how do u confess to a girl you're in love with for the past 15 years and that doesn't even know you exist? (i'm 22 btw)

>inb4 forget her
I just can't, she fucking haunts my soul

she's kind of into romantic stuff (yeah i'm stalking her) , but this shit only happens in movies, r-right?

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Man i was in love with a girl but never told her anything, now its too late..... she left the country and i never got a chance to tell her what i felt. go for it.

yeah I know that if i don't then I will regret it my whole life . but how should I do it??

on internet? IRL (if I find her)?
some subtle shit?a passionate yet cringy confession?

I'm ok with rejection but I rly want her so i'm looking for the best thing to do

Honestly the less you think about it the better. I guess if you want a structured setup just go to a park, sit on a bench with her and confess. Literally just say some shit like 'I've been wanting to get this off my chest for a while but I really like you' or some shit idk. Just relax, ride the wave and live in the moment. Tell her how you feel. Just be open

>but this shit only happens in movies, r-right?
No, it also happens in police reports.
Step outside of your own experience for two seconds and realise how insane out sound and how fucking weird this is from her perspective.

Just leave her be, "concessions" like this are selfish, lead nowhere and just embarrass and make unconfortable the person you confess to and paint you in a bad light
Move on

As I said in OP she doesn't even know I exist. I would already make a move otherwise

romantic doesn't mean rape wtf is wrong with you.
I'm actually looking for help to approach her without looking weird and insane like you said

>Just leave her be
I can't. Already tried many times.
>Move on
Other girls aren't even attractive to me anymore tbqh...

>romantic doesn't mean rape wtf is wrong with you.
I didn’t say rape, that came from your head and it’s not at all reassuring.
Pining/unrequited love isn’t romantic, it’s creepy and pathetic. It might be portrayed as romantic in fiction, but irl it’s the realm of stalkers and predators. Seek therapy.

The only way where police reports could be involved is just by trying to assault/harass her and I would never do that.

I can totally stalk her so much that I could create kind of a "fake random event" where I would run into her and act just like I've never knew her and starts a "normal" relationship.
(I have pretty good social skills around NPCs)

What of the 2 cases recquires a therapy the most now?

I'm not bad looking, just a bit autistic. Don't judge me as the regular weirdo pls

Stalking is a crime, faggot.

I'm just keeping tracks of her by her social media and stuff. my bad if stalking was not appropriate


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Look for help from a therapist.

>As I said in OP she doesn't even know I exist. I would already make a move otherwise
You answered your own question right now. So yeah time to make a plan that she'll start noticing you first.

Stop answering trolls op. Jesus.

I want to handle things like a big boy, plus i'm kind of a robot so I hate all that therapy shit.

>time to make a plan that she'll start noticing you first
that's literally what this thread is about.

>that's literally what this thread is about.
Well accidentally bump into her and start making conversation. The more so if you know she's into romantic stuff.

Read a few shojo manga, watch romance movies. Preferably the ones she likes. Get inspired by them and copy some things.

Come back again when sempai noticed you.

I'll think about it,but the problem with that psycho choice is this: let's pretend that works, then what ? she'll be with someone that completely manipulated her since the beggining ?
I apprehend her reaction

Bumping for more advices btw

Dude, it's mean to set OP up. Telling him to imitate FICTION is cruel. Do you want him to be laughed off by everyone around him?

I'm a woman of 32 years and I wouldn't give him this advice if I wouldn't genuinely think it'll work.

Sorry, dudette. The fact that you are an older woman that still follows cartoons as life advice doesn't make you look better. Hell, if you were tricking him you'd look smarter than you look right now.

>she'll be with someone that completely manipulated her since the beggining ?
Yeeeeesss. If you make her happy, what's so bad about it. She doesn't need to know about your history of stalking her.

There are things you just mustn't tell your partner. Having stalked her is pretty much ok. At least you're not a pedo or something.

Tell me you are smart enough to ignore the awful stalking advice OP.

if she doesn't know you exist you need to start with that part you fucking sperg

As an older dudette I have learned long ago to give zero fucks about how I look to strangers. Even more so to strangers on the internet.

I have long grown out of romantic and shojo fiction myself. But I genuinely think she could like that kind of thing given that she IS interested in those kind of stuff.

I think that's pretty messed up but I guess that's not this bad..

Ofc I would not confess like in a movie or theatre piece, I would more likely to act confident and just passionnate, just the two of us so that there is no social pressure.
I was thinking that girls liked that shit if it wasnt too cringy. Maybe can confirm?..

Not sure about shojo things but she seems to like sad music that talks about love and often posts poems.. I wouldnt have consider it otherwise

>I was thinking that girls liked that shit if it wasnt too cringy. Maybe (You) # can confirm?..
I confirm. Sounds like a good plan.

>I would more likely to act confident and just passionnate

Have you ever acted confident and passionate?

>just the two of us so that there is no social pressure.

Don't jump her on the street dude.

You're completely INEPT.

You don't know her. Ask her for a coffee/drink and do the whole routines like most anons ask about on this board.

DO NOT confess your feelings (they don't exists, right now she's just your crush). DO NOT ask her to be your boyfriend. DO NOT say you care about her/love her/want her to be yours. You don't know her - just get to know her.

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Why do you guy always feel like you need to confess something, have you even thought for one second how that would sound to her?

People that do that are selfish. THey act like they care about the other person, but in reality it's about what they feel, ignoring their impact on this practically stranger they fixated on.

>Have you ever acted confident and passionate?
Confident, yeah pretty much. Passionate , not really but I guess I can try.

Gues I'll do this, I'll just pretend that I've recognized her it may create a decent topic of discussion. Thanks

>People that confess to other people are selfish
wtf are you guys on?

Anyway, has anybody ever made it with a girl he approached online? That could be a good compromise desu

>wtf are you guys on?

Dude is planning on stalking a girl and dumping years of his own delusions on her. How is that not selfish?

Try to send her something like "oh you like this? Didn't know that. Me too!"

Common interests angle has covered my ass more times than I can count.

Take the convo from there. If she is interested take her out. That is all. Gl