ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself.

>Why am I the only one who makes these threads?
Quit your bitching, no one's holding a gun to your head and making you do it.

Attached: male-female.png (464x300, 40K)

How long do I have to wait for my gf to be on the pill before I can bust a nut in her?

>guy is pretty cool IRL
>he turns into the most insufferable manchild when texting
Would it be silly to stop pursuing someone over something like this? I happen to like texting a lot.

Yes, that's fine. What exactly does he do that irks you?

You mean he uses emojis too much or what? You could hint at him texting the way he talks.

Idk, he's clingy, lol. Ok, time for the next Chad. Bye :)

>Would it be silly to stop pursuing someone over something like this? I happen to like texting a lot.

It’s pretty silly, but it’s your prerogative to do so and fuck what anyone else thinks really.

Google is your friend. Off the top of my head I think it’s like 4-6 weeks, but this information is pretty damn readily available.

Depends what pill, what brand, and when during her cycle she started taking it. Should have gotten that info from the doctor, or from a leaflet in the pill packet. If not, google the brand.

Where can i find girls that arent controling and arent selfrightous? All i want is a girl who treats me like person, a status symbol or a pet.

>You mean he uses emojis too much or what?
What is the problem with emoji? I'm a dude and I use emoji all the time. I use it to talk to friends, I use it to talk with my girlfriend, I use it to talk with my coworkers, hell, I even use it to talk to my boss. I emoji the shit out of any chat I'm in.

Not sure why people bitch some much about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>turning 19
>most friends start uni today and next week
>decide to look up some girls on low tier dating sites cause gonna be lonely AF now
>full time mummy ;)
>hard working mum at 18!
>not looking for anything serious
>body type: few extra pounds
>??? Don't know what to write snap me ???
>just looking for dogs to pet
>19 years old and doing a lvl 2 hair and beauty apprenticeship
>all pics are of their friends
>love ddlg - daddy's princess
>pics of her with a bunch of guys 6'4+

Is it over for me before it began?

Where am I actually supposed to find women who are normal?

Clubs aren't the answer. I had some girl come up to me and brag about how she blew 2 guys or something last week, telling me as if she expected me to be impressed idk???

Like, I'm trying not to be a bitter robot, but its hard not be

Probably bait, but I have been in that situation too.
>Meet guy
>Pretty nice, and looks cute enough, maybe a 5/10 but he has a lot of the same interests as I do, and he is funny
>Go on a date
>Goes really well
>Starts texting me endlessly
>Try to respond, but it's so often I get like 4 messages in 3 minutes or shit like that.
>Start to burn out, tell him I can't text much when I work
>He says it's fine and I don't have to respond right away.
>Decide to completely silence my phone and not look at it during work
>After work
>26 unread messages
>All bullshit, memes, or random thoughts
>Can't respond to this.
>Sends him a goodnight before bed, and a quick response to his "see you Friday!" Message just saying "I look forward to it!"
>Next day he doesn't text me at all
>Get home after a long day, in the middle of making dinner for myself, when I get a "why haven't you texted me all day?? Are you trying to ghost me??"
>A creaky noise, like that of dry leaves being smushed, could he heard from between my legs, and any of the build up desire I had for him fled my body in an instant.

I don't know how guys put up with this sort of shit from girls. It's the easily one of the most obnoxious things a guy can do.

>Where am I actually supposed to find women who are normal?
At uni

I didn't want the debt I wanted another cool motorcycle

Stop saying clubs arent for me.
To be more comfortable around other people is to step out side your comfort zone.

Then you're no better than the full time mommies and hairdressing apprentices

The packet says 7 days but then I've heard
and that's what I remember from some vague memory. Did they change the formula in the last decade? Every source (including the packet) says 7 days, how is that possible?

>decide to look up some girls on low tier dating sites cause gonna be lonely AF now
Don't use a shitty dating site... Also the quality girls don't use dating apps. If you insist, look for the awkward profiles, the ones that make you think "insecure and probably autistic", with a poor and unflattering picture taken by someone who clearly doesn't normally take pictures of herself.

