On my way to lunch today I walked by a guy in my office. Glasses. Dad bod. Ginger. Beard. 5/10. Looks 30ish. He smiled at me and said “hi there” in a noticeably flirtatious way. He’s in a different department than me but I catch him staring at me occasionally and smile at him when our eyes meet.
I have no idea how to approach him. During our day we come in zero contact with each other (except today). So it really wouldn’t be natural.
If you were him, what would you want to hear? Should I wait for him to approach me? My loins are quaking. Please advise.
>If you were him, what would you want to hear? "Do you wanna go out for drinks on Friday?
Parker Brooks
So, like just walk up to his cubicle during work hours and ask?
Ryan Thomas
Pretty much.
Matthew Barnes
Basically Worst case he's not into it, says no, and you have your answer and can move on.
Jordan Campbell
I wouldn't recommend you to be so direct. Sure, he'll love it if you take the initiative and talk to him. But start testing the waters first. >"Hey how are you! My name is femanon, what's your name?" >"Oh and what are you doing now? Want to drink a coffe and chat for a while?" I don't know. These are some examples of simple, common and non-awkward ways of approaching people. Maybe if you're direct it works perfectly well but you want to have solid evidence that he's into you (and I don't mean necessarily liking you in a sexual way, I mean it more like liking talking you and being interested enough to keep a conversation alive with you).
Nathan Johnson
Again, just do whatever you want. It's pretty awesome to hear that a girl wants to approach a guy and I find it sweet, so just approach him and say whatever you feel like. If he likes you it won't make a difference if you approached him awkwardly or confidently. Just the fact that you approached him in a friendly ways hould be enough to make him feel good.
Lucas Allen
>5/10 >My loins are quaking I don't understand.
Jackson Young
>6/10 Don't flatter yourself, land-whale
Nolan Lewis
Sometimes you are conscious that someone you like isn't all that attractive but still want to approach them. I myself would probably feel the same urge as OP does if a 5/10 girl said hi.