Why do men want sex with thicker women, but won't date them?
Why do men want sex with thicker women, but won't date them?
because a relationship is completely different from casual sex. If it's "just sex" it can be just about satisfying a physical need and they will go for the first willing woman available. For a relationship, he needs to actually like you, like spending time with you, etc
also, I've known plenty of fat women with boyfriends and husbands, so your premise is bullshit anyway
Bigger women tend to be more insecure. I dont want the responsibility of feeding someone their own self worth forever.
A lot of fats are breeders
don't generalize
They want a long-term partner, not someone who will die in the next 10 years to obesity related illnesses.
Ew I do not.
Like a moped.
>Bigger women tend to be more insecure.
But so are shy woman. Didn't and still doesn't bother all the guys flirting with me.
>Why do BOYS want sex with thicker women, but won't date them?
Fixed that for you.
fat women are disgusting. I don't even want to get a blowjob from one. It's a free country and it's you're right to be a fatty. I still think you should be allowed to vote and have rights and a job and pay taxes and everything. But I don't want anything to do with you as a person, you disgust me.
Guys i just turned out a conversation with a girl from going any further because shes on the chunky side and is like 1 or 2 inches shorter than me.
>she is also outgoing and talkitive but smart
>i just wouldnt keep up and would seem as the quiet guy with people that talk more than me
>im sensitive i guess since i felt bad letting her go.
Most bomb girls here are basic thots so did i fuck up guys???
Why would you care if a girl is shorter than you? Isn’t that normal?
And maybe you did fuck up, maybe you didn’t. I probably would’ve given her a chance unless I was totally disgusted. People can grow on you, and you can always dump her later if things aren’t working out.
I meant that i like them shorter. Honestly i think i was just too insecure meanwhile she is super confident which intimidated me not going to lie. She was cute. But i was looking for the quiet shy introvert type.
If you score with a fat chick it's fun to talk about it with your mates but if you're dating a fat chick you just look like a desperate loser.
Because fat chicks are ugly. You wouldn't want to be around an ugly landwhale 24/7, but you can feel urges to fuck one occasionally. Also not being able to keep a healthy figure says a lot of negative things about your personality.
You realize there are fat girls with boyfriends and even husbands, right? I might not find them attractive but I’m willing to admit there are guys that do, or who are at least willing to look past it. BBW porn is a thing for a reason, and it’s not because nobody is watching it.
If I'm trashed at the bar at 11pm I'll pick whatever female is readily available and usually that means the fat one. I'll hate myself for it the next day but then I'll just go out, get drunk and do it again. I couldn't date one though, I'd have to be drunk all the time.
if by "date" you mean "treat her to a meal at a restaurant" then the answer should be obvious
>You realize there are fat girls with boyfriends and even husbands, right?
I never said that would never happen, it's just not the typical behavior in my experience if you have other choices.
relationship involves much more abstract things like social standing.
thickness = fertility = boner alert.
Gr8 b8 m8
the way i see it, dating is a social construct with plenty of clearly defined, yet unwritten rules. those rules include conventional standards for behaviour and appearance. the more awareness of these things a person has, the more success they will have on average with the conventional, average, "normal", generally agreed upon by the majority, aspects of this social game. it's often referred to as "ticking the boxes".
some people see the majority consensus as a rule of thumb for life and enjoy the feeling that their appearance and behaviour will appeal to the highest number of people on average. few straight men would say no to dumping a load in a big fat ass, as per their basic biological instincts, yet they're too worried about what being seen with a woman who doesn't "tick the right boxes" in public will do to their social status. it's a way of maximising one's chances by establishing oneself higher in the social hierarchy by following the majority consensus. it's also a way of escaping the burden of one's own responsibility and judgement, again, by using the majority consensus as a valid justification.
tl;dr -
Girls get fat in relationships. It's therefore better to get a skinny girl and wait for her to inevitably get thick.
Being fat is a bad indicator of character. It takes almost no effort to not be fat, so unless you outright want to be fat if you're fat and don't want to it's because you have zero willpower.
