ITT: ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself.

>Why am I the only one who makes these threads?
Quit your bitching, no one's holding a gun to your head and making you do it.


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A girl i've been seeing for a month has all of a sudden started to flake on me, and i'm not entirely sure why but its having quite a big impact on me mentally. She's heading to University soon, which shouldn't impact our relationship from a distance point of view, but she's obviously going to be busy. She hasn't really replied to me for the last few days, nor am I going to be able to see her for a while potentially.

Would it be the right thing to do to just lay it all out on the table, tell her how I feel and just leave it at that, tell how her much I like her, and if she wants to continue then say do I, but if she doesn't I need to know now? Or is that a bit much, should I just sit tight through the anxiety and watch it potentially fizzle?

Side note: She's always said shes bad at replying because she sees messages and then forgets about them, but i'm not buying that because if you like someone enough then surely you reply relatively quickly, not two days later

Girl from the other thread with the LDR:

Should I invite my guy over to my city via text, or call him and invite him? How should I word it? Remember he doesn't know I have romantic feelings for him.

>Hey Joe, there's this event in my city next month. You should come visit! It's about time we hung out anyway. ;)

Not sure which event would spark his interest enough for him to fly for six hours out here.

Perfect thread for my current issue. Really need the help from a girl perspective.

I'm OP of Can a girl(girl) fast read my thread and help me? Would really appreciate it.

tl dr; i'm trying to figure out the best way of approaching a girl I felt in love with when I was 7

Anything. It's just a cover for him coming out to get some pussy.

Move on.

Even better with a direct question, some guys are quite clueless.

>"Hej there's this event in my town, seems fun and cool, would like to come with me?"

I was at a crossroads about a long distance relationship too user and complete honesty an candidness about your thoughts and feelings is really crucial. A few weeks before I left, he sat me down and told me that he wanted it long distance as long as I keep to behaviour whilst I'm away (to increase trust) and we'll meet up a couple months later (so, try it out until then and see, basically).

It meant I was forced to confront the situation. A long distance relationship, even one with Such A small distance, shouldn't be taken lightly. It requires communication and real commitment from BOTH parties. You both need to REALLY want it, not half half, and sometimes compromise too.

Okay then, no event, just telling him you grew feelings for him and would love to spend some time with him.

Mate, you're stupid if you think anyone will fly out 6 hours for a friend. Even then, unless he's actually seeking a long distance relationship, he might just think your crazy. Which countries are you from?

I'm in a LDR for 2 years now. Flying out is stressful and annoying, it's expensive. I wouldn't do it for anyone, especially for a fling I'll see rarely unless I'm really into him.

You're beta

>thinking you can be in love with a girl at age 7
>she doesn't know you exist
That guy is beta.

Do women see trans women as normal?

What's the least combative way of telling a girl I'm sort of dating that I'm fed up with her shitty friend who keeps trashing my place when I'm at work? They've been close longer than I've been in the picture, and I don't want it to come down to her feeling the need to defend her friend at my expense.

You have to tell her that you don't like how her friend trashes your place and you shouldn't put up with it if she actualy cares about you she will tell her not to do that

>can't forget her, even 15 YEARS later
>genuinely think that she's a 10/10
>not that much attracted to other girls because of her
>actually thinking really carefully about how to make a move because there will not be a second chance
>not harrassing/disturbing

yh , absolutely not love

>actually attempting to get what I want
>scared of rejection yet ready to accept it

I'm beta as fuck you're right

I know it has to be done. I'm asking how to go about it in the best way. Setting, phrasing, whatever. I'm pretty mellow so I've never gotten to a point where I had to seriously ban someone from my apartment just to remain sane.

Why is your maybe-girlfriend at your house with her friend while you're not at home?

>can't forget her, even 15 YEARS later
>genuinely think that she's a 10/10
>not that much attracted to other girls because of her
Yep, this is all beta-tier shit. Thanks for greentexting it so I don't make the mistake of reading your betafaggot thread.

