Why do I always doubt my standings on certain things...

Why do I always doubt my standings on certain things? Like I have clearly established a concept in my mind and then forget it and question it after a couple of weeks. Do I need some kind of moral code? What is lacking here? Example today was drugs and the whole drug culture. I was thinking to myself "Hey, maybe it's not so bad" when I have established 10 times in my mind that they are bad and I should stay away from thise people

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idk. I'm always saying to myself that I should stay away from Jow Forums and such. It's literally turned me into a racist nazi and that bothers me.

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What's it like believing in what boils down to feminism but you replace the patriarchy with the Jews?

There is no hiding from the truth though haha. What I was talking about was things that are not objective truths (excuse this liberal cuck term)

The patriarchy doesn't disturb the natual order of the world and feminists are just unfuckable retarded coping women
Stop derailing my fucking thread

I'm not THAT radical. I'm an ethno-nationalist with some libertarian views. I find blacks weird and feel uncomfortable around them. I find myself thinking "nigger" to myself in situations like, "that music is nigger garbage". I find race-mixing degenerate and a betrayal of one's race. I've basicly cycled back and forth from NS to Libertarian-lite. idk man. Sometimes i feel super confident in my beliefs and sometimes I feel like my whole worldview is falling apart around me.

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I'm not full on Stormfront either. I've become skeptical about the Holocaust and find Nzi marches and stuff amazing.

Interesting. I mean I sometimes wonder if I'm wrong, but that's because the people I disagree with are rarely interested in debating their ideas.

I've seen plenty of Youtube debates on the topic of ethno-nationalism vs civic nationalism. Arguments I heard there have shaken my beliefs a bit. Also, I've started feeling a general sense of being wrong, the bad guy, the kind of person I'd previously fight against, a straight up racist even.

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>I've become skeptical about the Holocaust
What kind of skeptical? I only ask because my grandfather's uncle, y'know, participated in it, so I'm always curious to hear the perspectives of people who say it flatly didn't happen.

I'll get back to you on that. I've got irl shit to do. brb in like an hour. Happy to answer any questions.

Cool. I'll keep this tab open.

Sup pewds

It's called being willing to adjust your thinking, hopefully based of reason and realism. It is a rare thing these days. The day you find yourself holding serious convictions and not ever questioning them even for a second is when you need to be worried.

Hey, I'm back. Sorry I'm late.
Anyways, the Holocaust. Much like many things in my belief system lately I have two different views of the Holocaust. The first being the one the "normal" me wants to believe. That it definitely happened and wasn't fake or over exaggerated.
The second one being made up of things I've heard online and elsewhere that put some things into question. For instance I've been somewhat redpilled on the JQ. I hop back and forth in between "they don't matter" to "they are behind essentially everything I hate." So it wasn't so hard for me to think (((they))) would lie about a supposed "holocaust" for sympathy to infiltrate western society. The Holocaust denial side of me thinks that basically Hitler wanted the Jews out so tried many options (like sending them to madagascar) and when war broke out he put them in camps, much like the ones the US put Japanese in during the same era, There they were deloused by the supposed "death showers" to prevent a typhus epidemic. I've heard that Zyklon B can be used for delousing and that it's unfeasible for a tyrannical government to kill people with it. During the war supplies became scarce in Germany so, of course, the government put the Germans first and the Jews and everyone else in those camps began to starve. Also, later into the war starvation and a typhus epidemic broke out and produced most of the dead bodies seen in camps like Auschwitz. The bodies were severely emaciated and this can be seen as evidence that they died from other means than gassing. At Nuremberg people were forced to lie about such gas chambers to hopefully save their own lives. In some sense I believe that "Hitler did nothing wrong". He tried to free his people from an oppressive Jewish force that was subverting their society and wanted to eliminate jewish bolshevism.
I've also looked into historians like David irving, if i remember his name correctly, who was a prominent Holocaust denier.

... The fact that Holocaust denial is illegal in many western countries makes me suspicious that there is something to hide. That (((someone))) might not want people questioning their narrative.
I can go into more beliefs if anyone is interested.

Christ dude learn some basic logic then, how do you fuck up that bad? Try forallx

Try asking people who give half a shit about historiography.

I've been totally immersed man. Race realism, the JQ, WW2, the whole nine yards. Once I got past the emotional barrier of caring for my race's well being it all kinda went from there.

