>be me
>meet girl of my dreams
>we really hit off
>have a lot of similar interests
>dating a couple months
>she’s only given me oral
>I ask her why we can’t have sex
>she cries
>comes out that she’s trans
>born male
>went through hormonal changes around puberty, so she grew to be feminine
>is having surgery in a few months at a really expensive hospital to have the full sex change
>she starts crying more and packs her stuff about to leave and apologizing
>I stop her and kiss her
I don’t know what to do. I’m straight, but she’s really sweet and gorgeous. I can’t tell anyone irl and she hasn’t told anyone other than her bestfriend and obviously her family. She’s stunning, guys try to hit on her via social media constantly. What do?
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck her in the ass
Eat her ass and suck her dick
If you like it try to convince her to keep it. I've always dreamed bof having a gf with dick, it would be the perfect woman.
He essentially phished you, so this is on him. You can wait until after the surgery so you can feel a little less gay about it
you should seriously talk to her about not getting surgery. i mean she's pretty much destroying a healthy part of herself and having it frankenstein'd into a "vagina". regardless of what both of you think about the dick, you have to consider the impact it will have on her health and the painful recovery that will follow.
>What do?
Simple question: Do you wanna have kids in the future?
Yes = Advice: Well fuck.
No = Advice: Cool, take it.
Depends on what you are okay with, after the surgery it'll be like she was always a girl, you could just keep doing oral until then, you seem okay with her being trans so you should probably just stick with her and be happy with her
No reason to ruin something good over something that doesn't seem to affect anything
Unless you wanted to have kids but you could always adopt
And as said if you dont wanna wait this is always an option
He can have a daughter with the own mom
>OP falls in love with trans person
>They start dating
>Eventually trans person admits they're not a biological girl
>OP feels bad for her
And all you can say is
Bro your children are going to have mental problems.
Wow, Jow Forums is really spilling over these days. Usually a bunch of sad robots come here making pointless threads for advice they'll never take, but this is just a straight up Jow Forums thread.
>Pulling a conclusion out of your ass
I love Jow Forums
is thst way btw
You’re gay as fuck and you fell for a dirty liar!
actual faggot lmao
I bet lol
Are you fucking stupid or something? If I get you to invest in my ponzi scheme, are you going to say "well at first I thought it was something it wasn't so now that I know it's not what it claims to be I should just stick with it?" No, you're going to get the fuck out of there with as little blowback on your end as possible. Just because he got tricked in the beginning doesn't mean he has to keep going with it to save face. It's entirely the trans guy's fault for tricking him, let him deal with the emotional baggage, he's obviously a peace of shit if he's going to let other guys get emotionally invested in him for months only to tell them he's actually a male. Not even just that, then he cries like it wasn't his entire fucking fault that he tricked people into getting to know him as something he's not in the first place. OP get the fuck out of there, if he's willing to trick you for months on end then he's obviously willing to do some fucked up shit, he sounds like a toxic individual.
You dont get it she is a girl on the inside
Actually he is a mentally fucked up man rejecting his masculinity.
Get the fuck off this site
>>>/LGBT/ is that way
>Actually he is a mentally fucked up man rejecting his masculinity
Masculinity is a social construct and if you unironically believe it is wrong to not embrace it you're mentally handicapped
My parents taught me that children are made through anal sex
No, you don't get it. It doesn't matter what he feels like he is on the inside, that doesn't change the fact that he led someone on for literally months, tricking them into thinking he was a girl on the outside. I would be fucking pissed if I put all my time and effort and heart into getting to know someone only to find out that they'd been lying to me about something this important the entire time. It's so fucking toxic, he tricked this guy into thinking he was a girl for months on end and then he fucking cries when his trick gets exposed? I don't care about whether you think trannies are people or not or whether you like traps or whatever the fuck, that's as big of a red flag as red flags can be. OP should get the fuck out of there ASAP, this dishonest fuck deserves all of the emotional hurt OP can bring down on him.
>completely abuse his feeling of guilt
>tell him you feel tricked
>tell him you have trouble trusting people now
>humiliate him sexually
>piss on him
>shit in his mouth
>make him think you will stay with him
>break up a few days before surgery
>out him to all his friends
Yeah, do this
well op thats cool that you still love her
i respect the trans community, whole heartedly, but she is definitely 110 percent in the wrong for not telling you she is trans. it seems like yu dont mind this which is great but to any other trans reading this its messed up not to tell the person you're dating that you are trans im sorry but it is. if you want to wait maybe a couple weeks to tell them you're trans okay ill accept that but if its for months on end i dunno.
no no no. she's messed up. nope. i wouldn't call this rape but it's a cousin of it cause you technically didn't consent since you thought she was female.
Did your father leave you when you were younger so you rejected the "social construct of masculinity" in order to distance yourself from the figure? If so, you should probably work on those feelings with a professional.
