Caught my bf masturbating the other day on his computer.
I thought it would be porn but it was old World War 2 photos of Japanese soldiers bayoneting babies and Australian soldiers burning Japanese alive with flane throwers.
I told him it was messed up and he didn’t care.
Should I leave him?
Caught my bf masturbating the other day on his computer
>Should I leave him?
I'm a dude and I'm inclined to say yeah
But i just thought.. if he's not acting any of it out, is it really an issue?
>I'm a dude and I'm inclined to say yeah
>But i just thought.. if he's not acting any of it out, is it really an issue?
I would say yes.
If you can get hard watching stuff like that, you are completely detached from any normal form of sexuality and that is an issue regardless of whether he acts on it or not.
I have to admit it’s creeped me out deeply, and I am having trouble trying to find attractive things about him now.
>if he's not acting any of it out, is it really an issue?
Yeah... First of all, in situations like this we can't know whether seeing these things will satiate him or make him want to experience them irl. And people who get off to photos of something like this are certainly not healthy. It's one thing to jerk off to heavy BDSM, jerking off to babies being brutally killed is a giant red flag. If I were OP I wouldn't be able to look at this guy. Just too disturbing, man.
Ask him about it
If he was really getting off to that then maaaayybbbeeee have him look into therapy cause he's gotta be fucked to get off to that
Or you could leave him
I'd at least try a little bit before though
yes, you should definitely leave him.
That is fucked up shit. And ive seen fucked up shit.
Bait thread.
Probably bait, but no you shouldn't, you should talk to him about it.
Nah, prior to you he's probably been a wizard long enough that he can fap to literally anything. The real question you should be asking yourself is, "Why is he fapping and not tapping me instead?"
It's not like he should be thrown in jail for having a disturbing fetish, if he's not hurting anyone. but OP is in a romantic/sexual relationship with him, and the thing that REALLY arouses him is torture and violence, so I don't see how it could be a good idea for them to stay together
I mean the one thing that really arouses ME is torture and violence, but I am also not a psychopath so I would't do it to someone I was in a romantic relationship with.
he has the soldier rapist gene for sure
but it's not really just about the remote possibility that he'd do those things to her. I doubt he would, unless he's insane. But is he really satisfied by "normal" sex? Why do those things arouse him, why is THAT his choice for porn? It doesn't necessarily say he's going to be a murderer, but it definitely says something about him
again, if you're not breaking any laws or hurting anyone then you're entitled to do your thing. but there's a difference between calling someone a horrible person vs. just deciding that you don't want to be their girlfriend anymore
Most men fap, generally to things they can't get with their girls.
Maybe OP could try some bdsm stuff if that is what he is in to? Or again, TALK to him instead of leaping to conclusions.
Sometimes guys get boners for absolutely no reason. He probably had that happen and decided to look up some ww2 stuff while playing with his joystick. We can multi-task as well, just not in the same ways as you women.
That is true, but most fetishes are pretty harmless even if they are acted out. And most people, on some level, would like to act out their fetishes if they could do so in a private setting with someone they liked. This is one of VERY few fetishes that is legitimately disturbing and scary. You can't just act like it's a one-size-fits-all "he's just fapping, what's the big deal" thing
Again I say I have had similar fetishes and fapped to similar things, but wouldn't do it in real life.
Most men have a rape fantasy, very few do it in real life.
and again I say do your thing and enjoy it as long as you're not hurting anyone. But OP is not obligated to stay with her boyfriend if she was freaked out/turned off by his fetish. that's really the only topic of discussion here
As for the rape fantasy - people DO act out their rape fantasies in a consensual setting. Most of the time it's really just about rough, dominant sex, which is usually harmless and fun. I guess BDSM would be a safe, fun way to act out a torture fetish. I don't think there is any safe way to act out a murder fetish
I am going to guess he has a torture fetish. If I were OP I would talk to my bf about that, instead of immediately breaking up with him as everyone in this thread is virtue signaling to do.
>Should I leave a psycho with violent sexual fantasies before he kills me?
quite entertaining bait, but bait nonetheless
Pretty messed up situation but I sometimes sit down to have a good fap and start stroking but get distracted and don't immediately go to the porn. Is the guy a history nut? Maybe he had a tab open to some history forum and was half heartedly jacking it while looking at some pics. Lol he should have said as much though when confronted.
What the fuck is that picture?
This entire thread is just women over reacting.
Dammit I’ve rubbed one at at my desk and the only thing in front of me are electrical diagrams.
Sometimes you just get into the moment
I fapped to a solid state physics equation once.
>Should I leave him?
I would.
>Oh my god you serial killer! Leave him girls.
You know what I mean, everyone is over reacting ITT. The guy probably just had war photos on his desktop and had a quick wank thinking about the hot Chinese girl with big tits in his history class, and his panicky idiot girlfriend OP walks in halfway and thinks OH MY HES LITERALLY RAPING BABIES.
Jesus Christ women, calm the fuck down.
This thread has convinced me to never tell my gf or future gfs about the nightmare I had about being a soldier raping a corpse.
>photos of Japanese soldiers bayoneting babies and Australian soldiers burning Japanese alive with flane throwers
Fapping or no fapping, the guy's fucked up.
Wise move.
The guy probably uses /b/
He also probably has an entire hard drive filled with tranny porn.
I think this whole thing was just a timing issue, no guy goes around jerking it to war crimes, well except a couple of autists on Jow Forums but they’re not the girlfriend types
No man in history has ever been jacking it while yelling “yeah burn that dolphin eating yellow faggot you upside down cunt!”
It never happened, ever.
What the fuck are you on about?
Try to keep up you dribbling fucking spastic
Maybe he was watching something weirder and switched tabs at the last minute because it was more explainable
That would be funny AS FUCK. It would be be like watching something like creamfarting. Then gf suddenly opens door, no time to unzips dick, alt tabs, Booom last window open is Jow Forums with rekt thread with japanese soldiers bayonetting an australian baby and burning people alive.
What the fuck is wrong with people?
My fiance had these issues (and still has them but in a lesser degree) but guess why? He was victim of sexual abuse as a baby until he was 6. This caused his sexuality to start too soon, and then he got in too deep too fast.
I loved him, so when he told me about that, we slowly pushed in the direction of curbing these behaviors (without professional therapy. His career would be flushed down the toilet otherwise) and hes getting slowly better.
There are 2 ways to go about this OP. You talk to him about what you saw, and either offer to help him overcome these behaviors if you really love him or decide that this is far too much baggage and leave him if you never really loved him in the first place and the relationship was/became purely physical.