Those women are mostly filled with spoiled over privilaged neo feminists. They litterally had life handed to them and they act like they are victims.

Its cause lol... get this right... but when you're texting a guy you're hopping between conversations and multi tasking, but... Get this right lol... He's literally sitting there, doing nothing else, waiting for you to reply LOL

>I didn't want the debt I wanted another cool motorcycle
Then you sound like a perfect match for the thrash you talked about above

If that were true, his options would either be those girls on those dating sites, or 'spoiled over privilaged neo feminists'

7 days is the amount of time it needs to work, but anyone who isn't a turbohorny teenager will give it a least a full month to ensure it works properly.

Yeah emoji spam, capitalising RANDOM words LIKE THIS, and making no real effort to keep the conversation going (eg. he almost never presents his own opinion and merely nods/indeeds/i-agrees to almost everything I say, no real discussion whatsoever). I swear I know 13 year old girls with a more mature approach to texting.

Yeah I feel it’s super silly on the paper but it gets on my nerves and even discourages me from actually meeting him in person.

Attached: 538.jpg (421x834, 95K)

Be better, not bitter. I got an apprenticeship, I'm making good money and I've got a nice motorcycle. That's completely unrelated though, and you and I both know its just bad bait LOL

I go clubbing when I can, especially recently before all my friends left, God bless them, and its very clear to me its not a place you find women to date. I'm not uncomfortable clubbing, going to pubs, bars, e.t.c I do it every weekend I can, so I'm more than confident when I say that they're not good places to meet women, least over here (?)

Fair, I'd rather just not use a dating website. People online act weird and autistic, but in person they're always pleasant and nice to talk to in compassion.

WOW couldn't agree more, he DOES seem bad at texting :) ;) (teehee ;))

>Fair, I'd rather just not use a dating website. People online act weird and autistic, but in person they're always pleasant and nice to talk to in compassion
Completely understandable. It's just a lot more difficult because you need to somehow have a reasonable way to initiate a conversation without coming off as creepy.

>I got an apprenticeship
Then how are you above girls who are doing the exact same thing, just in a different field?

Attached: CC3C06BD-B3C5-411D-BC0B-139B0406D546.jpg (750x690, 73K)

>I got an apprenticeship
>I don't want a girl doing the same as me she should be at least better
You're like a genderbend gold digger.

What the hell are you even trying to say here? Can you maybe use normal English?

Level 2 is foundry level, (pre-16 year olds), that was what I was mocking.
Why so bitter, honestly? This has to be the only board where people are super nit picky and take offense to just about everything you write.

I don't give as much thought into what I write, as you do seemingly (and wrongly) interpreting what I write

LOL I know even maybe think goes do no perhaps think sometimes.

No one's bitter here, it's all in your head. It's that you seem to be expecting a lot more than you can offer yourself and come across as thinking you're better than everyone else.

LOL, nice projection, arm chair psychiatrist!

Things change every day. A decade is a long ass time for one of the most commonly prescribed medications to get an update.

literally why
All official sources say ~7 days, they're hardly going to fob it off like it doesn't matter, if more people than predicted get pregnant they're the ones liable for giving false information (either legally or through the terrible PR). There's no reason to wait longer than the package says any more than you should throw milk out a week before it expires.

>Why so bitter
What makes those replies look bitter to you? It just looks like you are mocking and rejecting someone for having the same qualities as you do, and people are calling you out on that.

Everybody has to start somewhere. Doing low level education is required for most apprenticeships, and just because you are further ahead, you still come off as a hypocrite when you sound like they are worthless thrash, despite being not that far from where you currently are.

Not quite sure where anyone's projecting but okay?

nice projection reddit

>literally why
Because the pills might have unexpected effects and if you get weird side effects, it is much safer to not be reliant on the pills to not get pregnant.

>I don't know how guys put up with this sort of shit from girls. It's the easily one of the most obnoxious things a guy can do.

As a dude with several close female friends and a girlfriend who likes to chain text (I’d be so much happier if she’d just combine them all in to one)...

