Didn't see one in the catalog. So here it is.
Other urls found in this thread:
I still miss her, even though I know she doesnt miss me. I know I shouldnt care so much, and should just move on... but its hard man. This girl was everything to me. Fuck, man.
It slightly bothers me that OP's picture is different.
Fuck you. Stop taunting me. You act like this is some sort of game where you can come and go as you please. You're writing all this stuff that I know is meant for me because not only do YOU look at my Twitter, SHE looks at it, too.
I know you still talk about me. I know you think about me because if you didn't she wouldn't have said anything.
Part of me wants to contact you, even after you hurt me. I want the truth, even though you and I both know what you did. You directly violated my trust, and literally MOVED IN WITH YOUR EX after saying I was getting too close.
You CAN'T play the victim, and that's why I always end up posting here. I know you're watching with that other Twitter, and I know it's only a matter of time before I get a message from you. I've come so far without you, I'm so much more motivated.
What is it that draws me to you? What is it that makes me feel like this every time? I always rationalize the shitty things you do to me, and I can't stop. I hate the way you make me feel.
I just want to be happy here without you. That's all I want.
I feel like my friends are currently treating me like a guy who's sick, like they are my doctors or my caretakers. I must be like that awkward sad guy that they hope doesn't kill himself. I feel like they talk to me in an extra nice way and are extra nice to me because deep down they see me as being sick. I know that if this is the case I should be happy (and idk if this is really the case, it's just how I feel about them). It sucks because I just want to be normal.
Asking here because this may not deserve its own thread:
>Is it a good idea to take inspiration from people you know in person and that you admire, and try to mimic their personality traits?
I mean for example if you are shy and you know a guy who's talkative in a good way: should you try to act like he does even if it's not your "natural" personality?
An alternative question would be "can you truly change your personality?" and "should you try to be like someone else? to what extent?"
Same but with him :(
Yes and no?
Take inspiration but don't copy. I'm shy too and I'm not the talkative type, but I am when I need to be. I usually have an inner monologue so when I need to be talkative, I just let my monologue out, if that makes sense to you. Its hard to do, I know, so just fake it till yoy get the hang of it then go from there.
Psychologically speaking, people generally mirror those they admire. Also sometimes people just bring out certain traits in others. For example, I act and speak much differently with people that I have grown up with vs professional contacts or family members.
>I usually have an inner monologue so when I need to be talkative, I just let my monologue out, if that makes sense to you
That's nuts, I was thinking about this exact same thing today because that's how I am and what I do as well.
Good point, you are right that we act different with different people.
>we act differently with different people.
Yes but for different reasons. Sometimes it is done as a matter of conformity and sometimes it is done as a matter of comfort.
I have a gut feeling a group of women are gonna kidnap me and rape me
I'm in my last year of college and my narcissistic family doesn't know that this was part of an escape plan to get away from them once I graduate. I'm very conflicted about it because I have an 8 month old niece who I worry about and don't want to leave behind. But this needs to happen
Wtf user run nigga! Run!!!
Trying tinder for hookups is stressful. I matched with this girl on Sunday, kinda fatter than I like but I was just gonna see where things went. We talked a little, she has anxiety, whatever, so does like every girl I've ever met. Wednesday we talk about sex, she's crazy kinky and wants to come over on Saturday to fool around. She sends nudes and stuff and we talk a lot. Today she told me that she kicked her ex out and she's pregnant but very early on from her ex. I don't wanna hurt her feelings so I consoled her and she felt better and like four hours after that I make like a vaguely sexual statement that I wouldn't ever make if there wasn't like plans to hookup on Saturday. She was like "I'm not in the mood. It's okay you said that but I just don't think I could talk about that right now" even though like she was feeling better. With a potential girlfriend I'd have never done that but I went out of my comfort zone because I thought she liked that kind of thing. She went to bed very soon after and I feel like shit about it and I don't know why. Holy shit it was awkward and I don't know if I even wanna hook up any more. I don't know what to do about it. Hookups are shitty and I shouldn't have made the decision to try them.
