I just recently found out that my sister's husband disciplines his daughter by giving her "purple nurples." This is a bizarre way of punishing your kid. What are your thoughts?
That's borderline sexual assault on a minor. Spanking is one thing, but purple nurples? That is really bizarre and kind of fucked up.
fucked up
probably bait
I guarantee your sisters husband is just a huge fucking dork who likes to fuck with his kids and said "it's discipline! :^)" when questioned about it and she misinterpreted him as serious.
imagine what he does to your sister though lmao
My thoughts are that if you don't call CPS and alert them immediately you're complicit in this child's abuse. This child has no one to advocate her. You have a moral and ethical responsibility to help this kid regardless of what it does to your relationship with your sister. You have no other course of action.
Either likes to fuck with his kids or likes to fuck his kids.
I was over there today and she started throwing a tantrum. He went into her room and she started screaming. He said, "I'm not going to beat her I'm just giving her purple nurples."
Sister's husband is a pervert. Report him to the daughter's school counselor. She's legally required to get help.
I dont think you know what a purple nurple is or maybe you have never met an actual child before.
It would leave marks and there is no way he would tell you he does something that bruises her unless he was joking or this story is bait.
If you grab a kid too hard then you are going to leave marks. They are little weaklings.
I just asked her about it. She said she didn't want to talk about it. Then I asked her what happened and she revealed to me two purple marks on her stomach.
Doesn't sound right imo. Are you able to get a social worker to check on the kid? Not sure if you can contact the school but they might be able to check too. Not really sure.
OP if you're just going to let this piece of shit physically harm your niece and your sister without killing him, you need to call Social Services and get them to take care of it. Fuck just thinking about my brother in law doing this to my sister in a hypothetical situation makes my blood boil I can't imagine how you're okay with this
Yeah, you gotta intervene on this shit. I’d look up social services, you might be able to call and just ask them for advice if you’re not ready to outright report him.
I'm not okay with it that's why I'm asking for advice. I've never been in this situation before. I told my mom and she said she would talk to my sister about it. I seriously hate my brother in law. I've never heard screams from a child like that before. I'm shaking
This. I bet her sphincter looks like a catchers mitt.
>im shaking
Stop shaking and be a man and go stand up for your sister. Fuck the law any man that lays a hand on family is as good as dead
What are purple nipples..? Isn't physical punishment illegal and, therefore, CPS should be contacted?
I think some people don't deserve children. When you're using physical means to punish a kid in 2018 something is fucking wronggg in your head. Taking away electronics works just fine.
Purple nurples are when you pinch and twist someone’s nipple until it turns purple. It’s something kids do to fuck with their little brothers, definitely not something a grown ass man does to punish a little girl.
>standing up for your family is cringe
Fuck off and go jerk off to more hentai bugman
purple nurples are when you twist a nipple so hard it turns purple, was popular back when bullying was a thing ie wedgies, swirlies, indian burns
>isn't physical punishment illegal
Beating your kid is illegal but spanking is fine. The point of spanking isn't to cause pain it's to build it up to be the worst possible thing a parent can do for punishment so the kid gets more afraid of the possibility of a spanking than the actual spanking. Again you don't have to actually hurt the kid but spanking has its uses
Is putting a hand on a child's butt any better than touching their nipples?
Suppose the kid enjoys the spanking and it no longer becomes a punishment? What then?
Kick his ass or call the feds or both
Twisting something until it bruises is VASTLY different from lightly smacking a kids clothed ass
Touching a little girl's nipples can definitely be sexual in nature because nobody does that. Kids have been getting spanked for forever
Yes, because the nipple is a very sensitive body part, as well as being required for very important functions later in a girl’s life. I don’t approve of spanking either, but people spank kids there specifically because it’s a very fleshy area where it’s very unlikely to cause injury.
I'm a woman actually lol
>Suppose the kid enjoys the spanking and it no longer becomes a punishment? What then?
Any kid that starts enjoying the spanking is clearly full of deeper issues and obviously you need to find something else to punish them with?
What kind of question is that? It's normal for kids to get spanked as punishment. It is not normal for a kid to enjoy getting spanked, that's sexually deviant stuff grown women learn to enjoy
Well now it makes sense. Sisters love each other obviously but will never feel the instinctual need to protect each other the way brothers do
All we can really say is that you’re right to think this is wrong, and that you should report it. If you want to wait to see what your mother says, maybe that’s an option, but there’s a possibility of her fobbing it off and then trying to convince you that everything’s fine to avoid conflict. Reporting family members for this kind of thing is no joke and a lot of people would rather pretend nothings happening, but if you delay in reporting, don’t let yourself forget how many people are here telling you that it IS happening, it IS wrong, and it IS something worth reporting.
Fuck off
>the instinctual need to protect each other the way brothers do
Huh, my brother mostly just beats the shit out of me.
Well that's not normal and what I described was what NORMAL brothers do. Sorry that happens to you but your experiences aren't most people's experiences
I hope you're joking. Father's using sexual abuse as a punishment isn't something you should joke about. It ruins lives.
Its a doorway to a full blown sexual assault. Act before it is too late.
None of your business
It's just teasing your kid, my dad did similar things.
Jeez this thread is filled with a bunch of nanny state whiners who want to take the kid away because dad is silly?
>purple nurples are teasing
Drink bleach asshole. He left bruises on the wife too, are you going to claim that's teasing too?
Punishing to the point of visible bruising =/= teasing
It's probably just BDSM shit her sister didn't want to talk about that was unrelated, and now you're going to ruin their family stability over it?
Fuck this website, you always want to bring the government into private affairs.
>Family stability
He literally twists his daughters nipples and you called that teasing
Fuck off you libertarian retard, the general populace isn't smart enough to take a shit without the government getting it's nose into it.
This is bait right?
That's illegal.
Talking out of turn? That's a nurplin'
Lookin' out the window? That's a nurplin'
Staring at my sandals? That's a nurplin' Nurplin' your daughter? Oh, you better believe that's a nurplin'
or give him som purple nurples he never forgets