Okay just don't come at it like its a huge issue (even though it is) you don't want to make her feel like she has to choose you or the friend

Just calmly bring it up next time she mentions the friend like "hey I really don't appreciate how she always makes a mess of the apartment, can you ask her to stop"

You cannot get her to stop being friends with the other woman unless she doesn't really like her

I'm pretty much the only person in my social circle who doesn't live on a campus or with their parents, so people want to come by after classes. I'm cool with my sorta-girlfriend being around when I'm not there, but she can't seem to say no to her friend when she invites herself over.

Appreciate the response user, thanks. I think you're right about the communication part and both wanting it, which is where the issues are at the moment. I don't think she appreciates that side of it, that its a two way street. She has only ever really opened up about her feelings when she's been drunk, which is pretty annoying. A friend of mine thinks that maybe she is scared to commit and scared to like someone, which would explain that side of it.

Sounds reasonable. She's kind of dismissive when it comes to her friend's bad habits, though. If she brushes it off, is there another way to word it without making it seem too big of a thing?
>you cannot get her to stop being friends with the other woman unless she doesn't really like her
Fuck. I knew this was true, but it sucks to see it typed out.

Falling in love is not beta at all and all of these are just it's symptoms.

Being scared of love (thus scared of confessing) is beta af and that's not the case here.

Girls approach me but I find them vapid in comparison

The only thing beta about me right now is asking people like you who are just craving for the average girl their whole life in order to sastify their basic needs or because of social pressure

>The only thing beta about me right now is asking people like you who are just craving for the average girl their whole life in order to sastify their basic needs or because of social pressure
Holy mother of cringe.

If it comes down to it you can always find somebody else, if she lets her friends do stuff like that now and she isn't your gf yet imagine what it'll be like when she is

If she brushes off the things you tell her and if she does things you don't like even after talking about it you should find somebody else don't waste your time on somebody like that

I figured if we were officially an item it'd make her more likely to listen to my gripes, not less.
But I get what you're saying. I'll be upfront about it the next time her friend's brought up in conversation and see if she'll genuinely give a fuck.
Thanks for the tips.

Women’s opinion on bald/balding men? Is it a deal breaker?

Quick, educate me on american girls.

Nobody cares but you.

It's perfectly fine. It's so common that it would be stupid to make it a problem. I mean, my tits will probably sag eventually, so if my guy goes bald, I'd say we're just nice and even.

>Meet up with a girl, things go well and we hang out a lot
>Go to the cinema, drinks, meal etc.
>No physical contact apart from high 5s, quite obvious I'm just a friend
>No texting apart from setting up meets
>Invite her to go see a film, tells me she's busy over the next month and it's her turn to come up with something so she'll let me know
>Silence for 3 weeks
>Event next Saturday involving karoke that she said she'd love to go to

Do I message her and see if she wants to go? Shall I say I'm going with people so I don't seem desperate to hang out with her? When should I message her if the event is next Saturday?

>my tits will probably sag eventually
ew, you're gone as soon as i see any droop, cowtits

It's been 15 years and you knew her when she was 7. She's changed at least 3 times over. And this user is right - you don't love at age 7.

Just try getting to know her again user. From your replies it seems you just think she's good looking """10/10""". You'll realise when talking to her for a while that she's just as vapid as everyone else

I need help from a guy, preferably one who's dealt with alcoholism. My fiance hasn't had a job in about 6 months(he's been looking, he goes to interviews and works odd jobs all the time) but he can't seem to find a steady paycheck lately. He's started drinking a lot more and when he drinks he has self deprecating episodes where he accuses me of cheating on him(I'm not) and tells me he hates himself and feels worthless. Is there anything I can do about this? I don't want to leave him, I want to help him through it because I know we have the potential to have a fantastic relationship(we did before when he was working a stable job). Any helps appreciated.
>Pic vaguely related

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Does he drink at home or bars? Get rid of most of the alcohol in your home. Make him start going to the gym and run. Make it into a weekly routine.

