i'm a 4'11 20 year old guy with a slight facial deformity and i dropped out of high school due to depression and now i work full time at target, everyone hates me and i dont enjoy video games anymore. my older brother, the only friend i had in my life moved across the country years ago and now hes living it up as an instagram celeb / backup dancer for big music artists in LA, the fuck do i do with my life
I'm a 4'11 20 year old guy with a slight facial deformity and i dropped out of high school due to depression and now i...
go to broadway, become the new Mini Me
im not even short enough to have that kind of appeal
Why does everyone hate you?
im socially inept, ugly, and kind of a failure at everything. I have nothing to offer anyone and people can probably sense that so they treat me as such
here is what I would do in order
>Go back to get GED
>Start taking steps to defeat your depression.
>Start taking steps be be more than your deformity.
>Part of this is being confident...even if you have to fake it.
>Upon getting a ged you should go to college.
>Figure out what you want to do as you go along with it.
>Depression is no joke and you likely could have the same feelings again...like I said you need to be ahead of it. Depression should not be in control of you.
see thats the thing, i dont know how to fake confidence, how can i try and fake it when theres no reason to be confident.
Just fake it homeboy
Would you consider joining the Peace Corp, or getting your TESL certification and teaching English in an asian country?
In general, what kind of things do you want to accomplish in life? I suggest travelling would do you great. You can find out that you may have a knack for teaching, and it can grow into a professor role
Anything you want to and can do. Take other people’s view when it comes to what you’re capable of, rather your own depressive view.
Because its all about that PMA
You could study acting and start staring in B-Movies/Indie films as a villian like Robert Z'Dar. Your brother probably already has connections if he's been living in LA for a while.
i guess im not completely opposed to the idea of something like that but high school was such a traumatic experience im not sure a school setting of any kind is something i want to look back to
It's a cycle my man. You need to reframe that mindset. I'm not going to sugarcoat what I'm about to say, but you have life on hard mode. As a normie, it's just normal, but even I struggle from time to time. Idk how much you're into spirituality, but you'll definitely be more mentally stronger to overcome your hangups. You have to own them, or they will end up owning you.
As I mentioned in one post, consider traveling, for a refresher on your view of life. Fuck your coworkers and any other rude people, mate
youre gonna die an unfulfilled person
i think i should get out of my house.. the times i feel at peace are when im completely alone outside but its also so fucking lonely
High school is full of dickhead teenagers. Most of my peers from both middle and high school ain't shit. The asshole ones are still working dead end jobs or just failures in life. People after high school should be more tame, or else they're gonna look stupid.
I'm getting into the tech field, so I guess I'll come out alright. If not Peace Corp, or TESL, I highly suggest coding bootcamp. The tech field is very lucrative, you can work virtually 90% of the time from home if you get a good job, and you can go on vacation AND not use up vacation days, as long as you finish your coding goals for each day
this shit freaks me out honestly, every time i hear this i just get more anxious and more afraid that ive completely wasted my life, because i dont know if i believe it or not.
los videojuegos son una buena salida, en realidad no tienes que hacer nada, has lo que te deje dormir tranquilo, sigue publicando en este foro, has streaming, creeme, vas a encontrar alguien que le guste tu humor, alguien que pase por lo que tu y con el tiempo todo va a mejorar, confía en eso.
id be content playing video games if i still enjoyed them lol
People I've known who travel make friends from around the world, and they are tight. My best friends have amazing experiences with people that I coulda been a part of, but never have due to personal problems at the time. They went to China mostly and some parts of Europe. They could easily make friends because asians viewed them as exotic, and the Europeans, as much as they talk shit about Americans, enjoy welcoming all westerners, especially Americans, in a very foreign area such as China. They were teaching English on contracts, so the trip paid for itself. Longer contracts were possible and encouraged, but no one has a year or 3 to spare when in college.
Again, if you can learn to enjoy coding and travel, itll be good. You'll definitely have a 10x better life than this person whose projecting his own frustration towards others. It's no life contest, really, but you should definitely put in the effort to make these things happen.
Just be safe is all.
OP, you're always going to be the token midget. Own it.
Or don't, just make sure you're heavy enough to hang.