>marry dude in a dress
>no chance of kids unless you get a surrogate or adopt
>have to pay for his hormones daily
>have to pay for surgery
>the neovagina is literally a disgusting open wound trying to heal itself
>if it gets "wet" that's because they bridge it with the colon for lubrication
>you're getting colon juice on your dick
>he has to dilate the hole hours a day to avoid it closing up
> have to deal with a bunch of psychological issues
> statistically likely to end up killing himself
It's not going to be like dating a real girl even after he gets the bottom surgery. It's going to be difficult and probably end in suffering for you. She has already lied to you about who she is, do you really expect things to somehow get better just because she gets a hole cut in her Gooch?
Get out while you still can. It will ruin your life to proceed. Trans people are a fucking nightmare to date and they are never well adjusted, not really.
T. Guy whose gf decided to become FTM transexual years in and it fucked his life up to try and stick it out
>social construct
Yeah I guess male deer growing antlers and jousting with them to show dominance is a social construct
That word doesnt mean what you think it does.
You are going to get fucked if you follow through and he lets himself go as he gets more comfortable with you.
Your daddy issues are showing
also im not against you guys being together. its possible she loved you so much that she couldn't bare the thought of losing you to an 'identity' that she no longer feels represents her so i get it....but still...she should have told you. im not saying she's a bad person though
Dude what the fuck
I'm not the guy you were arguing with but you're acting like shes a fucking bottle of snake oil
It's a person jesus christ
If they had the surgery beforehand and did the same thing would it be an issue?
You act like OP fell in love with a vagina when it was a penis instead of the reality which was a person
Calm the fuck down and stop acting like people are things you drop the second they do something wrong especially when OP is happy with her for herself rather than looking for pussy
fake and definitely gay
Ask to suck her cock.
If she's pretty much a she, you'll likely get more enjoyment from sucking it than it getting turned into pretty much a pocket.
Dude what the fuck.
You're acting like leading people on romantically for months that your a woman when you're actually a man is fucking normal acceptable behavior.
It's a giant lie jesus christ.
If he had surgery and led someone one for months he'd still be a toxic, dishonest scumbag for scamming someone emotionally for months on end.
You act like OP fell in love with a woman instead of the reality which was a man.
Calm the fuck down and stop acting like tricking people to get them emotionally invested in you by not telling them the truth of who you are is acceptable healthy behavior, especially when OP is pretty explicitly in an emotional tangle now that he's faced with the fact that he was scammed.
It’s so odd because she’s super feminine. She’s nothing like a stereotypical tranny. I’d say she’s more womanly than majority of women. She’s also very conservative and hates majority of transgender people. This whole situation is driving me crazy. I’d like to clarify that she didn’t lie to use me. She originally wanted to be friends, but I was super persistent. You can’t really me stupid, because 99.9% of you NEET’s would try to fuck her with or without a dick. This is an extremely difficult decision. I think I might just blow my brains out and call it a day, fellas.
I'll admit that they should've said something earlier but I don't think they need to wear a sign telling everyone they're trans when the point is to be perceived as a women
And why do you keep acting like this is an unforgivable act, there's clearly a reason they didn't say it, it's not like their plan was to trick OP for the sole reason of laughing at him or something
They were probably scared of losing the person they love
lowercase only
They don't need to tell literally everyone they meet but "Oh hey I'm actually a man with a dick" is something you should say pretty early on in a romantic relationship. Otherwise, whether it's intentional or not, you're just playing with some guys emotions like it doesn't even matter and you're just going to make him as confused as you are.
What are you talking about playing with his emotions? In a few months he's gonna have a vagina any ways and he already looks like a chick as well, I agree that he should've spoken up way sooner but this isn't some kind of emotional rape, they were both in love so it's not like manipulation
If shes passable the you should pursue it. I hate to sound like a sjw but she really is a girl. If people give you shit for it then shake it off because you like her for who she is (mostly). If youre uncomfortable with her anatomy then tell her that but you'll try to work through it. Also .
Pen-is mightier than the gay.
Its an open wound actually. Look up transsexual dilation. Thats what OP will be dealing with.
50% of trannies attempt suicide.
It’s your choice if that’s something you can handle
>he's gonna have a vagina any ways
You mean an open wound
2 months
he lied to you for 2 whole months about something you had the right to know way, way sooner
I hate to sound correct, but she really isn't a girl.
you can pump all the chemicals in the world in him, but his genes will never be xx or yy and he will never bear children. and now he is mutilating his genitals to fit his self perceived image. there's nothing wrong with that, he can do as he pleases. but he is not a woman, lol
>he's gonna have a vagina
Lmao before even just realizing that "vagina" in this sentence actually means an inside out dick, read it out loud to yourself. "HE'S gonna have a VAGINA". Shit's fucked. If OP was in love with this tranny guy then he wouldn't be confuse as to what to do. The fact is that OP fell in love with a woman who doesn't actually exists, what exists is a man pretending to be a woman and that man was not up front about it at all.
Damn.. That's some funny shit man, god damn.
Seriously post a face shot OP. Prob looks manly af.