I'd probably just say something like "hey that karaoke event you said you wanted to go to is coming up you still wanna go"

He's actually started working out every day(push-ups, crunches sqauts stuff like that. I think he found one of those 30 day challenges and a friend he games online with guilted him into doing it together) he drinks at home because it's cheaper and whenever I get rid of the alcohol that's here he just goes and donates plasma and gets more. He doesn't drink constantly, like once a week. I know he's trying to be a better person, but I also know it's very difficult with the depression he's probably feeling, the cabin fever and the general feeling of uselessness since he can't help much with rent or bills. These are all things hes talked about, generally while drinking and in very self deprecating ways

>you don't love at age 7

then what it is? i'm curious
The strongest trauma/phobias oftenly happen during childhood so why fear and not love?

>You'll realise when talking to her for a while that she's just as vapid as everyone else

I'm ok with disappointment if that the case, that would heal my fucking obsession.

I'm just thinking about how to approach her atm so I can either be sad for a moment, and then get my shit together, or just finally find happiness in my life

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>The strongest trauma/phobias oftenly happen during childhood so why fear and not love?
Oh man you are dumb.

>love is a trauma/phobia
Please, please go back to your containment board.

>and then get my shit together
Getting rejected by a girl won't suddenly make you productive, satisfied, and a contribution to society. Stop romanticising.

>just finally find happiness in my life
If you haven't found happiness now, you won't find happiness with an idealised girl you barely know. Stop depending and leeching off people to solve your problems. Happiness is just a moment before you need more happiness.

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Even the small town girls can be whores.
Lots of them are whores in some way shape or form.

>Getting rejected by a girl won't suddenly make you productive, satisfied, and a contribution to society. Stop romanticising.
This. The whole "confess to move on" lifestyle is so fucking toxic. It destroyed dating and friendships in my teens and early 20s. Then, for the first time I finally figured out that I could just move on without confessing, and it was like the scales falling before my eyes. It was incredible.

great arguing , love your reasoning
I'm sure you guys can provide scientific statements about what you're claiming.

Especially you , i'm pretty sure that you're trolling at this point.

>I'm sure you guys can provide scientific statements about what you're claiming.
Bro. You've said nothing to merit "scientific" statements. You'll get life experience and you'll like it.

You're on a one-way train to committing suicide buddy. I promise you.

Girl I was dating suddenly decided to start flaking and ghosting me everytime I suggested we meet. Eventually I took the hint and stopped messaging her until a month later she messaged me with some long grovelling apology suggesting we should meet this week. I let her off the hook and she's only gone and ghosted me again.

For my own sanity, is it worth calling her out on it? To beg for forgiveness and then carry on acting the way you were after being forgiven is pretty low.

She needs emotional tampon while shea bouncing between dicks

Forget her

>is it worth calling her out on it?
No. Just let it go and block her. She'll do it again.

>Getting rejected by a girl won't suddenly make you productive, satisfied, and a contribution to society. Stop romanticising.
I'm doing pretty good in life idk why you're saying that tbqh.

>If you haven't found happiness now, you won't find happiness with an idealised girl you barely know.
I don't count on this girl to achieve happiness stop making up things ffs i'm just saying that if I don't do shit now , I'll regret it therefore I won't be totally satisfied with my life later

>Stop depending and leeching off people to solve your problems.
I'm just looking for fucking ADVICES on how to approach her with this difficult situation on a fucking ADVICES board

>Happiness is just a moment before you need more happiness.
That could be true. That's just an opinion, a philosophic opinion.
For my part I think happiness is a thing and that you just gave up on it.

>You've said nothing to merit "scientific" statements.
top kek

I would advise you to learn how to speak English better.

I will, thank you :)

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>I'll regret it therefore I won't be totally satisfied with my life later
Right. Because you need to be rejected/accepted to be satisfied in 10 years time? Because you'll remember this point in time as a """turning point""" where you could have been happy with a perfect girl from your childhood? Stop making out you life like a movie - it's not that deep.

