What do women think of virgins aged 25+? Is it a complete turnoff or is devirginizing a good thought...

What do women think of virgins aged 25+? Is it a complete turnoff or is devirginizing a good thought? Not something I'd make clear though they'd probably put 2 and 2 together eventually.

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they have innate feelings of revulsion tbqh

I see what you're saying, if it were other way around its not hard to think something went wrong..

I'm not great at taking the lead with sex. Well, I'm okay at it but I much prefer being dominated sexually. Virgin Men will probably need too much hand holding and learning to make it worth it.

That being said, if he's a really lovely guy I'd be open to it. In fact, taking it slow seems appealing.

What would be an instant turn off? Anything that would stick out that you'd like?

I find more experienced men are more confident and likely to make moves. I prefer not to do all the heavy lifting when it comes to asking me out, dates, inviting me over, and sex. Bear in mind, I'm not the most experienced person either (1 boyfriend, 1 sexual encounter which I instigated). So, confidence - asking for what you want is great and sexy.

Instant turn off is coming on too hard too early. A lot of "creepy" guys are creepy because they don't go up in stages. For example, if you're roommates it's perfectly okay to be more chatty and flirty. But if I see you a couple times at work? You have to put more into creating a foundation for attraction to build.

All I can think of so far.

Thanks, I understand it's not a quick deal made. I've been around alot of thirsty coworkers to see how uncomfortable a woman can get. So that won't be an issue.

Not a dealbreaker, but I would definitely question why someone in this day and age is still a virgin past that age. It'd also make me wonder what their expectations of sex are like and how realistic they actually are.

Was always nervous around women at a young age, and never got the experience. My expectations are not high, just want to start and get better. Aren't there plenty of guys that get "regular sex" that still don't like initiating after? I'd be trying to fuck as much as possible to get good.

If your standards really aren't high like you claim, then it's not hard to get sex. 10 minutes on Tinder should be all you need if you're not ugly.

That's the thing, I'm not ugly or anything but I fucking hate social media and dating sites/apps. Never had a MySpace or Facebook

This is good, if you're after a relationship. But clubbing and dating apps are the way to casual sex nowadays. I think tinder is a red flag for a potential boyfriend, but most manwhores are using it.

>10 minutes
I have no matches in 2 days. Though I admit I swipe left on all turbothots.

So you think the fact I'm not a manwhore is a positive? I'm looking for a real relationship, not a one night stand

What's the way to get a relationship then? Meeting women without coming off as someone that just wants sex is hard.

Nah fuck this, shit advice. If I'm talking to you I'm probably interested and if you can't pick up on that in half an hour, you're probably autistic and not worth the time

If you want a relationship, going out and fucking a lot is not the way to do that.

I'm confused about what you want. On one hand you said you want to have sex and lots of it, and on the other, you've said you want a relationship. Of course they're not mutually exclusive, but you also seem to want to ''get good" before you're in a relationship but now you're saying you just want to get into a relationship.

Later on in life I got with the dreaded "sperg" syndrome.

As of such I believe that most virgins aged 27 are at least mildly autistic (you won't get offical statistics showing this) - I have been in a community with people with aspergers and I do see a lot of people in a similar situation.

Not that its a bad thing, just for your awareness thats all.

For me, I cured virginity by going to prostitutes - I've never had sex with a normal girl yet and I'm 31 (I'm a pretty confident guy now and a lot of girls flirt with me since I'm getting pretty fit) but unfortunately my career at this point is way too important to have time to play around with girls.

So yeah, I think theres a lot of undiagnosed aspergers around that age.

Depends why they're a virgin. If the man is still a virgin even though he was a pervert who actively tried to get laid and failed then it's a huge turn-off.... but if he's a virgin because he never found a girl interesting enough or wanted to keep it until marriage or anything then I think it's very attractive.

My fiance was still a virgin at 32 when I met him despite being a well rounded person because he believed in not having sex until meeting the one. I was a virgin too, but I'm younger and a woman.

