Small dick problem. Any options besides expensive surgery or killing myself?

Small dick problem. Any options besides expensive surgery or killing myself?

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Better not be another bait post where "small" is five and a half inches.

>Get better with fingers/mouth
>Get really good at fore-play so shes so hot it doesn't matter
>Introduce toys that make up for whatever you lack

holy fuck, im only 5 and a half inches

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5 and a half is like a little under average so don't freak too much

And by "a little" you mean a centimeter. You can't leave any room for these fags to self flaggelate over being average, or they will.

5'5 is small because I'm 5'5 and that shit looks tiny.

I'm also an extreme grower as in my dick is like less than an inch when its soft. I hate my dick so much. I would literally trade a testicle or inches of height for a bigger dick.

4 inches. I've accepted that I will never please a girl, and am moving on with my life.

You faggots care more about dicks than actual homosexuals do. Buy a dildo of your dreams dick and stick it up your ass already.

Im 6'1 8 inches, Still feel like im inadequate from time to time. Just get over it and learn how to eat dat poosy

Chode here, and it doesn't matter much.

Unless you have a Chris Chan micropenis that looks like it stepped on a landmine in Vietnam - no girl is going to like run away laughing from you when you take off your pants if you've managed to flirt her up and make out with her and she's ready and willing to fuck you, she'll just be like "eh sure why not".

Most of vaginal stimulation is 3 inches inside and clitoral. If you learn how to use your weapon better, you’d have nothing to worry about.
Most girls make theirselves cum by hand and average finger length is no more than 2 1/2 inches. You’re fine above 4, anything below that, I suggest going gay and being a bottom.

Try having a small + *ugly* dick

Mine's 5.0" which isn't terrible on its own, but it's also:
-has phimosis
-has visibly dry skin

My dick is, no exaggeration, the worst part of my body.

But I'm still not going to let it stop me from fucking, fuckdamnit.

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This guy gets it

whats phimosis look like?

Moisturize your dick, lad. At least you still have foreskin.

My dick is about 6 inches. I don't remember the thickness but it about average or just below.

Yesterday I fuck my gf til she was a gasping shaking mess. I couldn't even keep hard throughout the whole ordeal because I'm on SSRIs. Sure it might be easier to make a girl feel filled out with a huge cock. But if you know what you are doing you can get her to beg for more with nearly any kind of dick. If it was shorter I could fuck her even harder without having to be mindful about hurting her.

I have a 5 inch dick. I would accept it if it also wasn't impotent. I can't stay hard during sex. Maybe my dick isn't big enough to rub against her pussy correctly. Maybe I'm just not that into her? Either way it causes me to feel pressured when having sex and that makes it worse.

I've decided to take on nofapseptember and see if that will help me with my problem. So far I seem to get harder than before and produce more precum. I've managed to spend 12 days without fapping even if I catch myself looking at porn.

If I get to have sex and my performance improves I think I'll definitely stop fapping for good.

Me: Good, rough looking with manly features, work out so decent figure, no portruding mental ilness, thicc big penis body count: around 20-25 got some random tail but nothing serious

Friend: no beard or even hopes for it, soft af face looks like a bitch, curly long hair, smiles all the time like a girl, small penis that he talks openly about while drunk, skinnyfat lazy and pale body count: 350+ and now has a beautiful girlfriend long term

Girls don't give a shit. Nothing ever is as you think, this guy has nothing to top me with except money but its not like he lets them know every time. Big dick is impressive but nothing more I have no idea why you are tripping

>whats phimosis look like?
Pic related; I have type 2; in the process of stretching it. Slow going, but it's working.

>Moisturize your dick, lad. At least you still have foreskin.
It's true. At least I still have 20,000 nerve endings that some poor sods don't have.

Moisturizing is a massive pain, but yeah. I do whatever it takes.

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Whats the point even if you had a 12 incher nobody would want to fuck you.

Wait a few years son and you'll have much better reasons to kill yourself.
Or maybe you don't, if you're lucky.
Sure would be nice to play with a big dick but it doesn't matter that much with a chick. If you get her to bed, you already have her.

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I had really bad phismosis. ended up with type 1 after sex and didnt know wtf was happening. skin swelled up and was really painful for a few weeks. It ended up going down and i now have really baggy skin there. Sounds weird as fuck but i actually like it and gf doesnt care.