>girl leads me on
>gets a jewish Chad bf
>laughs to my face about it
>yesterday learn that he fucking dumped her
What exactly am I supposed to do?
You're really confusing me.
I have no idea what's going on anymore. I'm so lost.
Just reach out to me directly instead of watching at a distance and crying.
>the absolute state of your reading comprehension
read it closely. the waste of space only gets his harem if he agrees to then being cucked to oblivion by it.
Hey Scott, remember the time you mocked me for wanting to get a CS degree on thanksgiving at my mother's home?
Guess what I'm going to have in one quarter?
Oh! And congrats on fucking my sister. She's like, what, sloppy 6ths? They don't really have a term for it after like the third guy. But it's cool though, right? You get to be her security blanket, not good enough to marry, but maybe when she hits 30 she'll ask you to get her pregnant and you can pretend you guys just have a quirky and progressive relationship while she continues to not call you her boyfriend and fuck whoever she feels like.
God you're a fucking weakling.
Congratulations, you've seen hookup culture for what it's worth. Sloppy seconds and battered women.
bitter autist, youll never be happy, kudos to scott for railing your sister
But I am happy.
She's fucked so many dudes lol it's so fucking funny.
I'm going to die soon, and everyone in my life will blame themselves for not intervening. This is inevitable, and regrettable, but a joyless life is not meant to be long.
Please don't die I don't know, you, don't know me, you're no coward, you're just tired of it all, I know you won't seek help and ignore my reply. may you find peace where you couldn't find it in this world, fellow broken user.
Don't worry about what other people think. You live for yourself not for other people. I say if you want to kill yourself then think about the reasons. I might kill myself one day too but when I do it it will be because I have no place in this world.
who are we to judge you if its right or wrong, you live your life so you know it best.
Do make sure to try out the things you wanted to try, if you have nothing to lose and can give it a fair shot at least try those.
Look. To cut it short. I won't bother you anymore. I have no excuses on what I did. I'm going back to my place.
I should have taken a friendly approach in front of everyone since day 1. I guess I'm not a "people-friendly" kind of person. And now I think they're hostile against me.
Sometimes, I doing their favors. And I am more than happy to help. But it doesn't even change everything.
Maybe I just can't stand it. that I'm in front of them without saying a word. no one talks to me. or talk with me. and that day goes on and on. But I know now that this is my place here. I should've known..
If you could forget about me completely, that would be the one good thing I ever did. Sorry, buddy.
everything I have ever loved has died.
Which I guess explains why I am still alive.
you got my card out? If I keep talking trash you're going to pull it?
Is that even up to any of you? Cus I would make the bet that it ain't. Dumb fucking assholes.
Thanks for confirming that you're not going to actually go through with yet another false promise though. And you wonder why I don't comply or cooperate or want anything to do with you people.
but keep threatening me. That's worked fucking wonders for you all in the past.
I have a lot of problems and you're an angel for dealing with them. Some days like today I just want to blow a hole in my head, let you live your life and let my shit die with me. If I think about it too long I'm going to get the gun now.
Got nothing to add, just nice taste user.
One can't forget betrayal.
Not particularly but thank you. Maybe taste will account for something when I blow myself to hell.
Is that why I remember everyone I meet?
"you need to start pacing yourself better."
You guys can stop drugging me with mystery fucking drugs 24/7 to the point where I just don't even know what the fuck you're giving me. PROTIP: Smoking a cigarette shouldn't put someone in a fucking coma and make them feel like shitting everywhere.
Like... if you need any more fucking proof that these mother fuckers are just out to hurt me, to be vindictive as fuck...
