks dozens of times a day (and we're talking actual shit here, not going to go into it but trust me this isn't all just bullying on the playground) and it feels like its getting worse, not better. I've tried all the normal things but I can't do it on my own and no one has really bothered to help me despite my asking.

If you're the kind of person who listens to this and responds by just trying to show me how cool and well-adjusted you are in contrast while telling me that of course its my fault (because if I was actually trying then of course everything would be perfect right?) and the fact that I would even be annoyed just shows how I deserve to be this fucked up, then you're a cunt and I hate your guts.

So closing off even further is going to solve his issues? I don't think you have thought this through.

>If you're the kind of person who listens to this and responds by just trying to show me how cool and well-adjusted you are in contrast while telling me that of course its my fault

Dude, you didn't get a reply for 40 minutes and you started throwing shit. That's why I called you out. I'm not flaunting my own life, when did I even do that?

I'm trying to explain to you that Jow Forums doesn't replace therapy. For example, the dude up there trying to help is telling you to give up on other people. That doesn't solve your problem, you'll still be lonely and angry! You need to face this and deal with it. And we can't be there for you. A therapist can.