Just Ike random periods of irrationality, dealing with hyper dramatic moments (I swear there was a while where I felt like I had THREE girlfriends at once instead of one because each of them was self imploding at once over semi-overdramatized shit where they just didn’t wanted to listen to reason and has their heads up their asses.. but just wanted someone to vent to and be on their side... and I felt like my head was going to explode because all I wanted to do was hella stressed out trying to reach a work deadline... but I *had* to be a decent friend/bf or else I’d be a terrible one... And really, I do love my girls... so I put up with it... but afterwards I made sure to subtly guilt and tease them about afterwards hehe) you just kinda get used to it...

I’ve found that sometimes dealing with women is about picking and choosing your battles.

I’m pretty low communication to begin with by nature though, so I was always pretty upfront about that with everyone, and it gives me a shit ton of leeway, as well as I tended to eliminate anyone who was too high maintanence with communication needs, because that’s just not me, and I shouldn’t have to put up with shit if I really don’t want to (and I can’t realy stand obsessive neediness).

I’m a pretty laid back guy, but I draw my lines pretty clearly and if you don’t pass them it’s all good. But anyone who does, I just don’t choose to deal with because I know my limits and what I do and don’t need in my life.

Im of the opinion that, at some point, every individual *does* have to find a moment where theyfigure out what those lines are in their own lives too.

So you are just a low-level troll who could only keep the facade up for one post, gotcha.

Jesus Christ. It just sounds borderline abusive.

I'm very low on communication though, especially texting. I hate it. I'd much rather take a call or meet up. I get so tired reading a lot of messages and having to figure out how to respond to it.

I have a lot of respect for people who can handle that. I am not one of them, that's for sure.

nice projection

What is happening today. Why are people being this incomprehensible? Are you half asleep anons?

Or am I the only one who just cannot understand what the fuck is going on in these posts?

shut up dumb redditer

Sure, but that just means it's a good idea to keep condoms around in case you stop using it, you don't have to wait some arbitrary length of time after it's already effective. Jizz isn't going to make potential side effects any worse.

> (You) #
>What is happening today. Why are people being this incomprehensible? Are you half asleep anons?
I am one of the quoted ones here, and I just did it in jest.

I was trying to be as nonsensical as possible, but I feared I was making more sense than the other user you quoted.

I know, I am just giving you the reason my doctor gave me for waiting at least a month to check if it had the effect I was supposed to have.

Don't see why it I such a big deal though. It just a couple of additional weeks. I had no trouble waiting that month out, and while I didn't have to, I didn't really lose anything either.

Jesus, this thread went to hell fast.

I wish you could filter out IPs.

Imagine asking for a woman's opinion over Jow Forums.
I've never met a woman from here without severe mental health disorders, daddie issues, or haven't been molested.

They're literally the bottom of the barrel tier women, and yet you want their advice...?

Holy fuck

Do sane girls use Tinder or is it all BPD roasties?

Why you asking all the BPD roasties?

But the guys are the same, and it makes sense to ask people of the same tier as yourself, no?
It's not like the guys here have a chance with the normal functioning girls anyway.

Of course any girl you meet who admits to using Jow Forums is going to be fucked in the head. Same with guys

>Do sane girls use Tinder

>Implying most girls here have better luck than the guys
You underestimate the power of autism.

>Yeah I feel it’s super silly on the paper but it gets on my nerves and even discourages me from actually meeting him in person.

Eh, come to think of it... I’m this guy (you don’t have to read that wall of text, I’m sleep ranting) and when I was doing dating (especially online) one of those “lines” or limits I had was I just couldn’t date anyone who texted like a retard.

That shit literally used to give me migraines to read. Hell, I remember we were assigned “Their eyes were watching god” back in high school and every lineI felt like my brain was trying to melt and bleed out through my eyes...I don’t think I made it past the third page. It was the first book I ever said fuck it and had to clifffnotes.

Anyway, You do you. I do feel like online communication should take a backseat to in person (because it’s vastly inferior in nearly every way but convenience, and that convienince is often superfluous) but I do think if this is a sticking point for you, you should stick to it.