Rather than try to make any fucking kind f attempt to deescalate the situation they just keep threatening more and more violent force. Even though they tried to kill me, robbed me of all my rights as a human being, and are just constant fuck faces while I try to be diplomatic about it (like gee, I don't fucking know, maybe NOT to make a big fucking show of things when you have been literally torturing me giving me no real reason to cooperate at-fucking-all) they instead choose to make an even bigger show of it.
"Hey you guys have literally killed me in the past, tortured me, drugged me against my will multiple times, stole my entire life from me, literally threatened to kill me, had doctors lie to my face, given me altered medicines, robbed me from my ability to earn a living, communicate with anyone at all, and just in general mocked me constantly... you want me to believe that I'm in good hands.
That's what you want me to believe. That if I go peacefully I will be taken care of. Even though you have told me that several times now and each time has just lead to more abuse, psychological manipulation, and illegal experimentation... all of this done by or with the permission of the authorities... meaning that the entire system is fucking corrupt from the top down and there is no way in fucking hell I'm ever going to get a fair trial or be treated like anything other than an animal.
Ya'll can go fuck yourselves. I'll fucking kill every single one of you if you come for me. And you see this and think "Well I mean those are all excellent points but we are just going to go ahead and be cunts about this anyways rather than worry about your safety or anyone elses..."
Give me my meds you dumb mother fuckers. End this now. I will fucking kill every single fucking one of you.
I just don't understand how anyone working there can do this with any kind of dignity or self-respect. Your tortured an innocent person for no fucking reason, constantly threaten them, and act all surprised that they don't believe you when you tell them you're the good guys.
Ego? Stupidity? Maybe you're just so use to strong arming everyone that you just don't see why it's bad anymore. Maybe you forgot that the police are suppose to protect the innocent and keep the peace... not torment people and escalate every situation into a deadly encounter.
But sure go ahead and threaten me some more you dumb cunts. Go ahead and have police attack me and kill me. See how well that's going to play out in your fragile little world.
You can give me what I want, swallow your pride, and actually do what you've been telling me you've been trying to do this entire time. Actually help me.
I find it amusing in an incomprehensible way that schizo user is always demanding his meds when I'm schizoaffective and stopped taking mine because they made me worse. I'd give you mine if I thought it would give you some relief, man. Hang in there.
21 years old. I broke up with my girlfriend of 6 months yesterday. It was difficult for both of us, we knew each other a year prior to starting a relationship and had a good friendship as a base. We never had any arguments, yelling or insulting. I just felt like we aren't right for each other and she wasn't mature enough to be in a relationship and needs to take care of her own basic life before getting into one. Getting with her revealed all her other problems in life, and her insecurities, and it was too much for me to handle. I kept trying to help her, fix her problems for her and be supportive and affectionate because I thought it would make that all dissapear but it didn't. I couldn't answer for myself if I loved her anymore. When we broke up we both cried, I told her to keep herself as a 100% priority and watch her own back. She told me she's going to miss the friendship we had the most and that this is going to hurt her a lot for a long time, which I understand, I feel the same thing. Fuck guys, I'm really heartbroken over here. In moments I feel like I made a mistake but I guess that's normal for every breakup. I thought about this rationally and clear headed weeks before doing it and decided that it's the right thing to do. There are things and red flags about her I straight up just don't like, they are just very very hard to remember right now.. This is my first break up and first relationship. I feel like I just came into this girl's life to break her heart and leave her... I really want for her to be happy later in life. I guess we were just really good friends but not in love..
None of us have a place in this world my dude, that's the fun part. Every day above ground is a great day regardless of how purposeful you feel because you have choices you can make to do what you want.
I missed my best chance to tell him how I felt. My crush is one of my friends from Discord, everyone in that friend group is scattered across the states, so we had a rare opportunity to all meet and stay at my place for a week. We went down to the beach, all of us, and it was nighttime and storming in the distance. It wasn't raining on us but the lightning was spectacular out over the ocean. My crush went walking down the beach to look for ghost crabs while everyone else sat together and one of my friends (the one that knows him best and was encouraging me to get with him) pushed me to go walk with him. So I did, we walked together down the beach, far enough that the others couldn't see us, and all I could manage to say was that I'm happy he could make it to come see me (since we didn't know if he was able to come until the last minute) and that I would've been so sad if he couldn't come. He said something like "I'd do anything for my friends" but he put his arm around me and almost roughly pulled me over to him, and I hugged him tight while we were walking back to the others. They were all so disappointed that I didn't kiss him.