>just finally find happiness in my life
You're the one who said in your post that omg this girl I had a boyish crush on will FINALLY bring me that happiness in my life!!!

>I'm just looking for fucking ADVICES on how to approach her with this difficult situation
What difficult situation? You literally just have to ask her out for a coffee, where you'll realise she's nothing like she was when she was 7.

>Because you need to be rejected/accepted to be satisfied in 10 years time?
That's what we call regrets bro, and I don't want anymore of it

>What difficult situation? You literally just have to ask her out for a coffee

Thank you for this actual advice, I appreciate it but as I said , she's not around me anymore, so the only ways of me asking her out would be:
1) Internet ;
2) Stalk her so I know where she works/hangs out.

So yeah I find it quite difficult to do this without looking like a psycho

>where you'll realise she's nothing like she was when she was 7.
Well I fucking hope so

Great, Im going to meet 5 of them in my country.

>For my own sanity, is it worth calling her out on it?

Acting out of anger rarely makes you feel better. This is not only about dealing with girls, but about life in general. Just let it go, but don't fall for it again.

>So yeah I find it quite difficult to do this without looking like a psycho
You already do look like a psycho talking about this shit dude.

Dude, I don't know how shitty your home life is, but escapists fantasies can't go so far. The movement you start using other people as props in the movie you build inside your head is when you need to stop.

Deal with your real issue, not with this manufactured crap.

I don't really care about what I look like on Jow Forums desu, just expressing my true feelings for the first time of my life and I didn't except to be judged here, feels bad man

Am I really this fucked up?..
I'm just trying to approach a girl I can't get out of my mind...

>Am I really this fucked up?..

When you talk like a serial killer, it kinda shows. Also, I don't think you are a serial killer. I think you are a scared kid that's trying to make this as intense as possible so it fills his head and he can stop thinking about his real problems.

What are your real problems?


Why is it wrong to judge a girl on her sexual history? I just rejected a girl who I’ve been dating for two months because of it. I’ve been getting messages from people saying I can’t judge a woman’s past.. wtf

Can you tell us more about her sexual past? Right now we don't know if you are a racist that's mad she fucked a black dude in her life, for example. In that case, I agree with her friends and you are shit.

she knows I have a strong view towards sex. I think it’s something that only should happen within relationships. I’ve only had sex within relationships, I refuse ONS/FWB. Anyways, she admitted to me that when she was with her previous boyfriend, they were into cuckolds. she was go suck off different men and send snapchats of her to her boyfriend to please him. she said it was fun, but it’s “in the past” and she’s “moved on from it and wants something more stable”. Fuck that shit. whether she thinks it or not, she’s a cheating whore

you're retarded


You are so obviously a larping virgin.

I’m not a virgin tho

That makes sense you're not wrong.
I've been suffering from some serious family issues that made me grow up way faster than the other kids.

I don't want to talk about it (basically because of the "I don't want to think about it" point), but just letting you know that I live it since birth and the only way to resolve it is time..

So , I'll take some time to think about your point, but I don't think that would change things...

I appreciate your interest though, really.

>she’s a cheating whore

And that's where you are wrong. Listen, you don't have to date her. It's totally fine to say, "Yeah, sorry, I don't think this is gonna work".

But she didn't cheat, man, if her BF knew then it's just swinging. You don't have to like it, you don't have to date her. But you can't call her a cheater either. It's different ways to live sexuality. As long as everyone knows what's going on, there's no cheating involved.

>So , I'll take some time to think about your point, but I don't think that would change things...

She is not going to make life better. She is not going to solve your problems. Dumping all of this shit on her would actually be very cruel of you.

Deal with your crap, work through it, and don't use her as an escape. Good luck man, don't drag her into your shit. Get out first.

Mostly girls I guess
What to text between dates? Do you lose interest if there isn't a lot of texting in between dates?