>I've never met a woman from here without

To be fair, almost every guy on here fits in to one or more category of:
>has no life experience
>has a fucked up life experience
>is insanely bitter and biased

Guys, what do you think about guys like ?

I think he probably fits in to one of the categories I mentioned in the post above yours

>me typical 18 yo male struggle w/wanting sex and being slightly religious and respectful to women as taught by parents
>overhear mom talking to grandma about my sister
>mom asks grandma how she was able to handle moms "slut phase" since sister is now in hers

For the girls. Is this a normal thing, the "slut phase" and the generational talk between mother daughter?

My dad gave me the "talk" but it was about respect and don't get her pregnant.

Lol this is bait

The Jow Forums equivalent of virtue signalling, except he's signalling to himself.

>I'm so fucking well adjusted compared to you sad fucks on here top kek as if you'd be in this thread unironically

Imagine projecting this hard lmaoooo

Not necesarily, my gfs told me her mother did pretty much the same thing to her.

But her mom is kinda... something else...

Just realised why adv is so bad, its full of women and children lol

Can you ask your gf for me? I'm at a loss here. My mom seems like a normal mom though and my grandma kinda uppidy but kind. My sister doesn't look like a wild girl at all either.

No, not in my experience at least.

But I wouldn't be surprised if the average slut had a mother who did the same. It's not like being a slut is something new. It has always existed.

Most also refer to "slut phase" as the time period where a girl dress slutty, not necessarily fuck anyone.

where to meet women looking for a relationship? so far I have tried

- salsa
- meetup dot com social events
- libraries
- traveling
- friends of friends (no referrals)
- parties
- online dating, Inc tinder (pure shit)

all to varyibg degrees of failure. I have a lot of friends so I'm not sperg, perhaps too ugly but I'm in fine shape and look normal. I also aim fairly low

pls help

What your mother's calling a 'slut phase' could just refer to the perfectly normal issues of puberty. Kids generally get very into something when they first get into it, then level off once the novelty's gone. Teenagers discovering sex is no exception.

And girls who grow up in repressive homes often 'snap' a little upon their sexual awakening and get a little more into it than average girls, compensating for the time and emotional energy they spent being afraid of it (like when would-be dieters pig out at the end of a day of denying themselves). Parents who provide repressive atmospheres are also prone to over-reacting to standard levels of sexual maturity from their daughters.

So you're not female. I keep running it through my head that it applies to my mom and grandma but just cannot get my head around it and really don't want to go there. I wonder if my mom is sorry she did and wants to stop my sister or just asking grandma how to keep her mouth shut as my sister goes through this.

I look at my dad now and wonder, does he know, does my grandfather know and if they know, does it bother them

I understand your logic and seen classmates, guys and girls rebel. While kinda religious our family is not in anyway repressive, more like we have a decent sense of right and wrong and go to church occasionally.

Also my sister is two years older than I and based on what I overheard my mom went through the phase, my grandma knew about it and didn't seem concerned in the least, leaving me to believe grandma did too.

>I look at my dad now and wonder, does he know, does my grandfather know and if they know, does it bother them

Jesus dude... Step the fuck back and reel yourself in here... you're trying to retroactively apply your fucked up beta logic to prior generations...

I friken *hate* the term "beta", but I have no idea wtf else to call all these pansy ass millennials and gen Z's that get their panties in the bunch that girls don't stay "pure" for their inept/insecure asses...

Man the fuck up and stop being so friken soft and insecure.

>So you're not female
I am.

Stop acting as if this is something all girls go through. There are a ton of different types of girls. My class had 12 girls, 3 of them went through a slut phase, 1 had a proper boyfriend the rest left school as virgins, who all avoided revealing clothes. You 1 example is pointless.

I warned you this was bait 31 minutes ago

Also unrelated by will you have sex with me please

>I friken *hate* the term "beta", but I have no idea wtf else to call all these pansy ass millennials and gen Z's that get their panties in the bunch that girls don't stay "pure" for their inept/insecure asses..
This, to be honest.

