How do I make my boyfriend stop constantly complaining about minorities.
I agree it's an issue but when it's half of what you talk about... I'm just sick of it.
How do I make my boyfriend stop constantly complaining about minorities
Literally just tell him that you agree with him but want to talk about it less since you don't want to dwell on a negative subject/it's bringing you down. It's really that simple
Literally just level with him and say this. Tell him you completely agree with it but that it's not what you want to talk about all the time. He'll appreciate that you're being straightforward
I've tried, he stops for a few days then starts again
Tell him when he starts up again. Obviously don't tell him that he can't ever talk about it, but if he starts talking about it too much remind him
fuck a black guy
Good suggestions so far, but if he refuses to stop or doesn't seem able to, he may have an actual problem. It's unpleasant and hard to be with someone who has a deep and negative obsession. If he can't seem to help himself, suggest that he go to therapy or find some way to work it out himself, or you are gone. Life is too short to let other people drag you down.
I'm sorry that I talk so much about it. It's such a passionate subject for me because I feel like I was lied to my whole life about race.
Many anons are people of 'surging' interests. I was deeply into free software and internet privacy for a couple years but now I have an Instagram and use Windows. Time can heal him. If you have deep doubts about who he is as a person, then that's a clue to part ways. After all, do you think he wants a libshit feminist kike of a girlfriend?
>go to therapy
This desu would be funny
What? If he has an obsession, that's a way to learn to control it.
Therapy is for women. He has a passion and he needs to realize that not everyone shares it. This whole "everything is a mental illness and you have to go get it purged" shit is toxic.
She makes a good point. I believe that I make good arguments for the alt-right and fine refutations to globalist egalitarian ideas. But I used to be a well-rounded person who filled his life with thoughts outside of race; now I can't even recall what I was like. This is a legitimate problem for people who have recently been redpilled.
So you're telling me that getting some sense kicked into him by someone like Jordan Peterson would be feminine? Please. Just because the only type of therapy you can imagine involves crying about feelings doesn't mean that there aren't other kinds out there.
I can't tell if this post is ironic or not
There aren't just two positions
I get that it's a problem but I don't see how complaining all the time helps
if hes making you unhappy and annoyed, leave him. find a different boyfriend who shares your political ideals but also has other things in his life. youre really young and can totally do it. do you really want to be stuck with someone annoying for much longer?
It's an academic hobby. You get to spend a lot of time reading and gathering information on a topic that we are all lied to about ("Diversity is our Strength!"). Not only that, but unlike 20 years ago, this is actually a relevant system of ideas: populism is exploding all over Europe and the United States due to more nationalistic leaders getting elected and the increasing violent and sexual immigrant crimes. It's about political debate which is an ancient, highly-stimulating male hobby.
I think Jordan Peterson is acting as a surrogate father-figure for men who were too fucking stupid to listen to things their fathers had been telling them their entire lives. I don't think highly of anyone who seriously pushes Peterson as some sort of cure to their problems. I don't really think it's right to compare watching a Youtube video to paying for and going to therapy session either, they're not equivalent.
You don't have to post your boomer-tier inforgraphics bud, I was on /new/. It's understandable that you're uppity and maybe angry when you have your worldview shattered and rebuilt, but sperging out to everyone is only going to alienate them. Going to therapy sure as shit isn't going to help you work it out. Figuring out that the globohomo establishment is full of lies doesn't mean you should be consumed by the redpill, if anything it means you should be becoming a more well-rounded individual because that's the real redpill. Get some constructive, masculine hobbies like fishing or working on cars, and get Jow Forums. If all you can talk about is race then you're really not the redpilled.
This post proves you've never been involved in any sort of academic discussion in your life. Why don't you fuck off back to mommy's basement, you're embarrassing yourself. Unless you're a libtard troll trying to look like a parody of the alt-right, in which case don't fuck yourself, kill yourself.
For the hundred time, calling blacks retarded doesn't makes you an intellectual powerhouse.
>How do I make my boyfriend stop constantly complaining about minorities.
>I agree it's an issue but when it's half of what you talk about... I'm just sick of it.
Calm down and help him understand. Learning is always quick its often a slow process.
Dont think you do everything right or know everything best either.
Respect and love eachother.
Think you meant to reply to . I agree with you. I think people like him and people who do the "hurr durr blacks r stoopid" shtick are making the rest of us look bad.
Your original post is nondescript and expresses about as much as a mute would shit out of his mouth. I agree with what you're saying except for the idea that boomers talk about race realism in a positive way which shows you're an out-of-touch subhuman.