I don’t care if her boyfriend liked it or not. She’s a whore

Hey man, different user here but I was kind of a dick to you in your thread earlier, I just wanna say I'm sorry and I hope you come out the other side of whatever you're dealing with.
I should have stopped to think about why you're like this instead of just pelting you with my knee-jerk emotional reaction. I hope you work through the same question and heal a bit before likewise pelting this girl with your misplaced affection.
Good luck, mate.

I give up on women after this last one. How do they switch so quickly. Last three relationships ended and within days they were with another man. Going through the motions to legally divorce but my wife has moved in with her new boss and we just married in July. This after living together for a year and dating for two. All the plans for our future and I come home and he stuff is gone and a note saying she is in love with someone else.

I don't except her to solve my problems, I don't even want to let her know about it cause that's something I don't want anyone to live, even indirectly.

Thanks for your help

It's okay bro, thank you

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We were texting and I needed to go to sleep, so I told her, " Sorry, but I'm kinda tired, goodnight." As soon as I hit send, I realized that was kind of awkward. What should I have done instead?

It was great chatting with you, need to get some sleep :) speak soon!

If you get together with her, you'll share all that crap even if you try to hide it. It's a part of you you haven't dealt with.

If a girl's distance updates on Tinder and you haven't moved, it mean's she logged into the app, right?

I've been talking to her for a week, we're both history buffs and talk well into the early hours of the morning. Haven't had a reply in 2 days and her distance keeps updating. Should I just unmatch?

And that's why people are mad at you. It's one thing to have certain beliefs, it's another to attack others for their beliefs. Take care, and try to be less of an asshole.

Yes it means she still using it.

Also, you should use Tinder anyways. It’s unheathy for mens’ mental health. You will be lied to and taken advantage of

You sound a bit needy if you can't go for a day or two without contacting a stranger.

wait, so you wouldn’t mind if your partner used to be into cuckolds?

If you've been talking to her for that long, you ask her for her number bonehead! When I click with a girl on tinder, I ask her for her number to arrange a date immediately (within a conversation).

Different user, but it's not about minding. The simple fact is it's not cheating if both partners consent to it.
Also sidenote, cuckolding is generally a male fetish anyway and you specified that she did it to please him, so if anything that's just a sign that she's real eager to please and up for whatever her man wants, that's a pretty good quality.

Probably not, specially if I barely know her. I would have ended it too. BUt I wouldn't vccall her a whore and be mad about it. It's like if she was into hardcore BDSM. Not my kinda thing, I would pass. BUt that doesn't make hera deviant.

Live and let live my dude. It's fine to say "I don't think we are a good match.". It's another thing to call her a cheating whore.


Do you guys cry in front of girlfriend? Does it signify closeness? In what situations have you cried?

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There is no way you can say that it’s not whoreish for a girl to be in a relationship and regularly go out and fuck random men and take Snapchat videos and pictures of her sucking them off. that is literally whore. I don’t care if her boyfriend wanted that. She still went around and sucked off random men and took videos and pictures of her doing it.

She’s a gross slut.

>that is literally whore.
No, a whore is someone who fucks people for money.


I cried a few weeks ago infront of my girlfriend. We were laying in bed together, and she said something like “it’s going to be sad when I have to leave and go back home in a few days” (she lives far away). Immediately the tears came and I started crying. I felt like a little bitch but I couldn’t hold it in.

Ok, slut

No fucking way. I fucked up once with a gf and it was the kiss of death. She never saw me the same, lost respect for me. Don't fall for it user even when they encourage it.

No. I am very emotional, and cry a lot for a guy, maybe once a week. But never will I let anyone let alone my gf see it. This is the lesson I learned the hard way.

You did her a favor by stopping seeing her. Now do the rest of us a favor and leave this board.

>leave this board
who put you in charge

tell me this, you wouldn’t have broken up with her? You wouldn’t mind a partner who was into cucking?