I am a 27 year old virgin, and I'd not even consider dating a guy like Seriously this shit:
>I look at my dad now and wonder, does he know, does my grandfather know and if they know, does it bother them
Like, you think I stayed a virgin for you, specifically? I was waiting for the right guy sure, but no, I am not looking for a guy who thinks a girl cannot have been touched by another guy. That level of intolerance and insecurity is super off-putting, and makes you look extremely possessive and controlling.

I'd definitely prefer someone who took sex very seriously, and hadn't slept around before meeting me, but this sort of behaviour somehow manages to be *LESS* appealing than dumb Chad who catching STDs as if they were Pokémon.

I'm not asking a guys point of view but what are you so angrily talking about? I've had gf's before and had sex with one of them. My shock is I have been taught, along with my sister, respect and moderation but what I overheard my mom and grandma discuss, like they were a recipe, the opposite. I just want to know are there two sets of do's and don'ts, one for guys and one for girls.

I think those places are fine, I don't think the fact that there were some failed attempts automatically means that the place/activity in its entirety is the issue
I'm saying that you should first understand what went wrong, learn from that, and keep trying, I think most of those options are good, but approach matters a lot too

I'm almost certain we both like each other, she's just shit at initiating anything and pretty much 99% of the time its me initiating stuff, starting conversations and all that, otherwise she just sits and smiles waiting for me to do something again, but if I don't message her myself, she doesn't do anything about it, she just doesn't show any interest unless its me sparking it up and I feel like she just waits there for me to do everything.

I'm starting to lose interest because of how un-involved she is like that, and if I don't do anything I feel like she's losing interest herself which doesn't seem to be fair. Am I right to feel that way? or is this just something guys have to deal with? I thought these things should be spread equally across both parties, but apparently not with her

>I just want to know are there two sets of do's and don'ts, one for guys and one for girls
Short answer, from a girl: no. Your family is quite unique that regard.

And it probably doesn't bother your dad or your granddad, because they weren't insecure, and knew that they were the final choice, and had the confidence to know they could keep her, regardless of hat experiences she had behind her.

I'm not acting like all go through this, but as you have answered, do they? You say not all do and I accept that.

That leads me to a different question and something you cannot answer. Since all do not then why do all the women on my maternal side?

WHAT? My original question had nothing to do with anything you are going on about. In fact another femanon answered for me and her response is rational and I believe it. You've kinda lost your mind, frankly.

Ladies, when, where and how should I approach you in non-social situations?

what's a non-social situation? like public transport or on the plane and such?

what kind of 'approach' would you recommend? I've been trying for about 2 years now, not really sure what's going wrong

I met this girl through a friend recently, I didn't make much of her but then I went home and she came to mind out of nowhere, she's really cute but thing is, she's 18 and I'm 23 and I feel like the age gap is too much, well not for me but I just feel weird about and how people would react if they found out. I'm also not sure how we gonna get along since I'm more mature than her and there might be some issues with communication I feel. What do you guys think? would it be weird/creepy if I asked her out?

Places where you don't go to socialize, yes. Can also include bookstores, grocery stores, malls stuff like that

>they weren't insecure
Why do all you people do this, you don't know me, if anything if the women in my family were secure they would proudly declare and promote a "slut phase" for all but they don't. They teach me one thing to be respectful of women and don't sleep around but it doesn't apply to them. Like do what I say not as I do.

>what kind of approach
I don't know specifically
>not really sure what's going wrong
that's what I'm saying, you should try and think back and understand why things went the way they did, maybe you somehow picked the wrong ones every time, maybe you weren't forward enough, etc I'm not saying it's your fault
but before concluding that you were going to the wrong place, you should understand what the root cause was

for example (you don't have to tell me, it's more an exercise for yourself):
why didn't it work out the last 3-5 times?
what could you have done better?
was there a lack of communication, misunderstandings?
was it physical, emotional, values were too different?
did you maybe have very different expectations?
was it maybe just bad timing, etc

>tfw 19 BMI, ~11% fat, ~43% muscle
You jelly?