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I also got into Fashwave and fashy parodies. Like those of Mr. Bond. It helped bring me further down the rabbit hole

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I'm kind of curious what you think of this:
>My great uncle was a guard, came back for Christmas and wouldn't shut up about how what they were doing wasn't right and that "this isn't the German way" (my grandfather has always used those words, so I assume that's a translation of an exact quote). Right before he was supposed to go back, he was """mysteriously""" transferred to the eastern front and dead within the a week.
So from your perspective, are you currently talking to a jewish propaganda chatbot? Was grandpa paid to make that up? Was he brainwashed? I'm curious to hear what a serious, let's go with holocaust skeptic, thinks about such a story.

As I stated. I'm torn on the whole thing. The Holocaust, ethno-nationalism, racial differences, everything.
But, putting on my skeptic glasses it seems obvious from your story that your grandpa saw something he disapproved of. It could be gassing, or it could be detention facilities in general and not genocide.
Although, that's me being rational. If I came across your story browsing pol I'd either ignore you or call you a jewish shill.

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Interesting. On a more general note, what are your thoughts on morality? Like I'm always perplexed by the whole "content of their character" thing. To me that seems like the only way to judge a man, even if certain groups are on average one way or another. Would you say you agree with MLK on that one?
Sorry it's just rare to have a civil and frank discussion about such things.

Rule 3 you tremendously autistic faggot

That's cool. I'm not a very vitriolic person. I'll calmly tell you that blacks have a lower average IQ.
Anyways, my political journey really started with atheism videos on Youtube so I guess I'd say morality is determined by the society you live in. As for MLK I don't like the man that much. The white nationalist side of me hates that segregation ended. As for judging others. I feel like I'm cautious around blacks and do judge them on averages. But, If I were to be resonable I'd say that you should judge based on race in your immigration policy. I want a white majority nation because I believe homogeneous communities are happier and more trusting. To achieve/maintain such a thing would require excluding certain races from immigrating. Much like the US did for most of it's history.
I don;t see anything wrong with people wanting to go off and have segregated communities. It might be the libertarian in me talking but, if they arent kicking people out whos to say they can't exclude based on whatever criteria they choose. That's kinda the Jared Taylor position, a real veteran of White nationalist circles.

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>I'll calmly tell you that blacks have a lower average IQ.
I agree on that, I just can't wrap my head around the idea of using that fact to make judgments about individuals.

>Anyways, my political journey really started with atheism videos on Youtube so I guess I'd say morality is determined by the society you live in.
This is something I always find interesting, I'm an atheist and alwayshave been, but I don't understand why people think objective morality can only come from a deity. Like clearly reality can exist on its own, so what about the concept of morality makes it different?

>As for MLK I don't like the man that much. The white nationalist side of me hates that segregation ended. As for judging others. I feel like I'm cautious around blacks and do judge them on averages. But, If I were to be resonable I'd say that you should judge based on race in your immigration policy. I want a white majority nation because I believe homogeneous communities are happier and more trusting. To achieve/maintain such a thing would require excluding certain races from immigrating. Much like the US did for most of it's history.
See this confusesme because in your next point you say that you're in favor of self-segregation which American segregation definitely was not.

>I don;t see anything wrong with people wanting to go off and have segregated communities. It might be the libertarian in me talking but, if they arent kicking people out whos to say they can't exclude based on whatever criteria they choose.
I have trouble believing you could ever establish racially homogeneous groups without "kicking people out", since anytime the state hasn't participatedin segregation some mingling has naturally occured.

I've gotta finish this up. Hope this was interesting for you. I genuinely enjoyed spilling my spaghetti out to random anons. So, in summary...
I'm an ethnonationalist who wants each european ethnicity to have its own state, maybe the US could a state for any white
I don't like blacks
I believe in race realism
I'm suspicious of Jews
and I'm skeptical about the Holocaust.

Enjoy your life.

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On that last point quickly. I doesn't have to be the state doing it. It could be individual choice. As for gov mandated segregation I've waddled between liberty and fascism/National Socialism as well so sometimes I'm okay with that stuff.
Either way if a country is like 98% white these laws wouldn;t be necesary. Thats why the UK for instance never had these laws.

Anyways, gotta go, also, sorry for kkinda hijacking OP's thread and making it about me. I was in a weird mood i guess xD

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Seeya later nazi-san.