I regret not telling him all of how I felt but at the same time I've been struggling with my feelings on it since the moment I realized I liked him. I'm horribly shy and awkward and can't make first moves but I also wasn't sure if it was what I wanted. I want him, but he lives so far away, he's so smart and handsome and successful, and I'm just... me. He deserves better.
My friend that pushed me on the beach told me that some of my 'hints' have been noticed but otherwise he's highly against spilling all the beans. I just want to know if I should even try, if it's worth all this inner conflict. It's sent me into a depression. I'm glad it's motivated me to better myself but I've liked him for so long at this point that I can't just let go of it, and I'm so afraid of him finding someone else. I just wish I never felt that way.
Why am I so nervous about going out to socialize? I don't feel afraid of anything. I don't care. But I'm still nervous for no reason.
this thought has crossed my mind as well user. lmfao.
why tho?
I never forget. I remember baths in the sink at like 2. this is why when people ask how to forget all their regrets I go with you can't. you learn to live with it. but just know, I never forget. I've tried. I've been through things I wish I couldn't remember vividly. I've done things I wish would disappear from my mind's eye. you ask the impossible if you ask me to forget.
She and I tried e-mailing again and it was just as horrible as it was 4 years ago. Actually moreso because she has a great life now and I still have nothing. If I only knew a way to completely destroy her life without her knowing it's me I would love to do it. She thinks talking to me is being nice and supportive when it just reminds me what I DON'T have. I really hate her. I would sell my soul to the devil to have her so traumatized she rushes into my arms. I know it's healthier to move on but absolutely nobody has given me a chance to besides some fat uggos that just remind me how far I've fallen. And if I can't find happiness and fulfillment in this world again, I wish for the courage to kill myself. Again, edgy and bitter but being stuck in a loop getting worse and worse after losing one's whole world will do that to a person. Positivity is platitudes I don't trust.
I've been thinking about this for a while. It is the closest thing I've had to a sexual fantasy in the last year.
>Take the bus to the outskirts of the city
>Find a secluded forrest area
>Hang a rope to a tree
>Kill myself
>People can't find my corpse in a while
>My whole existence will fade into oblivion
>Like if I never existed, nobody shall care
>When they do eventually find me, it'll be just bones
Won't leave suicide note or anything. Too tired to care, too sad to try.
>you're crazy, you get therapy and see a psychologist every week, that's a fact
>you're not over your ex, it's been a year
>you're emotional insecured, you judge people and can't stand when you get judged
>you demand a lot, a whole lot, it's always about what you want
>you were a slut, well, when you were single....that's a good point at least but you throw your body away so easily
>you're fat and you don't eat healthy, fucking hell with sports
>your music test is horrible, sometimes good, but...come on.....
>you get upset over every fucking thing, you ditch friends and people around you easily, yet you make new friends also easily
>you dumped me because it didn't work out, my personality doesn't suit "your life"
yet I loved you and still, I do
fuck you, I hope you get better and sort your life out very soon, it's heavenly when you smile.....
I lost any chance i had with this ridiculously gorgeous and nice girl, all because i'm too much of a coward and a depressive virgin to be a man and just pull a conversation, say hi or even look at her, i always put myself down with depressing thoughts about myself, and i hate this, wish i could be a better person and not leaver hanging like that, it's too late now, she has someone else, and all i have is this aching pain in my chest and barely any will to do anything. I wish the pain would stop.
Dear M,
It's time to move on. You mean the world to me but I can't be friends with you when I want more. You know my heart aches and you don't care... you actually get joy out of it. Goodluck.
