What is it with autists and sexual harassment?

What is it with autists and sexual harassment?

I've been trying to help a friend who's on the sprectrum, but he's lost multiple jobs because of this. Most of it through human resources complaints. And those complaints, particularly from women, center on finding him creepy and uncomfortable to work with. Almost exclusively women; where even the men who were present, and witnesses to the reported incidents, claim he didn't act too out of line.

Yet, it never saves him. He's just been fired for the second time since April. This time, the complaints (from two women) claimed he made sexually aggressive jokes (they got on the subject of kangaroo pouches, and he tried to be clever and joke that he uses his anus like one, and even kept "action figures and candy bars" in it). The men who were present thought it was funny, and tried to defend him. But he got let go anyway. Which is quite the salt in the wound, since he's 30, and has been desperately trying to move out of his parents.

Plus, he also risks sexual harassment claims any time he so much as talks to a woman. However, the unique thing about him I've noticed is that the claims are never about what he's saying or doing, but how. He does pretty much the same thing you guys would around women, but his quirks get in the way, and color their impact. They usually find him stiff, robotic, monotone, unnecessarily loud, incoherent, foreign; which usually worries women he might try something.

I honestly don't know how to help him. He's been through six different doctors, and none of them worked out. The guy really can't help it, even with years of therapy. And genuinely doesn't understand what he's doing wrong, or how to adjust accordingly. And has been suffering this since childhood. I feel like I'm about ready to drop him myself; which is awful. But I really don't feel hopeful about him. And I feel like the atmosphere MeToo has created is screwing over people with disabilities.

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drop him n move on

That's bigoted and cruel.

What do you mean ‘drop him’? Why?

I mean, the fact is men just ignore autists and put them on the outs, it's women who keep trying to make them out to be something they aren't. This, the harassment claims, is just the result of that difference.

I mean, that's sort of the nature of autism. They don't understand 'the world' and live in their own little microcosm of a world. There's nothing anyone but him can do and he can only help it by forcing himself to recognize these boundaries and live within them.

I don't know what to say here. It's not like there's a bibbity-bobbity-boo to fix him. He's autistic, and it's genuinely one of the worst lots in life because you're basically a self-aware retard.

It's not a me too thing. It's an evolutionary thing. Because they are more fragile and are in the position to be chooser with their mates, women are conditioned to be hyper aware of social and physical weirdness. Weird guys with no social barriers are more likely to feel entitled and might grab and rape. These women don't necessarily know why they feel so uncomfortable and creeped out, but they do because he is clearly genetically weak and therefore dangerous to the continuation of the species. Maybe your friend should go into a male dominated field.

>a "friend"
OK user

If he genuinely can't help it, he should sue for discrimination. If he's REALLY been to 6 doctors it should be easy to prove that he can't help it and to get one of them to testify about that.

Alternatively, he should find a job with no women such as for a construction contractor.

They're retards. That's literally the problem.

only ugly guys get reported to hr

Haha those jokes are funny

I mean, it's pretty clear-cut. A big part of autism is an inability to understand social cues. The difference between "appropriate flirting" and "sexual harassment" is basically just a matter of social skills, and knowing how to tell when your advances are unwelcome.

>And those complaints, particularly from women, center on finding him creepy and uncomfortable to work with. Almost exclusively women; where even the men who were present, and witnesses to the reported incidents, claim he didn't act too out of line.
>Yet, it never saves him.
This smells like bait so fucking bad but I'll take it.

Get him a job where he doesn't need interact with women. There are plenty out there. OR he should lean how to shut his fucking trap and stop commenting useless shit.

Friends with a man that stores action figures in his rectum...

The fuck is wrong with you?


I'm actually kind of astounded that he was pushed out of so many jobs given his disability.

Seriously, can he not let his superiors know that he has autism?

>his quirks get in the way, and color their impact. They usually find him stiff, robotic, monotone, unnecessarily loud, incoherent, foreign; which usually worries women he might try something.
sexual harassment?? He's socially retarded, probably with men as well.
>I feel like I'm about ready to drop him myself
so what

Look, I guess it depends on just how serious his autism is.

I know people who are on the spectrum and the way they function through normal society is that they just internalize the rules and memorize them even if they don't actually understand them or it doesn't make sense to them.

Is your friend unable to set up logical structures or rules for himself? Like, "OK, don't make jokes about bodies around females" or "Only talk about work and hobbies around femaes"?

Attached: 2013-03-22-Love-Disconnection.jpg (600x572, 140K)

He doesn't want to do that because in his mind it would make him a lesser person for it. At least, that is what it is for me. I have never had a sexual harassment claim filed against me though, precisely because of this

Yeah as other people mentioned, a job with little to no interaction with women will probably be his best chance.
Either that or playing the human rights disability card and suing, but let's be real, if ONE new person is making a bunch of old employees uncomfortable, they kind of have to do something about it.
Or try to get him a job where he can work from home, depending on his skill set, lots of companies offer correspondence work.
Or find him a space full of other autists, like something in tech.

I've avoided being this guy by always assuming a girl isn't into me. Which is worse?

How does he find work?
I have a friend with Asperger and he cannot hold a job at all.
Over the past 12 months, he have had 8 different unpaid internships (the state forces him on companies so he get some "job experience" or something and thus can earn his neetbux)
He only get places with all male staff, so he doesn't get sexually harassed like your friend, but he can never get out of this rut he is in.
I really want to help him get forward, but I moved to another city and it is just sad to hear about him keep failing.

Me too. And the pic is worse bro.

She's into you unless she says otherwise. You can refer to this inability to tell as an excuse. You're welcome.