Does it help with fapping?
One of my biggest motivators for fixing mine (apart from not having painful sex) is that it'll make fapping so much better

honestly im not sure if mine is 'fixed' exactly. But my head is completely out and the skin is loose now and like i said baggy. In a way it sort of does help, if gf licks it or i get some lube on it, it feels good. its basically just extra skin. This is weird cause I wasn't exactly expecting this to be a common enough thing that people would ask for advice on it. But one super cool bonus is that I can pee and often do just my holding the skin and get super good aim lmao

thought id mention also that its been like this for about 5 years or so now. Doctors offered to circumsize when I went about something else but I declined cause gf doesnt care at all. May consider it if i leave her. but we been together for a long time now.

That feel when 8'' and I always hurt my girlfriend because her tiny Asian kiki wasn't made for the BWD.

Oh shit what? You mean your dick is permanently in the paraphimosis stage?!

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your tongue and fingers can do things 9 inched dicks cant. If your partner is cool, get sex toys. Fisting helps too.

you're inadequate bc I'd never let a dick that size near my fucking pussy

my dick is six and a half but it barely has any girth.

>I'd never let a dick that size near my fucking pussy
Unironically, this is something I worry about.

I'm 6x6
Someone kill me

>above average in length and girth
Why would you want someone to kill you?

The world has women who arent total inconsiderate.

Because 80% of women find that inferior

I don't believe that's true. I've seen several studies show that the ideal length is just above 6". But you're blessed with extreme girth, which wish widely agreed to be more important, so don't sweat it.

oh shit no, that looks fucking wack. no mine is on the underside. I wouldn't like to post a pic anywhere but trust me it looks fine imo. just.. a little baggier skin than normal dicks. this is a hard conversation for me to explain sorry lol

I mean, if she's concerned about getting hurt I can't exactly fault her, so I wouldn'tcall her inconsiderate. I just worry about getting cockblocked if I ever actually come close to losing my v card. Probably just needless paranoia though.

Go read the OKCupid studies.
It sounds like bullshit but if anyone is going to have 10s of thousands of mostly honest responses it's them.

Women everywhere think that men are ugly. And they just get over it for what it gives

So where does 6.5 long, 5 girth wind up? I'd like the chart, please.

If you are sweating over losing your virginity, just hire an expensive hooker. Youd be amazed how comforting a jaw droppingly expensive girl is.
Once you get over this useless pressure, go for a gf. Dont let your dick size dictate how you behave around women.
A girl is likely to chose a confident small dick guy than a sulking small dick guy

>anything below that, I suggest going gay and being a bottom.
That's what OP needs to hear. No dick is really too small to be a bottom.

she'll choose a hung nigga with swagger like me over both though

>Women everywhere think that men are ugly. And they just get over it for what it gives
Here's a protip: Women are ugly too

The only reason everyone thinks they're the 'fairer' sex is because they have universal license across all societies to spend outrageous amounts of time, money, energy, and effort into pampering themselves up.

The attractiveness stats are a result of them collectively believing their lie.

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Take some Adderall, OP. That stuff temporarily makes you huge. Thank me later


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But that's not what OKCupid says.
Their data says that a majority of women are 6-7 on 10. With outliers being worse or better.

When it comes to women, they say that almost all men are 5 or lower.

It's not who is uglier or more pretty. It's about standards.
Women want more. Greedy fucks

But just like bold busty chicks, hung dudes are hard to come by. Obviously your stock value is lesser than them, but higher than a lot of other guys.
Thing is, if you're better in non sexual acts than other dudes, shell find ways to make sex work. You just have to prove that theres a lot to you other than an "x inch dick"


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OK but in regards to dick size studies have shown 6.3" is optimal for one night stands. Yes women are harsh about x/10 ratings, but that doesn't translate to dicks.

>half the population has 12'' dicks

At least try your troll shit

That's centimeters, retard.

>A girl is likely to chose a confident small dick guy than a sulking small dick guy
Yeah but there's always a chance that a girl will tell a confident 8" guy "I'd never let a dick that size near my fucking pussy", which is my concern.

Here you go

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It literally says "length cm" on the y axis label...