Keep on keeping on,
I can deal with hurricanes but tornadoes, man. Wtf.
Eh? How?
Dealt with both. Neither are fun.
you fucked up so bad. you made your bed now sleep in it. i'll never take you back
I am just... broken beyond repair. I fucked it up for us(before we could even do anything together) and now I don't deserve a single chance from you. I don't even feel worthy of being used by you anymore.
I have too much stress, I will need to get therapy and I am hurt so badly there is no way I can have a normal life or relationship with anyone let alone you. You deserve someone who isn't damaged goods.
I am not worthy of anything but gutter trash, and I do this because putting you in a situation where you have to deal will the fall out of what happened to me is not fair to you. If I love you like I think I do I will just let you go so you have a chance to meet a girl who is actually right for you. I am a fucking mess.
Wish i had enough money for a driver's license. Wish i had the motivation to start learning. It took me like 6 months fron buying equipment for a home gym to actually start using it. But the non-carb dieet is really killing my energy levels, i constantly feel tired. I just wish i wasn't so weak-minded.
How'd you get through it?
>If I love you like I think I do I will just let you go so you have a chance to meet a girl who is actually right for you.
I'm not sure that's up to you. You do what you must to be happy, of course, but having been the male in your situation, we worked it out. She took a chance telling me what happened to her, and it was a hellish revelation, it surely was, but we made it through.
Oh, but if you haven't gone to therapy before, yes, you absolutely must. In retrospect it sounds like I'm shitting on you, wasn't trying to. Just know that you can get better.
I'm legit scared of how the world is turning out nowadays with the erosion of free speech, groupthink and the removal of due process.
I work in film, a very public career if you manage to make it into anything decent and I am not exaggerating when I tell you that I often think about how easy it will be for someone to completely destroy my life's work in one fell swoop with little to no provocation.
I'm scared 1984 will actually become more and more realistic, until we can't even be allowed to cite it as a point without paying a fine or being convinced it's for the good of the people that we are silenced.
This of course, is also bad for the ones pushing it. All these laws and rules stifling freedom will come in real handy when an actual fascist takes some measure of power. Trump may be demonized but all he's done is talk shit. Eventually someone will come who will be more about action than words, and when that time comes they will love the fact the groundwork for supreme and total oppression has been set in stone already.
I don't want to put my happiness before his. I am just a walking burden, how can he be happy with someone so fucking damaged? I think he could settle, he could compromise, but be truly happy? No way... I can't see how its possible. I don't want him to sacrifice a normal life for me.
Be strong now, it's not even that long before the big day
Well, I don't know you, so I'll defer to your judgment. Just know it can get better. Good luck in therapy.
I’m so lonely guys
Always have a basement. Even if you don't need it, the idea that it's there if you do helps with fear.
I had a chance with a guy I was crushing insanely hard on (literally), and I fucking ruined it by being clingy and obsessive before we had even gotten to date number one. I hate myself, and I hate that I'm like this.
girl, having also been the dude in that situation, and having never had a "normal" life, nor desiring one anymore. you need to get the fuck up and talk to him and go to therapy. you're not a burden to someone that loves you. and you're not gonna ruin someone's life so long as you're trying.
normal life
lol please, what even is that? I have tried to live that and it's boring.
Me too, user
How do people operate on like no sleep? If I sleep less than 5 hours I'm completely dysfunctional. Also, how do people work like 80 hours a week and not just fuck up completely? What's the secret to hyperproductivity?
I hate bitterly that I don't have a huge, thick dick. I will always have to work harder to please women and they will always walk away from me easily because there's a bull of a man on every corner. Fuck my life.
first time I ever went clubbing was with random people in an international language learning meet up.
It was so strange, one second we're teaching each other languages and the next second we're getting crunk at a club. Craziest shit ever.
