Have FWB situation with artist chick

>have FWB situation with artist chick
>commission shit from her because I genuinely like her art and I want an excuse for her to come over (but I seriously like her art, no lie)
>does a commissioned drawing for me
>suddenly tells me she now has a boyfriend AFTER she does a drawing for me
>pic related happens

Who was in the wrong? What should I do next?

Attached: fwb.jpg (640x9135, 669K)

Don't pay her the money

>genuinely like her art
>suddenly unable to pay for a piece he commissioned after being told he can’t fuck anymore

Find your validation elsewhere fuckboi
It’s $60 FFS

>i agreed to pay for something
>i didnt pay for it
>my excuse is she wasnt sexually available

if i go to home depot and the cashier isnt willing to fuck me does that mean i can take whatever i want from the store for free?

You're a huge cunt. Pay for your commission.

If you commissioned the work from her, you should pay her for the work she did. It doesn't matter if you were fucking or not, it doesn't matter that she got a boyfriend or whatever. You commissioned art from her, she did it under the pretext of receiving payment from you for it, and you backed out at the last minute. I can't tell if you are just salty that she won't fuck you anymore so you backed out of the deal or what, but I'd say you're in the wrong here.

Just pay her the money, get your art, sell it for profit, and never speak to her again if it bothers you so much. In the future, don't become FWB with a girl if you expect exclusivity. That's called a girlfriend, and comes with different connotations.

Toasty roasties. He's not entitled to sex, she's not entitled to his money.

Do you honestly think she can resell a custom piece? Especially if it's something like a character of yours. Commissions are private work for a single person, and not intended for reselling.

No matter what your reasons are, the way she is interpreting it is you backing out of something that you promised when she ALREADY DID THE WORK. You're the one in the wrong here. You need to pay.

You made a deal, and whenever you make a deal for a certain amount of money you've come to terms with not owning that money anymore, so you'd be a dick for not paying her. This is not related to any petty bs you two had, this is entirely different and you owe her if she claims that she has this transaction in writing

Also she already spent time working on a piece when she could have been using the time for someone else's work. Art is more than just the cost of supplies. When you hire a contractor for anything, you have a charge for the materials and a charge for the work. That's how all jobs and all payments work.

If you saw it, you'd be impressed. It's a Death Grips drawing. I KNOW it would sell for a good $200 if I put it on eBay. I just don't want to make the investment rn because I'm in the middle of a move.

You already forced her to make an investment. She already invested time and effort and work into a piece that you commissioned. You are making her take the fall. You're being an asshole, dude.

Fucking pay this bitch what you owe her you dumb asshole.

>create good for someone
>n-no she isn't entitled to the money!!

Dumb nigger.

If you dont care dont pay her

I hope she will sue you

You’re way in the wrong.
She could hypothetically use your texts in court to force you to pay and she would win.

Reneging on a deal like commissioned artwork is a nigger move
You’re as good as a nigger

This has to be bait, I refuse to believe OP is this delusional and stupid and doubts he was in the wrong for even one second

>>have FWB situation with artist chick

Wow you’re a massive cunt

Yes she is, she did work for him

You’d be surprised by the shit commission artists put up with.

>Who was in the wrong?
Technically she was because she should have taken the money THEN do the commission.
But you're still a dick for playing games with her because you were too beta to ask her out first.

You already made the investment.
You can’t order at a restaurant then decide to leave without paying once the food’s brought to your table.

>being this hard pressed over $60
lol poorfag

actually u can leave. as long u didnt eat it.

>back out of a contract out of spite

My god. Don't hate on a chick because you're a betamax. Just pay up and back out, man, your "trying to be cool" act smelled like Doritos and cheeto dust

No, because they prepared the food for you and they are legally unable to give it to anybody else because they cannot verify that it has been untouched. It goes in the trash.

i've walked out of plenty times cause of shit. dont force ur poor analogy

So you’re a cunt too

>I don't like to be friends with women I'm not fucking

Bruh lmfao