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I'm , not OP, but I assume he said he was going to fuck as much as possible because girls may think inexperience is bad. I'm personally not interested in casual sex at all and only want a relationship. I really don't know how to improve my chances of that happening.

Look - just do this.

1. Forget the words 'dating' or 'sex' or 'relationship' - these words make it sound way too important than it actually is.
2. If you feel attracted to a woman, just ask her out to something you are already interested in doing. If she likes you - its likely she will go with you regardless of the activity, if she doesn't, then its no big deal because you will enjoy the activity even if you don't get company.
3. Rinse and repeat until you get a girl.
4. Most importantly, do NOT be picky about who comes out and who doesn't. You have no (or little) experience - when you get a reasonable amount of experience THEN you can pick and choose.

I’m 40 years old and a virgin. Pic related, it’s me.

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This guy actually looks like an angrier and 14 years older version of me so I'm inclined to believe it.

Dude, next time you go out to meet women, you should literally say

"Hey, I'm 40yo and I have not got laid once in my life - could you help me out here?". Sure you might get rejected a few times, but I think given your situation, girls would help you out.

Do not reply to pasta.

You're still angry at that guy for fucking your oneitis, you teenager incel?

is not pasta you idiot - or maybe it is, I don't go on Jow Forums daily, more once every couple of weeks.

It is pasta you liar. You can literally find it lots of times in the archives.

>it's an incel boogieman episode
What are you trying to achieve? You never give any advice, just shit on sad people and the occasional troll.

In what universe is that pasta? Are you high on drugs?

The last time you were shown ample proof it is pasta and sperged out and kept lying. Why are you such a pathological liar?

wow, I had no idea what I said was so generic that it was pasta. Learn something new every day.

All I know is I come here to help, if what I say turns out to be pasta by accident, if it helps other people, who fucking cares - certianly does more than some moron getting triggered and crying 'WAAHH ITS PASTA'

I have no idea what you’re talking about. This is the first time I’ve seen that picture. It’s not pasta.

Most women are submissive in bed and like
says they prefer if the man takes charge of everything

That being said there are a few women that wouldn't mind taking the lead, but to be safe I'd try to hide it overall.

I can post a link as proofs it is pasta but you will shit your pants and say it's a virus link. I could show you a picture as proof and you will say it is shopped. We went through all this, as you very well know, you lying liar.

How old are you and what did that guy do to you?

Again I have no idea what you’re talking about, but that’s not pasta. Prove that it’s pasta.

You don't need to post a link, just take a screenshot of the website.

It’s not a fucking pasta.

For those of you not familiar with the pasta:

archive.4plebs.org/adv/search/text/"40 year old virgin here"/type/op/

And do not reply to the autist. He knows he got caught lying red handed but will make the spergiest excuses. He runs windows 95 so he can't click on links because he would get a virus.

I’ll shove this battery tester up your ass if you keep insisting that it’s a pasta.

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Ah, you saved that pic from the last thread where you were thoroughly btfo. Why are you back?

You’re the guy who tried to give me a virus because I proved it wasn’t a pasta.

I might believe you if you do this. As long as you don’t edit the video in Photoshop.

Attached: BCC6056C-F15F-4E91-A0FD-2F2E1BC33F0E.png (750x1334, 420K)

Still waiting for you to tell us how old you are and what that guy did to you. Why are you so afraid of answering?

22 year old virgin reporting in
I think I will just not tell her, even though I am a virgin I have some understanding about how sex works. But if she confronts me I am not going to lie.

I have no idea who made the thread, but it was obviously not copypasta. You never gave adequate proof that it was.

Well, don't use dating apps that's for sure. Most girls on there want flings, and all men on tinder want quick sex.

Honestly, I think most wholesome girls irl are looking for a relationship. Make lots of female friends (are you part of any clubs or events?) and ask them out; start by building a relationship and then introduce sex. Honestly user, it's very admirable - I see tinder and casual sex as red flags. There are certain guys who use such things, and they're not desirable partners.