To make an analogy with a female point of view, it's like a jobless man(or a fat man). It indicates there is something bad about their personality
Think about it...do people ever have people they want to hook up with that may be embarrassing or unappealing to date? Yes, it happens.
The problem is women want to have sex with Chad and Chad is willing to fuck them and not date them. If you're the woman, you have a very easy option: if you don't want to fuck someone who won't date you, then don't spread your legs.
Or if you want to get laid by Chad as a fuck buddy or one night stand, then do it with no hard feeling.
Men are assholes so you might as well use them for what they're good for and get laid.
Also, men's ideas about what is fat or overweight are usually pretty strict. I had a friend who was a size 4/6 and her boyfriend called her fat.
I have a friend who was a size 0 and her boyfriend called her fat, even though she was super skinny and actually he was the one with the weight problem.
Guys know we women are sensitive about their weight/body image so they often use this. The best thing a woman can do is stand up for herself and basically say, of you don't like the way I look, then don't hang around me/date me/fuck me.
When I was a teenager and in the normal height/weight range a boyfriend called me fat. Even though he was actually much worse out of shape than I was. That's my take on it.
For me at least it's because fatties don't age well and my general rule is that i'd only date someone seriously who I'd be willing to marry and there's no ways I'm going to be stuck with moby dick for the rest of my life
i tell my gf her ass is fat all the time. she knows it is, and she knows i love it, so she takes it as a compliment.
>if you don't like the way I look, then don't hang around me/date me/fuck me
yeah i told her that if it weren't for her ass we would have broken up a long time ago. meanwhile, you have some fuck telling you to lose weight, maybe because he's more attracted to skinny girls, but most likely because having a size 0 gf will push him up in the social standings.
>Why do men want sex with thicker women
Who the fuck told you that lie?
Men will fuck a fat woman if the opportunity is there and no better alternatives are available, but he won't date her because satisfying a passing sexual need with a vaguely viable partner is totally different from deciding to spend a lot of your life with a partner.
K sounds like a fabulous reason to date someone....ass size
Women always get fatter in relationships, if theyre fat to begin with...
honestly, sex is what kept us together and gave us time to figure out whether we're truly right for each other or not. don't think i've had a relationship before where you accept arguments as a normal part of a healthy relationship and then forget all about it in the next 10 minutes because "good sex makes it all fine".
bear in mind she's the one who sees it this way, and i disagree, because i hate having arguments, especially ones that will never get resolved. it's a different perspective on relationships, but it's not mine.
that's morbidly obese
Because the egos of fat women are on average way less spoiled, making them easier targets for meaningless ball emptying sex.
exactly, most men don't want sex with fat women
"thicker" (aka overweight) women gross me out, i wouldn't want to have a ONS nor a serious relationship with one.
Well that sounds terrible.
Tell me more
This is pretty much how I feel. I'm sure there are cool fat girls out there but dating two of them was enough for me to realize a lot of them have overwhelming problems (that the fat is just a symptom of) that make them pretty awful as partners.
I'm getting tired of this bait.
they look disgusting with all the fat flabbing around, skin usually damaged, face traits completely buried and undistinguishable.
i like women with curves and a nice round ass but overweight women with lots of fat all over the place are an immediate turn off for me.
Fat =/= T H I C K
Why won't women date short guys?
Because they don't find them attractive. It works for both, though we have this whole "fatshaming" movement, and no "heightshaming". Hmm.
But hey, keep complaining about being fat. That seems to be working. If it's a big issue, lose weight. Unlike a manlet you can actually change things.
Yet somehow you were born
The golden ratio or hourglass shape is more desired. Most guys don't like the ball shape of most fat women. Only certain fat is attractive which are the breasts and ass. Nobody likes a beer gut, kanckles, turkey neck, and arm fat. Certain body heights and natural shapes can get away with more fat but others can't.
no. no to both. just no.