Thank you. Any pro tips for people without a basement? If they live in a flat or something
The secret is "having to". When you have people depending on you, or you just don't want to end up sitting in a cold, dark house or worse on the streets, you will dig deep and find the strength to do things you never knew you could.
fucking sheer will. and genetics.
feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but a small dick ain't one.
You said that you wanted to stay friends. I care, get too attached and I can never forget. Fucking hell...
Fuck you
no thanks, I don't swing that way.
Every time I find a vaguely positive sign that this year won't be totally shit, it is ruined within the span of a few days.
emails are fine aren't they?
it's genetic. I am fine at 5 hours but every once in a while I'll sleep 6 or take a nap later.
You also need to exercise and eat well. And be mentally well.
Neither of us know each others emails or phone numbers and I dont have(nor will I create) a social media. So, nah.
Run lol
If you have a sturdy house you can get in a place with no windows, hunker down and hope for the best I guess. If you are in a trailer...make peace. They say you can lay in a ditch but I seriously doubt that.
>and you're not gonna ruin someone's life so long as you're trying.
A fool's fantasy.
I think I'm not seeing the forest for the trees. Pretty sure it's all bait anyway.
well actually you have just chosen to take my post and assume it is about you. like the chances that would happen.
fuck off.
here's a new one
stop fucking larping other people. if you wanna do that shit have yoir oen thread. when someone just wants to write something then someone pretends to be that person and pretenda you are their oerson and fucking says some rude shit that is the opposite of what people want. they want to relieve stress not role.play fight with another fucker here.
shit please ban this shit
I can cheer you up, it actually doesn't matter much to us and dicks are generally overrated
Don't watch so much porn.
Well, you did reply to me. so yes? Wtf.
>well actually you have just chosen to take my post and assume it is about you.
Wait. You replied to their post, did you not? Are you on crack? Of course they assumed it was for them.
get the fuck up and try. ffs. I'm going back to half my advice being for people to get. the. fuck. up.
>post is for a J initial
>drops an L initial
what did user mean by this??
I'm tired of living in this useless shell. I'm tired of going to work everyday and fucking it up everytime and being reminded that I'm just scum.I hate how everyone around me constantly patronizes me, but
The worst part is when I get my hopes up. I start to think about all the things I could do an be, but quickly I remember that I will never be anything. I'm useless and people like me should die.
What the guck is this thread anyway?
Fuck, I meant fuck. Damn autocorrect
I have gotten up, I just walk alone. I don't need to drag someone down to hell with me and sacrifice their well being, life and happiness for my own. That wouldn't be right or fair to them. I love him so I will let him go.
I really need to jerk off but my roommate will be back in any minute.
FUCK, P, I can't get over you. Why? It's been 2 years. Still some impossible comparison between you and all past/present/future prospective and true romances. I just can't figure it out.
"If love's so easy, then why is it hard?"
I need to see your face and talk to you again. Even if you haven't forgiven me. I need some closure to move on. Unfortunately you are very far away (physically and in other ways).
It's so bizarre to think we met only 2 years ago. It feels like so much longer, even in comparison with others I met before. But my memories with you still are painfully strong, as if it was only recent. You probably don't think of me that much. You probably shut me out of your mind. I hated loving you at that point, I wanted to be something else. Now, after 2 years, I've tried so many other avenues, but it all comes back to you.
"Love is like a sin, my love
for the ones who feel it the most
look at her with her eyes like a flame
she will love you like a fly will never love you again"
I still remember the day in Bagan. I've never felt anything stronger than that. It was too strong and overpowered me, which subconsciously I despised. I hated losing control to my emotions. I reacted badly to you because of that, blaming you, and you left. But you also came back, and still I pushed you away. I remember very drunkenly saying to N that I loved you more than I've ever loved anyone. For a long time I thought that was bullshit. But here I am 2 years later still stuck on your topic.
What was I thinking when I let go of you?
Thank you user for this thread. Knowing im not alone helped.
Maybe she does miss you, but is too afraid to tell you