I'm a 50 yo m, twice divorced.
2 daughters. 1 is 28, my favorite is almost 7. I'm a paramedic of 30 years.
Feeling the weight of life pressing down.
Anyone up for a conversation?
Anyone want to talk with me?
How does a family man with a respectable job end up on this website?
We all have our stories and reasons to be here.
No, you old queer. What the fuck do you want advice on?
Yeah I can talk, ignore the haters.
Well, since I don't have a wife, "family man" is debatable.
.I've been coming here for I guess as long as it's been on the Internet, (old fag).
What do you do for hobbies? I'm afraid life will suck when I'm 50 honestly
You can ask me about my life and your career if you want, I've been a fireman for seven years, I've worked offshore in the golf as an oil rig paramedic, I've done a bunch of shit
I also been here for to long.
Well these days it's about maximizing being a good father to my almost 8-year-old daughter, I don't know how long I will live, my dad died at 56, but that was due to him giving up on life and living a self-destructive life physically.
I like to go to the park with her, and I fly large kites, like really large
And I have a lot of cool bikes.
I have a ice cream delivery bike which has three wheels, and a large patio umbrella on the top,
There's no ice cream, just a bench and she sits on it while I drive it.
I have a fat tire bike with a sidecar that she rides in.
The picture is a recent picture she painted of ice cream cones, in case anyone was wondering
Are you bored? Or why do you feel the weight of life atm? Are you financially o.k.? I dunno, I could suggest a few things but We know nothing about you. What are your hobbies? What do you think about Elon Musk? Music?
My suggestion is to take lsd or mushrooms though. It is awesome and helped me to gain new insight in myself and the ppl around me.
Calling 1 child the favorite can't go well
That sounds pretty nice actually. I'm just afraid of becoming my grandpa and getting wasted for the last 20 years of my life
Cute :3
I'm 32, happily married and have three kids. My oldest daughter is eight years old. But your daughter paints better pics, lol.
I've taken LSD. Several times.
I liked it..., after I knew what to expect.
Ecstasy is my favorite.
I've done coke, I liked it but it's too expensive.
Not very good weed.
Never had mushrooms but I want them.
As far as music goes, classic rock, southern rock, industrial metal like Ministry and Nitzer Ebb, Meat Beat Manifesto, Jazz, 80's New Wave, you get the idea
That has to do with her mom poisoning her mind against me since she was 4 1/2, I have reached out several times to reconnect with her to no avail,
>Calling 1 child the favorite can't go well
Well that's true but I didn't think much of it because, desu OPs first child isn't really a child anymore and maybe even has a family of their own.
I guessed he meant it that way.
I've been to a lot of concerts, I've seen some pretty impressive bands in person that you might be impressed with
It's OK to ask questions, I'm putting myself out here on Jow Forums just have a conversation so I'm not being defensive
>That has to do with her mom poisoning her mind against me since she was 4 1/2, I have reached out several times to reconnect with her to no avail,
Oh ok.
It is what it is.
So anything you want to know?
No. Just convo
I guess I really never will leave this shithole
It's just that other people my age have problems making friends. I mean "I" reach out and and outgoing and conversive buts others my age are not.
Ha ha.
Maybe civilization will evolve beyoand this (website and all) when you reach my age?
Do you see your life getting on track again?
Are you me?
>50 year old
>2 daughters (16/21) who range from complete disinterest to passive aggressive hostility toward me
>Wife obviously loves kids and can see them do no wrong
>Wife is on my back for everything
>Talking privately to lawyers to see how I can get away with as much of my money and assets intact
Well.., it's ok. Could be a lot worse. I'm doing ok
Wow. Sorry to hear about that man. If your lady isnt a "partner" with you in parenting that certainly IS trouble.
No advice on divorcing and keeping your shit. I got fleeced both times.
Good to know that at 36 I'm not by far the oldest guy around.
>Twice divorced
How come you didn't learn your lesson the first time?
The second one was WAY better.
We still talk actually. We were together almost 15 years. The first marriage felt doomed after 6 months,
15 years is a good run
Did you get raked financially in either divorce?
The first one totally.
What piece of advice would you have for a 35 yr old user. Burger if that matters
If you feel a divorce is imminent, YOU need to gets your ducks in a row and file FIRST. That will lock in the venue (or location if you will) where the proceedings have to remain.
For instance if she has family out of town, and she decides to run to them for support, and SHE were to file for divorce in that town, you would have to travel to that town over and over for the entire proceedings, also if you want visitation of your children then you will have to go to them.
If she handles the finances for you both, you need to get a handle on that yourself.
If she makes more money than you you can petition in your filing for her to burden a lot of the court costs.
Try selling ice cream just to be friendly. Consider it a service of bringing sweetness to others. Doing a service soothes the soul.
As for your job. While it does seem like a service in technicality, to you it is likely percieved as just another job and so you should find abother outlet
Do you feel fulfilled with the income you chose? I was going to uni but dropped out bc muh inferiority brain complex. Was going on the healthcare pathed, typed in med records for like a year. Now just plan on working, saving and maybe work with my dad (trucking) so when he retires I’ll have like 4-5 18 wheelers and make bank passively.
I want to go back to healthcare at somepoint bc I want to be a contributing member of soceity. EMRs make like >35k a yr right? Do you feel “successful” and enjoy a comfortable standard of living or do you ever regret not going for more? Theres all this pressure to settle down, date (picky incel w/ plenty chances uni or due to spaghetti) earn and work. 24 now and I’ll prob be in my early 30’s by the time i finish school. (Associates atm, BA>grad school> PA-C). I just feel kind of behind and like a fuck up. I know theres other people that dont even go to uni and remain wagecucks but i dont want that to be my reference point.