What makes you happy?

What's the single most important thing that keeps you from ending your life? Something that's always there for you, something that makes you feel comfy when you think about it in bed?

For me it's music. Discovering new artists and creating my own sounds for myself. It's a ton of fun and I can get lost in that pretty easily.

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Penises and dildos.

>he'll talk to me again soon...any day now
there are others but that's the single most important. something that's always there for me is my cat. something that makes me feel comfy when i think about it in bed is my bed.

In this moment - when he looks at me like I'm the only thing that ever mattered to him, and smiles.
Feels pretty good to be loved like that.

Not thinking about dying

I think about what a stupid fucking ridiculous coincidence it is that I was born at all and how fucking strange it is to speed around in space on a huge rock full of all sorts weird shit. I dunno, it always helps to put depression in perspective. My petty human problems seem less significant in the grander scheme of things. It doesnt exactly make me happy, but helps me sleep at night. Also, I have a dog to feed and take care of. He's the goodest little shit who ever barked.

Music. I still believe I may be able to go far with it someday, even though there is so much evidence against that being a possibility

Came here to say the same.
Exploring and playing music is the most meaningful aspect of my life at the moment.

moar. how'd you meet? what's the best part of your day/week? sweet story, sweet moment, just anything, please

I've been asking myself this for the longest now.

I talk about it with friends a lot. How I don't think I'll ever achieve real, genuine, happiness again.

I'll look forward to something but when it finally happens/comes, I don't feel "happy" like I would when I was a kid and got the newest game console or something.

I thought losing weight would bring me happiness but after reaching goal after goal, nothing. I got a girls number the other day, first time this has ever happened in my life and although I was a little excited, I couldn't get "happy" because I kept thinking that it won't work out.

I don't think I'm depressed because I've been depressed before but who knows maybe it's a milder form. It feels like I'm just going through the motions at this point. At 27 I'm running out of things to look forward to.