Make a video of you clicking the link on another device and post it here

I'm a virgin myself, so I want a guy who isn't a virgin because I want to be taught things and I enjoy the thought of a guy taking the lead and taking care of me.

You sound like a nice girl. Er, you are a girl right?

Where did you go? You still haven’t proved to me that thread was pasta.

You are a crazy conspiracy theorist if you think that’s pasta. I bet you also think that pee is stored in the balls. Pee is actually stored in the shaft of the penis though.

Are you even capable of getting a date at such a late age? Spilling spaghetti at 25 and over must seem like a massive red flag.

>are you part of any clubs or events?
Honestly, none that has girls in it. I'd be open to try out a new hobby that's not an all boys club but I'm worried it comes off forced and sleazy to do it with an ulterior motive. This is what makes it so difficult for me.

Virginity itself is neutral. It's more the reasons why you're virgin at such an old age that might be a turn off.

In my case it's just non-existent self-esteem and self-confidence due to being bullied throughout elementary school.
That made me hate myself and reject all chances with girls (zero to this day, lol).
I've mellowed out somewhat but I still dont see myself worthy for anyone and have not done shit to fix it and frankly dont care much at this point.

Have a Komondor.

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28 year old virgin here.

In my experience they despise you, they all say it depends on the reasons but no matter you say they detest you.

>What do women think of virgins aged 25+?
Literally nothing. There are way more important things than your virginity....
Still I'd like to know beforehand. So I can be sweet and gentle to you :3

I want one of those battery testers

Tell me where i can get that battery tester

I don't think that's true, I think their idea of "good reasons" are just weird. Like "I was more concerned with school and my friends so I just never made the time" doesn't make the cut, it needs to be "I was trapped on a desert island from the ages of 14-24"

I've known of a few "virgin hunter" girls but they were def the exception and not the rule. Most girls see adult male virginity as definitely a question mark but not necessarily a red flag with the radiation symbol on it.

They're rightfully cautious because after the first time having sex, an adult virgin male is more or less likely to go OH BOY! I LOVE YOU FOREVER NOW! I'M GOING TO KILL MYSELF IF YOU BREAK UP WITH ME! YOU DIRTY SLUT!

As a rule of thumb, you're always better off keeping your sexual history as a "need to know" basis. Even if you don't have a sexual history.


If she asks you about your past, then be honest if you want. You can always bullshit you way out of being clumsy with first-time sex by saying that it's been SO long since your last relationship. but then you're stuck living a lie as long as you're with that particular girl.

pic unrelated

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Those are very strong emotions. They might be less attracted to you, but there's literally no reason for them to hate you. I think you've made it more dramatic in your head than it actually is.

>What do women think of virgins aged 25+
that there is something seriously fucked up about you

>Like "I was more concerned with school and my friends so I just never made the time" doesn't make the cut, it needs to be "I was trapped on a desert island from the ages of 14-24"

Makes sense I guess, since I know "religious" people who've had sex. I mean, being a virgin in your late 20s is a symptom of something much larger. Like if you had friends and social circles you'd eventually get laid at some point organically as you build bonds with those closest to you (and not just in a sexual way).

Pretty much.

Everybody decides your life story before you've even said anything. "There must be something wrong with you" "It's impossible to have not had sex by now" "You must be broken or a fucked up person" People decide there isn't a justifiable reason for you.

Honestly, there isn't any point in bothering. I suppose I could lie, but i'm not very good at lying.

>Everybody decides your life story before you've even said anything. "There must be something wrong with you" "It's impossible to have not had sex by now" "You must be broken or a fucked up person" People decide there isn't a justifiable reason for you.

But there usually isn't a "justifiable" reason. It's one of the main, if not THE main, rites of passage. There are a lot of hurdles you have fail at before failing at this particular hurdle.

I'm not ragging on you, I'm almost a wizard, but I understand why people might be mystified/wary that you haven't had sex yet.

>But there usually isn't a "justifiable" reason.

How would you even know this? You have no data at all. The three most common reasons on this board are depression/anxiety, focused on school, and religion/waiting for marriage. All three are justifiable.