Women, how do I convince you to let me touch your vaginas?

Let's not cut corners or skip out any instructions here. Starting from birth, let's assume I've grown up in a first world country, I am white, I am now old enough to take care of myself, provide for myself, feed myself e.t.c

Okay now, as someone who was born male, what exact instructions must I follow for you to let me put my penis inside your vagina?


no cuz a skellington could have these stats

not really, you're 19, wait until you're in your mid 20's where being in good shape becomes a challenge and not a hobby

>I'm not asking a guys point of view but what are you so angrily talking about?

Grossed out is more accurate than angry. Or if I'm angry, it's in like that... "WTF is this shit that I just ate. It's fucking disgusting. What the hell" kind of way.

The fact that you're trying to worry on behalf of your father and grandfather--who collectively probably have almost a century of life experience on you--is naive at best and disrespectful in it's on way.

the fact that you're trying to judge your mother and grandmother like that is also fucking *crazy* disrespectful to an absolute other tier.

if anything triggers me, it's probably that. I mean we all do it on Jow Forums to some degree, but the presumption in that post was fucking unreal.

>WHAT? My original question had nothing to do with anything you are going on about

and her post is a kind of add on to the disgust that was going on in my post, and it kind of was related to the sentiments that were going on in your post.

P.S. you kinda did ask for my PoV (or at least my gf's) and i can answer for her in that she herself was pretty Conservative while her mom was kind of a wild kid, and her grandma was pretty conservative too. But her mom was also a child of the 60's growing up in the late 70/80's. and like I said, her mom is... unique... (while her grandma is hitting that, I'm getting old, my husbands dead, I'ma just be grouchy because I can phase)
>Am I right to feel that way? or is this just something guys have to deal with? I thought these things should be spread equally across both parties, but apparently not with her

As a dude... kinda? But you only have to put up with as much shit as you want to. Really, it's always an option to just be direct and ask her out.

In the end it probably balances out since most of the time, we have the option to not be bugged if we don't want to, but the reverse isn't always true with women. Gender equality isn't really quite all there yet.

Lol his bmi is 19 doofus

All that literally means is 43% of his mass is lean muscle, but there's no machine out there that is accurate when it comes to measuring lean mass.

43% also depends on his weight, lot less impressive when you find out he's 5'7 and 150lbs LOL

Welcome to life. Adults over-exaggerate risks under the assumption that kids won't listen anyway, so if they're gonna fall short, better they fall short of an impossible standard and end up somewhere reasonable, than fall short of a reasonable standard and end up in the pits.
Do you still believe in Santa too? How have you not realised this yet?

>What do you guys think? would it be weird/creepy if I asked her out?

No it would not be weird or creepy.

But as every single one of my friends who was 24+ trying to date a 18/19 year old eventually found out: this shit is probably just going to be a fling and isn't really meant to last. Trying to force it beyond that would likely only end in one or both of you being miserable/crazy possessive/resentful.

18-22 are pretty volatile years. and 25 in itself tends to be it's own milestone of maturity. Those two time periods tend to directly clash rather than mesh.

That being said, you only live once. Don't let fear of fuck ups hold you back, because sometimes you miss out on some of the greatest moments of your life when you do, and sometimes you actually *need* those fuck ups in order to learn and progress more.

>you don't know me
And yet you get defensive, and you sound as if this is a huge deal that should have an impact on your dad and granddad, for some undefined reason.
>If anything if the women in my family were secure they would proudly declare and promote a "slut phase" for all but they don't.
Of course they don't. Not only do they openly talk about it (you heard it, after all, so they didn't care you knew, or you were a really weird person who sneaks around and listens in on private conversations for some creepy reason), they promote respect and not sleeping around. But when that is said and done, they still have to deal with the fact that people go through a phase where they want to push boundaries, and a slut phase is no different. Your posts make it sound more like she is trying to accept that she can't stop it, more than "promoting" it.

>and something you cannot answer. Since all do not then why do all the women on my maternal side?
Probably just by chance, or because they know they mother did it, and curiousity kicks in.

It's not really high level psychology here.