I am making a casual post on Jow Forums, not a carefully-worded published paper. My initial choice was "intellectual hobby" but I knew you would end up pissing yourself over that phrasing too.
Look I'm not opposed to the idea of objectively comparing people, as long as it's actually objective and leaves room for exceptional individual to live beyond the prejudice.
But racism as understood by statistics doesn't leaves room for that.
Who is "us"? If you're racist at all you should not be posting on Jow Forums.
I'm convinced is just young desu
>ranting to your disinterested girlfriend about arabs and mexicans is an intellectual hobby now
Uh, buddy? Hate to tell you this, but...
Exactly my point. You can't please someone who legitimately thinks abbos are equal to the Japanese and that economics are holding them back.
I don't believe this is a real person
I really wish you reddit//tumblr retards would fuck off Jow Forums because you clearly don't understand what we're about
Hating people for no reason?
Or you mean the lulz thing?
kick him in the balls and call him weak. if he can't handle his shit then he doesn't deserve you
You are all new to Jow Forums. This has always been a progressive site, at least since '07. You are literally parading around racism and homophobia on the Jow Forums board and you can fuck off back to Jow Forums.
>hating people for no reason
You fucks still think we hate minorities for no reason
I could write entire pages about why I dislike black people but it wouldn't do any good and you'd just say "lol you have no reason"
>this has always been a progressive site
I don't believe this is a real person either.
Yes, if only we were more educated about other races, then we'd all be singing and holding hands with them. Too bad I live in a gated community and don't know what nonwhites are like outside my liberal bubble.
Gosh, almost like irate people who have trouble accepting change and difference naturally gravitate toward the internet as a whole because you can espouse virtually anything without any need for proof or basis simply because you can hide behind the veil of anonymity
The fact is humans suck, Redditors and 4channers alike, not to mention spics, gooks, zipperheads, towelies, krauts, frogs, bongs, chinks, nips, japs, flips, mudslimes, and the Brasilian.
Everyone sucks. It just depends on who you're asking.
Stop being so fucking self-righteous, you dumb fucking cunt
Edgelords with no friends. Try getting some black pussy and see if it feels any different.
That's a nice thought but obviously some cultures are shittier than others. Otherwise have fun dropping your kids off in Ghana, I'm sure they're just as safe as with South Koreans.
Ey I didn't mean just minorities we hate a lot of people for no good reason.
Well I don't live in a agted community but in the third world, and some colored people are ok and some even more than that, I don't judge people for what the majority of people is, because that would mean I think everyone is an idiot, and I just don't.
I tried but the smell was too much for me and trying to get past the language barrier was fucking bananas
I could have fucked this thicc black girl on my floor in my freshman year of college, but I didn't go for it. Even though I think she'd have been a good fuck, she had the black people smell and I couldn't get past it. I don't really regret it desu
That's fine. I don't know where you're from, but the average person is likely just as shitty as another in your country. Here in the USA, we experience a large differential between races: your threat level is very, very low in Asian neighborhoods but very high in all-black inner cities. This is a racial question that I can only answer for the United States, but here it is very important to know that some people are shittier than others.
This is coming from people who think that when non-whites have sex, either amongst themselves or with other whites, it is LITERALLY genocide. Whites are being put through a genocide right now. The world's slowest, most fun and comfortable, incredibly inefficient genocide.
pol sucks so much dick
>humans suck
What a good observation. Now while you're going on about how humans are all one race and we're all equal, another black got shot by another black in Chicago. Somewhere in Europe a girl got raped by another muslim, and another Mexican picked up their welfare check using a stolen social security card. So while you're living in your retard bubble screaming "ALL PEOPLE SUCK" I'll be here shitposting about shitskins being shitskins and there's NOTHING you can do to stop me
This. Y'all suck. OP's boyfriend most of all.
>whites are projected to be a minority in their own countries in 20 years, and that's a good thing!
You tell me that's not a genocide then kike. Why is it so bad that whites get to live in their own countries? I dont see whites moving to nonwhite countries. You know why that is? Because whites recognize our countries are the best, and we have NO intentions of sharing them with people that flee their garbage countries to come here and shit up ours
>humans suck
>I dont see whites moving to nonwhite countries
you must be blind then
>whites are projected to be a minority in their own countries in 20 years
Who are you quoting?
In the numbers that nonwhites are moving into white countries? Hundreds of thousands of Latinos and Asians migrate to the US every year. Millions of Africans and Asians have already moved into Europe as "refugees". What situation can you cite where there is anywhere close to those number of whites moving to a nonwhite nation?