Yeah it's really less of a "I only care about the reasons." and more of "I can look past it in exceptional circumstances."
Honestly I think I'd be less salty about it if everyone would just say the second one instead of pretending they're only concerned about whether or not I have autism or something.

I think what he's saying is that those aren't justifiable because they're undesirable traits in a partner.

Makes no sense.

"I didn't get laid because I suffered from depression/anxiety for years and it took me a while to get help but i'm in control now"
"Hurr unjusifiable, you're undesirable"

"I didn't get laid because I was focusing school but now i'm ready to enter the dating world"
"Hurr unjustifiable, you're undesirable"

Like I said, people just make shit up in their heads and write you off no matter what. If you're sick in your youth? Tough shit pal, if you don't have sex in this short window you're done for.

>How would you even know this? You have no data at all.
Don't be angry at me dude, I'm in the same position.

>The three most common reasons on this board are depression/anxiety, focused on school, and religion/waiting for marriage. All three are justifiable.
You sound like you're demanding that they accept your reasons.

They're only sort justifiable reason and really applicable in certain situations.

You can't force people to like you dude (or have sex with you).

>I didn't get laid because I suffered from depression/anxiety for years and it took me a while to get help but i'm in control now"
"I want a partner without a history of mental illness so severe it prevented him from socializing normally."

>"I didn't get laid because I was focusing school but now i'm ready to enter the dating world"
"I want a partner who knows how to make time for relationships, you haven't yet demonstrated that you do."

And before you get pissy with me, I'm in the same boat as you, I'm just explaining why the boat exists.

I already know why it exists, you've told me nothing. I literally explained it in my first post....

I'm just saying that it makes plenty of sense, we just got the short end of the stick.

>I'd like to know beforehand. So I can be sweet and gentle to you :3
Is this a thing that ever happens in real life?

Grill here. I don't care? Like if he's a virgin, I'll take the lead more at first. Teach him how to do it. It's really no big deal

Yes. I did this for my fiancee.

Literally where are these girls in real life?

I'm a 22 year old virgin and decent looking and I can't meet anyone like this. Every girl expects me to make all the first moves and I just cannot do it.

They mean in bed user, you still have to ask her out.

That's not fair. I'm terrified of rejection

I still want one of those battery testers

I want a battery tester, but not just any battery tester. I want one from Clas Ohlson.

Too bad. The game doesn't change rules just because you're bad at it.

>I'm a 22 year old virgin
There's a vast gulf between 22 and 25.

You're still given the benefit of the doubt at that point.

Oh look, it's that faggot again. Isn't your thread still up?

Okay, fine, I can ask a girl out if I really have to.

The real problem is that girls don't even flirt with me. Every girl who has ever been interested in me has been dumb about it and either not said anything at all or just dropped stupid hints that are easily misinterpreted. Some girls who I later found out had crushes on me were people who I thought hated my guts at one point, because they never spoke to me and always scowled at me in public. Like what the fuck? How am I supposed to ask you out if you act like that around me?

Well I wouldn't be surprised if I'm still a virgin at 25. I have no luck and no girls show interest in me

Nigga I know exactly how you feel but the bottom line is there's nothing to do but git gud.

What does "gitting gud" entail?

Gitting good obv

Are you gay?


I'm 28. I met my fiancee when we were 25. You have time.

My dude if I knew the details I would have told you. We all gotta find that out for ourselves.

I don't want to wait until im 25. I've been waiting for too long

I don't want a fucking life partner, I just want a girl that wants to go on a date with me. That shouldn't be too much to ask for

Look go to another thread, you still have time on your side.

This thread is for older anons who've passed the threshold.

I was gonna ask this in the opposite gender thread, but this is some pretty good timing.

If a woman asks me how many partners I've had, but I don't feel comfortable answering (because the answer is zero), what do I tell her?

When a person answers that question very vaguely, it usually means none or a lot, they never assume a reasonable number.

Why don't you fuck off and make your own thread? There's literally dozens of threads like yours made and only a handful of these type made.

This gigantic attention whore already has his thread here