My girl is a little chubby and we just hit our first year. When I don't like the person ill nut and leave. But when her personality clicks with mine I commit
Whaler here, basically this
I'm the kind of degenerate that likes both fattening women and women that are just straight up huge, like 300-400 pounds - its completely fetishistic however and I wish I were just into thin women like a normal person. I dated a girl that was around 300 pounds that was actually pretty decent looking, even for normie standards because she's a makeup artist, I think she's about as good as a fat girl as you can get, aesthetically.
She was completely devoid of personality though and her life consisted of smoking weed, doing Xanax, eating, and sleeping. She slept probably about 25% of the time we spent together, where I was the only one awake. Not only that, but she was VERY passive aggressive, petty, and always made me out to be the bad guy if I couldn't come over for a night, even though she did not ever once offer to come to my place. Actually one time I witnessed a really bad fucking accident on the highway on the way there one night and helped first res ponders because it was so bad, decided I just wanted to go home after witnessing, and she STILL bitched me out. While it doesn't apply to all fat girls, they're generally selfish, delusional, and inconsiderate.
Because men want sex. Period.
Some men even want period sex ;)
You’re a fucking embarrassment. Do you have any idea what shame I would bring upon myself if I claimed you?
You must suffer and die alone.
Harsh but fair.
It feels bad to be spooning and grab a belly full of fat, tbqh.
Btw, the bodytype of OP pic would be like BMI 35-45. It's unreasonable to expect that someone as fat would be ranked the same as a lean, regular or even chubby woman (BMI 20-30). It starkly indicates some underlying condition.
I'm dating a fat girl and she's super smart, crazy in love with me, fun to talk to/be with, motivated, and she doesn't even eat very much so I think it's a health issue. She's the full package but everyone is constantly telling me I can do better and it is kind of embarassing. I think I might break up with her but she's such a nice girl and has been treated like shit in her past relationships I'm afraid she will kill herself or just be pumped and dumped and taken advantage of for the rest of her life in a desperate attempt to find love.
What do I do?
>caring about how other people view you
>caring about what others say.
You have answer in your first sentence you idiot.
I know the feel bro. You got to decide if you like her as well.
Btw, if you think it's a health issue, should get that checked as well (full hormone panel etc).
You can fuck anything but you want kids and a life with someone who can help you and you can help be better. Fat people are mostly lazy and don't want to better themselves or will pass on poor genes to offspring.
Why do fat girl want date fit guys but won't lose weight?
Because they want fit guys that like fat girls. They exist, but they're pretty fucking rare. Even more rare are the fit girls that like fat guys.
Stop stealing the term. I am sick of fat girls stealing the terms 'curvy', 'chubby', and 'thicc'.
Curvy and Chubby are very narrow percentage-ranges of bodyfat slightly and a little above average. Thicc is a *very particular* fat-distribution of Curvy.
Virtually no man alive will not date a girl because she is curvy, chubby, or thicc. They *will* not date, if a girl is *fat*.
What you have posted in the OP pic, is *obese*.
Most guys do date fat women
And fat women arent ugly
It sucks that many people put them down
A fat woman is great
Women are great reguardless of their size
>and she doesn't even eat very much so I think it's a health issue
just nope. if she's fat, she's eating too much. simple laws of physics. look it up if you dont believe me.
she's just not eating much around you.
No, just a whaler
>men want sex with thicker women
lmao at 25 I have never had sex and will not if it's with the desperate slampigs that pursue me
i just love that the person who drew this truly didn't see the irony of it.
wow, a decent post on Jow Forums
IMHO, a lot of great answers in here.
But one should pay attention to the fact that obesity and hygiene are huge factors.
I indeed liked a thick girl (She was Velma as a hentai drawing, it was amazing desu).
But at the same time, her bad personality, abd hygiene, and a couple of things, got me the wrong vibe. And from what I've seen and been told, I wasn't too far off the mark.
the same applies to guys, wealth while actually a preferable trait for both sexes, in a guy with a bad attitude doesn't add to his appeal at the very least. But combined with charm and a more fit body, can do wonders.
