Hi, fembot here. I have a flat ass. Not overly flat but theres something there but when im not bending my lower back im pretty much a pancake. Is it acceptable bc im asian?? God please help me, i dont want to live like this. Flat chest and ass isnt the best combo to live with.
Do guys actually like big asses?
yeah some guys like it. i like big asses for sex. but my current gf is a flat 90 lb asian
White and Asian men don't care for big asses
Blacks and Latinos do
The choice is yours OP
guys like pussay
u have?
now sho tits
No. I'm not all about big asses like some others, but a near flat ass is the most unattractive trait a girl could have in my opinion.
It's not a big deal tho. Do squats, your ass will improve
I also forgot to mention im a cosplayer?? What do i do with that? Is it still ok??
I personally like them round and firm/full, so huge ones are not my thing. They are definitely nice to look at though, and as mentions, they're only good for sex. On the plus, small asian grills are godly for a lot of people.
>what do I do with that?
Cosplay. Nice ass or not, being a a cute asian girl will likely get you lots of attention anyway.
You'll be grateful later as all the big fat assed girls look like a pear in 10 years and waddle when they walk while you can still wear the same size clothes.
oh you mean you are a guy. I think getting a close shave is your larger problem, not the flat chest and ass.
Squats are your friend.
If i was a guy i would be asking how to get a gf. But im asking how the fuck am i supposed to live with a flat ass.
cosplay guy wants guys not girls
I like a nice round ass. Figures you're asian and it's not a deal breaker or anything.
Why for sex?
I don't like big asses. I'm trying to get in there, not move a mountain out of the way.
>im asian
marry me.
It doesn't actually matter. Do you want to be in a relationship with someone who would only want you for your ass? No? Then don't worry about it.
Do some squats. Otherwise if you're small (as Asian implies) then it's alright.
I don't like a big ass or boobs, pretty much every girl I'm attracted to is skinny with a small butt/boobs. You can probably pull off a cute Asian look as long as you're skinny. Clothes will also look way better on you. I wouldn't worry about it, guys have different preferences.
Pic is just an example I Googled.
I mean, tits and ass are a bonus if on top of an already attractive girl, but their absence isn't a mark against you.
Having a flat chest and ass is better than being a land whale. Count your blessings user.
Listen some guys Like Taylor swift and some guys like Britney Spears
I love big booties! Chest doesn't matter though.
I'd prefer a girl with a flatter chest and a bigger ass than big tits and no ass
I prefer a round, muscular ass and great legs (both achievable with exercise) that big, deformed, ass.
Any kind of tits are ok tho
Anime characters are 2D, being flat just means you're more true to the character
Don't let youself get all hung up on being voluptuous, there are plenty of guys out there who appreciate your flatness and more still who just don't care either way, but instead give a fuck about what kind of person you are. Seriously, personality is the most important factor in likability, looks are just what brings people together in the first place, but not what keeps them together.
dm me your ass and I'll judge
>looks are just what brings people together in the first place, but not what keeps them together.
Wow, that was deep. But unironically true.
helps my boner. nice to feel on when im doing doggy and cowgirl. big ass just turns me on easier.
>Is it acceptable because I'm Asian
Yes. Next question.
No if you are fatfuck or land whale, otherwhise yes. If you are overweight you'll only get fat-fetishists.
I'm not a fan of big asses. When I see people post girls showing their huge flabby asses on here I think it's kind of gross desu, like "I don't wanna see that while I'm eating" gross. You sound like you have a cute petite figure. Your slender frame is beautiful and you need to rock it rather than try to conform to a standard of beauty.
do some exercise lazy betch
you gotta plump up the glutes
Patently false. Am Asian, love me a nice round ass.
I guess what you mean is that white and asian men tend to dislike huge, hambeast asses (which is true).
guys like all types of girls
experienced fucker here. flat asses can be REALLY GOOD. however most arent, you should learn how to use what god gave you, and also learn how to suck cock really fucking good if you want your pancake ass to be just an overlook for most guys.
with that said, there's few joys in life that can compare to that of a good ass. I always remember the girls I've been with just because of their asses. I would lay in bed with them, and while they were on their phones, I would be down there playing with dat ass. Biting it, licking it, putting my dick up there. I need to get my shit together and get one of those ungodly asses again.
Just do a bunch of squats.
Arabs and South Asians have the ass as much as Africans do. I think he just forgot that Asia isn't weeboo island.
You're basically a teenage boy. Congrats
Now fuck off
I like tiny butt. They're cuter.
Wrong. Only Asian or white closet-pedos aren't into ass
Taylor Swift has my ideal body and not a ton in the boobs or ass department. Plenty of other guys drool over her too. Legs are where it's at. So don't freak out.
If you want to be considered attractive, it's an issue. You won't be considered classically beautiful. You could attract a certain type of guy though. The beta white male type who goes for Asians because they're the only type he can get. You should start squatting and get a boob job or you'll end up with Elliot Rodger children in the future
Booty > All else
Elliot Rogers was a single sperg and closet gay. There’s tens of millions of Eurasians who aren’t him.
it's more about if you're toned to me. smaller boobs are more sensitive and more fun to play with, lick, kiss, bite. a smaller more toned ass makes it possible to go super deep in certain positions, and is also more sensitive to spanking. so you're all good. silver lining to every cloud ;)
And almost all these beta males in this thread are the people who say it's "okay" to have a flat ass. No attractive guy with working testosterone like no ass
It's more about the face for guys.
im not critical of the size of tits/ass as long as theyre aesthetically pleasing (nice shape, nice nips, etc)
also this. I am a fucking sucker for cute eyes and a nice smile. so toned + cute/hot face = hot regardless of ass or boob size.
Yup and Jow Forumshapas isn't a thing. You sound like a beta white male or an Asian girl who thinks sleeping with a white guy will make your children white. LoL
Ass, fortunately can be improved. Also don't worry bout being flat chested. Flat on a short girl can be hot asf.
I like them athletic
Big asses is a forced meme, I personally prefer small asses.
Some guys like it, some don't. Generally speaking, though, most men like women to have large, shapely asses because it makes their dicks hard. I'm sure you could find a guy that doesn't care too much, though.
You’re asian. As long as you’re skinny then your gold. You can get with anime nerds or any other guys. Who wouldn’t want a qt submissive azn gf. Yall make up for lack of curves with tighter pussies.
9.5/10 asian girls have priority over all other races. Then again Im just some shitposter who took the yellow pill after being here for so long.
asses are for gays and other subhumans
that depends, are you in Michigan?
>all of the fucking retards in this thread that actually think squats give flat-assed women more attractive/plumper looking asses
the only time squats are going to give you a bigger ass is if you bodybuild and work on them every day of the week, which will also make your legs digustingly massive and muscular as well. otherwise it will just make your ass less fat and less appealing than it already is.
Yeah they do, I'm a guy by the way, with that said I wouldn't worry because if you have a nice face they will overlook flat everything. Plus you're Asian and alot of guys have a Asian fetish and you have that going for you. No worries, you'll have plenty of guys wanting you.
Same guy here, I like big saggy dumpy asses, some guys find that disgusting. Everyone is different, you'll be fine.