>I'll use an image to contradict him since I lack the wherewithal myself to conduct anything remotely resembling an adult interaction
You bet'cha
Seriously tho
And an old white guy just finished sexually exploiting a minor
Just spokes in a wheel. I won't stop you but you won't accomplish anything and someday, a shitskin might have a different opinion about stopping you.
I was gonna crack some wise reply to this but honestly there's just so many and so many things wrong. I guess I'll cede that some places have higher densities of shit, but then there's also a chance that some old white fuck will kidnap and sexually exploit my daughter on the human trafficking market.
People suck
Trying to be all righteous like 'whites don't and blacks do' isn't about racism or prejudice, it's just retarded. In fact, it's kind of the white man's thing to pretend they've never done evil and to act like they're paragons of good, that's the theme of most white histories-- acting one way, but performing another.
That said Africa as a country is just fucked beyond repair and there's a lot of factors contributing to that, not gonna deny that it's a fuck awful place to be in general (outside of well-guarded resorts)
m8 I was 100% with you until you said Africa was a country. I still agree but. That's fucking basic man.
>White Country
It wasn't even a country until whites came. Natives lost the war and we felt bad enough to at least let SOME of them live when we could've wiped them all out.
This thread is all exactly like him all the time
Why must everyone talk about this ALL THE TIME
Roughly 50% of new births in the U.S. are to at least one non-European parent at this point. The intellectual and economic effect is buffered somewhat by Asians and hapas, but on net, it is clear that the European ancestral population in the US is declining in both proportional and absolute terms.
Granted, that can be reversed in one generation if there is a strong enough change in public sentiment. My great grandparents had as many as 6-9 children each. But I don't think this is likely, and personally I don't have anything again Asians specifically either.
Fuck a minority with him watching and tell him it's reparations
>an old white guy just finished sexually exploiting a minor
While this DOES happen it happens in a rate not even remotely comparable to all of the other things I mentioned.
>a shitskin might have a different opinion about stopping you.
Good maybe one of them will be honest about why they're here destroying my country
Africa is not a country. But it is absolutely fucked, yes, and currently being re-colonized by China.
Which one of those Indian nations evolved into the United States of America? Which one formed the Constitutional Conventions, wrote the Declaration of Independence, wrote the Constitution, formed the US government, etc? I'll give you a hint: it's not any of those names on that map.
Because these are big problems affecting our society and we're not allowed to talk about them publicly, so we're forced to talk about them privately whenever we have the chance.
>whites don't and blacks do
I agree with this sentiment. Not all blacks are bad and not all whites are good. In fact, in good faith I will say that most blacks are good.
However, by rate, blacks are far, far more likely than asians to be bad. This is not spinning the truth. It is reality. But if you point it out, then that's racist. That is the foundation of race realism, which is just one camp of alt-right thought.
Erasing race realism for a moment, all cultures could be equally good. Still doesn't mean I want to live among people nothing like myself.
You're right. It was SEVERAL different countries. Hell, one even basically had a system of government that America's own took inspiration from. Admitting that nonwhites sometimes do things right doesn't change or reduce white people's achievements.
Maybe because men can see a bigger picture that affects their societies? Sorry not all of us want to listen to you yammer on about the same bullshit you talked about yesterday and need a conversation that challenges us mentally
Although this NO FUCK YOU conversation probably isn't one of them
Tell us about (1) his other hobbies and why he doesn't have them, and (2) what his friends are like.
Grill here, equally tired of this constant lack of chill but have been watching this thread with a sick sort of boredom. I don't know what you expected from the manchildren here. Sadly I don't think you're going to get any reasonable answers beyond "find a different boyfriend who doesn't care about politics"
>several different countries
It wasn't even a single country considering they didn't even understand the concept of borders
It was just warring tribes that raped and killed each other and eventually sold out each other to us or the French all for weapons,furs, and European technology
You all are LITERALLY yammering on with the same shit she gets every day. She already said that she agrees that racial minorities are a problem, she's just sick of her dude yammering on about the same bullshit! God, it's like you're not even trying to not be a hypocrite.
>anyone who talks about the same shit nonstop is boring and needs to chill
That includes you, her boyfriend, gossipy women, aspies, tumblrinas, sjws, literally anyone with a goddamn one track mind.
>it's bad when WHITES flood into NONWHITE LAND
>but it's good when NONWHITES flood into WHITE LAND!
Want to know how I know you're a Jew?
>actual natives of America go through actual genocide
>Some white women have sex with Jamal or Juan whose ancestry is American-born since like the 1700s
the absolute state of "race realists"
>US Constitution literally took inspiration from the Great Law of Peace of the Iroquois Confederacy, which was territorially bounded
Can you even say you love your country if you don't pay attention to its history?