From what I've gathered on my experience, after losing 45 pounds, doing excercise, and getting a job, among other things. I was noted much more by the women.
TL;DR. We may like thick women or bulky men, but there's also personal standards, and social ques that we follow..
why would anyone ever date a fat person? with just seeing them you can see that they aren't even capable of looking after themselves
if they don't have a whole lotta money or some shit you want, don't even think so m8. It may sound mean but it's the truth, you're setting yourself up for some horrendous time otherwise. Thicc is how women were meant to be, and fucking, dating and loving them is 10/10.
These are stupid fucking responses brought up by fat fetishists.
"thicc" is the worst meme this place has ever come up with. It's just fucking fat. Call it that. You like fat girls. Own it. But most guys don't.
I see no difference between the chubby and fat chick in the pic
There is so many really good looking girls out there who simply can't fuck.
They never have to learn either because they get so much bullshit compliments heaped on them they simply think their presence alone will make you cum.
Thicker girls, are usually far better fucks because they need an edge and also outlet in sex so can usually drain you like a plumber.
Cost benefit analysis. Men generally end up paying for everything, and they don't want to deal with those hospital bills when tubbs has her fourth heart attack.
It doesn't help that the fat one is the only picture with the midsection covered, but you can see that she has clearly defined fat rolls while the chubby one is larger than curvy but still has smooth skin.
Is date a bigger woman, but that’s also because I’m chubby myself and have poor self esteem. I feel like that’s generally how it goes I think
I’d date* typo
Because they're well aware there's still the chance of finding a chaser, so they'll ignore fat dudes until they find one (who probably just wants a quick fuck). Fat girls on dating sites are notorious for this if you really read their profile, and any chick who calls herself "BBW", "thicc", or any of the other cutesy fat words is doing not to warn you of DANGEROUS CURVES, and more because they're excellent keywords for Curvage and FF-types
Haven't you ever wondered why the only fat dudes you ever see at the forefront of the fat positive movement are genderfuck mystery meat dudes? At least 95% of the fat male population is undateable in the eyes of the modern fat chick
Do you want the honest answer?
Well I'm going to give it to you. Chubby chicks are always the sluttiest. Why?
Most guys don't actually realize this, but chubby chicks are, and will always be, the most sluttiest. They have the lowest self esteem and will ALWAYS cheat on their boyfriends.They just want attention that no guy gives them.
Now for the fat girls, it's also your fault. You have plenty of guys that want to be with you. But you think that you deserve better or something, because you get male attention. See above. You get male attention because someone wants to fuck you and drop you. You're an in-between. "I haven't gotten laid in a few weeks I can fuck this easy fat bitch... get my dick sucked".
No good looking guys want to be with you. There are guys that want to be with you, but you keep dropping them to get fucked and used. You are just a fuck pig, to get laid. And those guys, that would have been with you...see that.
A fat chick will always cheat on you faster than a good looking girl.
There's also the fact even fit dudes know a massive piece of shit when they see one, most fat girls will drop some "I HATE it when only fat guys try to talk with me!" at some point, despite the fact this is probably someone that would lose their shit if someone had some standard no-fat-chicks primer on any given public profile. It screams entitlement, and showcases just how vain the modern fatspo movement is, it's not about cutting the social stigma of being fat out, it's about shaming chads into thinking you're relationship material instead of quick fuck material
If fat dudes were loudly campaigning based on the fact that girls who look like Daddario aren't paying attention to them, you know 100% there would be widespread demonization. This is only about empowering shitpiles who think it's their weight that's keeping them down, and then blaming the men for not fucking them
>I see no difference between the chubby and fat chick in the pic
As a rule of thumb, the difference between chubby and fat is [belly] rolls.
I have a "thick to thicc" fetish where I fantasize about helping overweight feminists lose weight
I like women 15-20 lbs overweight. If genetics didn't fuck them over that's about a cup size bigger tits, nice smooth thighs, a decent bit of padding on the ass, and a slight belly that makes me not feel as bad about my own- the perfect level of thiccness. The hamplanet in the pic is obese rather than thick, but we're aiming for thicc anyway.