Then so be it. But think of it this way, atleast youre not stuck to a shallow hoe. You have a hard toil ahead of you to get a caring girl for you. You need to meet tons of girls. Even if you are "weird" socially, do it.
The way I see it, you need to talk to enough girls to understand that it is not that big an issue.

I don't believe that "13 cm" or 5 inch girth is 90+ percentile

I have a dick that wide and I can't even imagine having a dick thinner than that.
I might be a virgin but I think you're all pulling a joke on me.
Smaller than 5'' circumference is smaller than 2 fingers. Even a virgin girl wouldn't feel that

Dude, statistics doesn't rely on your "feelings".

unironically? circumcision.
It usually becomes a bit bigger once cut. check with a physician

>I have a dick that wide and I can't even imagine having a dick thinner than that.
Dude I can't imagine having a dick below 8.5" x 5.5" but that doesn't change the data.

Are you really insulting me by telling me my dick is bigger than average?

I appreciate the effort, but I still have doubts. I barely pass the toilet paper tube test.
And that's supposed to be super common

Right now, grab a paper towel roll (because a toilet paper roll would be gross) and try to stick it in your mouth without scraping your teeth on it.

Again, "common" doesnt mean misconceptions you grew up with in high school.
The whole of asia is a continent of small dicked men. It doesnt take much to know that.

Citation needed.

Ok, I can't but that doesn't mean anything.
It just means that I can't open my mouth very wide. It's not like I have practice.

Dude, we're talking about Westerners. If I said that 5'6'' was short, I'd be right even if in China that was average or even tall.

Western women don't give a shit anyways.
We've all seen the data.
Preferable is far greater than average.
The perfect man is 6'2'' 180lbs of pure muscle with a 8x6'' cock.

Most women always settle with disappointments.
Why bother?
I'd rather live alone than be a compromise

No importa la barita si no el mago (8

that is not true


Nigga most women can't suck a dick that's more than 5.5" around.
Also all the data I've ever seen has shown that the optimal size is somewhere between 6" and 7" long. I have seen lots of anecdotes saying 8" is the most they'd be willing to try though.

>180 lbs
That's a walking skeleton. Even the military wants men at 5'10 to be 185.

It is though. There's plenty of 8" guys that nobody wants to fuck.

i had a 1 night stand with a guy that was 6'7"... it was already in full swing but I hadn't seen anything because we were kissing. he was fucking me but it was like thick but def short so I though maybe all of it was not in there. he came in like 45 seconds and i got up and saw that it was literally TWO INCHES. could have been a worse experience but that is what I consider micro.... 5 inches is alot compared to alot of white guys

oh i guess i agree. 12 inches is alot. 8 sounds ideal though. lol.

>tfw 7.5" x 5.5" dick

it feels great to make girls squirt multiple times without trying hard. they don't even care that I'm an asshole, they just love getting drilled by me.

i have a small dicked friend I tried to counsel. he's completely lost it, given up on life. says he never wants kids. he's even said if he could cut off my dick and steal it, he would. it's fun telling him stories about how I can send a girl dick pics and get laid the same night when she realizes I'm hung.

Having a big cock is honestly the best thing I have going in life, even with a job i enjoy, my independence and all my hobbies, nothing makes me happier than the look on girls faces when they see my dick or take it inside them.

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As the owner of an 8" x 5.5" dick, I'm inclined to think this is bait.

You also said you're a virgin if I'm not wrong? That's why you think this is bait.

Once you start getting laid and girls start squirting uncontrollably just from you grinding your dick in them nice and slow, calling you every weekend because they want to get dicked, you'll start to realize what a huge bonus you have in life. Having a big dick is basically almost like being born in a multimillion dollar family or something. Your ego will also grow a LOT, you'll basically become an arrogant jackass and lose a lot of respect for women.

Different guy.

maybe you haven't fucked enough size queens or something.

Funny. I get the same reaction for being pierced down there, and I'm not a conceited conkmongler.

Based chad has come to save this /thread

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Look at it this way, you can pretty muh get away with anything in life. Me and my friend call it “the little dick defense”.
Got pulled over? Tell them “officer please, you cant do me like this. I... I have a very small dick”.
Cop’d be like: *takes off hat first, solemnly* “Wow? Really dude? That... that sucks man. And then youll get a police escort.