Who are you quoting? I don't care either way, just pointing the fact that the US never was and never will be a White country.
user didn't say it was bad. Just that it happened. I think that the whites coming to America was overall a very good thing. That does not change the fact that it WAS a migration of white people to a nonwhite place. The question is, why did you automatically assume it must be a bad thing?
There's no point arguing with these idiots. If they're enjoying being caricatures so much, we're not going to change their minds. I'm going to bed.
This is a confusion between the geographical Americas and the nation-state called the United States. The United States has existed for a finite time and was founded by white people, explicitly for white people. He is trolling but you get a legitimate reply.
How can you say that when the first US Congress made it law that only white Europeans could become citizens? How does that not make this a "white country"? What law other than 'only whites can be citizens' would you need to consider it a white country?
wew lad
>people fought and built a country from nothing
>don't understand why we want to keep it from going back to a land of nothing
Again this wouldn't be an issue if non-whites fucked off to their own countries
>b-b-b-but what about the slave's descendants
They clearly hate living with whitey and having to listen to whitey so maybe they can go back to Africa?
>b-b-b-b-but they were born here that's not fair to them!
Tough shit it's not fair I have to listen to them talk down on a country and a system they obviously hate
>took inspiration from
It also took inspiration from the Magna Carta and some French philosopher. So please do tell me how our Constitution only exists because of some defeated spear nigger
>was and never will be
Another user already said it but our first form of government literally only let white men become citizens. Also not to mention until about 40 years ago America was 90% white
>be American
>bring a bunch of Blacks with you
>let them multiply like rabbits
>don't genocide the natives well enough
>bring Chinese as well to build the railroads
>fuck it, may as well bring in Jews and Irish and Italian
>Complain that America isn't White enough
Because even then back it was full of Chinese and Blacks and natives, and also because it's not 1780 or whatever anymore.
It's almost like whites are only just now realizing how bad our ancestors have fucked us
>easily one of the top 10 countries in the world
Yes let's keep pretending the Irish and Italians aren't white so we can divide them even more.
>Inb4 angry rabbis respond
It wasn't a unanimous decision to allow these things to happen, the people who successfully pushed for these things to happen are the same type of people who are pushing for a white minority. None of that negates the fact that this nation was founded and historically existed as a white nation.
The US was 90% white up until the 60s. Your argument was that this wasn't a white nation, now you're changing your argument and saying that even if it was, it shouldn't be because "it's not 1780". In other words, America was historically a white nation and you want to change what America is. Well I'm sorry, but what it was worked and what you're changing it into does not.
Yes, that was fucking retarded, now we're going to learn from our mistakes and expel all non-European influence from our society (hopefully).
No no you don't get to move goalposts
Your exact words were
>US never was and never will be a White country
When in fact it was and again until 40 years ago was our population was 90% white. So I don't see how we were "full of Chinese and Blacks and natives" when we were a majority white country until Reagan signed some bill that let shitskins in by the thousands.
Do you consider most of Europe white countries too? Because they are and have had cases of minorities living in their countries for centuries and yet they're still considered white countries
It could be number 1 if they didn't bog us down with their fuckups
>Lincoln wants to send Africans back to Africa after Civil War
>dies before he can make it happen
And that's not even mentioning what the baby boomers have done
No thanks to shitskins.
Yes, it was made of a mixture of many influences. I'm not an idiot, I never said it was the only inspiration. The fact remains though that nonwhite people still had a measure of influence on our constitution. That does not in any way devalue the white people whose work influenced it, and shouldn't make you any less proud of our white founding fathers. You don't need to be so insecure or hang your patriotism on fiction when the reality is great as it is. I love my country and am proud to be white and American. Knowing some nonwhites had some influence on what our country is doesn't change that in any way. I am secure in my pride, and I hope someday you will be able to be proud of our great nation as well.
Also, once again. You claim to love your country but can't remember the Baron de Montesquieu's name. This is incredibly basic shit you should have learned in middle school. Perhaps you should read a history book.
I'm not from America, I'm from Canada. And yes we were very much supposed to be a fully white country, that's why we didn't join America.
Are you OP?
Yes and I'm trying to head off this ridiculous discussion.
I'm tired of all of this, I don't want to hear about it anymore. I want him to stop talking about it and I want everyone to GO HOME AND STOP MAKING THIS AN ISSUE
haha, no. There are many people here who are liberal, myself included, but fuck off with progressivism.
progressivism is a fucking cancer eating away at the left.
idc if you're a faggot or black or gook or whatever the fuck you are. I'm fine with that and you have your human rights that should be respected, but fuck off with progressivism.