Sweetheat, you're arguing to me like I'm another fat guy.
I'm not. I'm telling you the honest truth. You get to fuck men out of your league, because you have a pussy. You have wants and needs like any other woman, but you're lower class. Just like the fat guys that you shun.
You got played. All those guys that fucked you, were just a fuck. If you want a real boyfriend pick it up, or deal with guys in your class. Nerdy guys, that's your style.
I can fuck you on my down time, but I'm never going to be with you.
Ohhhh. Got it.
Not him but it’s true. Really insanely good looking women aren’t very good fucks usually.
Don’t know if it’s the same with really handsome dudes
I've dated a thick girl and theres nothing like burying your face in their bosom after a tough day
Yeah, it hurts but this is where it's at. Never fuck a these guys. Make them crawl through broken glass and rusted nails to be with you, if you want real empowerment. Otherwise, you're their masturbation aid.
Depend on what you mean by "thicker", OP. What you posted is obese. Even has a second chin drawn in. Of course men aren't attracted to unhealthy people who make bad life choices regularly enough to be that size. Pic related us my idea of "thicker". Still healthy, but a little extra. Not fat, just a little bit of chub in the right places.
I dont want either. All the fat women i deal with need to go to therapy.
Fat women are self rightous angy people who refuse to change. Thats why.
> i see the same in reverse, mind answering that please.
I don't even feel bad for ugly chicks anymore. You have tons of men that would die to be with you, and actually be good boyfriends. Some "chad" fucked you one time when he was drunk, so you think you can start dating out of your league?
I'm sorry, but no. You think you're better than these guys, but you're not. You just got fucked one time by a guy who was drunk. He doesn't love you, but you know who does? That anime guy with the crazy beard.
I am somewhere in between curvy and chubby, is this an acceptable range for someone to love and cherish me forever... or will they always feel like they're settling?
Girl, you missed the entire point of what I was railing about earlier. Are YOU going to be the one that feels like they are settling? There are plenty of nice guys out there, even some good looking ones, that would love and cherish you. Even a nice guy that doesn't look that great, you can clean him up, make him lose some weight, have him get a hair cut. And I'm not talking about "nice guys", you know the type I'm talking about already. I mean some good ass dudes.
Don't want the responsibility of actually feeding them.
Would go broke.
Also, can't keep up on bike ride, can't walk places without complaint, shameful display if parents or friends see, smell, etc
This guy knows what's it all about
Do you ever think that maybe the guy thinks you are doing the same thing?
Thicc /= Fat
It means a girl with prominent secondary sexual characteristics aka womanly
Also, there are two levels to how a guy judges a girl physically
1. Would I fuck her
2. Would I let people know that I fuck her
What a guy would settle for sex-wise is not what he would settle for socially.
If op pic is your idea of thick, you're confusing "thick" and "obese". Men will fuck a fat girl because you're what's called a "humpbuster". A man who's been in a dry spell can get over the psychological effects of not having had sex and get on a better track in life by fucking just about any woman. The reason a man won't date you if you're obese is some combination of either a) your standards are way too high, b) you're looking for dates in environments like tinder or bars which are made for casual sex, or c) you're not marriage material. Most avg to slightly above avg looking men wouldn't have any problem with (or would prefer) a bigger girl if they were going to be a good wife and mother one day, they were good at cooking, aren't a ball buster/radical feminist, and didn't have 100k worth of student loan debt or waste all their money on tattoos.
If a) sorry if you look like OP you're probably
not getting Fabio to marry you. C probably applies to you as well in this case
If b) try looking for partners from coworkers or people in your extended social circle, try to meet new people instead of getting dicked up on tinder especially, that'll help with part c
If c) learn to cook well, save your money, improve yourself and get over yourself. Odds are you won't, you'll read this and get mad at me because you think you're a queen right out of the box. Become a wife material girl and chubby or not you'll find a decent looking and dutiful husband one day to provide for you and a family.
Ok then the insecurity isn't that much of a problem on itself.