Am I fucked if i'm a 5'6" male

Am I fucked if i'm a 5'6" male

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nah i feel yeah my gf is same hight as me (5'6) and she takes the piss but at the end of the day im the on fucking her

Would you rather be 6"1 male with a receding hairline or be 5"6 with normal hair?

On top of that you can guy small clothes aka cheaper aka more shekels

Yes, literally, by quite a few girls.

Short goodlooking guy always triumphs over tall plain guy.

shhhh dont lower his life more then it already is

Lol so many girls won't date guys at all if they're shorter than them so that isn't true.

Sadly, no you won’t get fucked.

Try hookers.

Manlets, when will they learn?

>mfw my gf is taller then me

Are you a twink?

And you know this how? Think about it, you are 6'3" and have never been on a date with a girl.

You're fucked because you worry that something as inconsequential as height can completely destroy your life

I've been on lots of dates with girls. It's common knowledge that many won't date guys smaller than them.

It's common knowledge that most girls don't find guys above 6' attractive and most guys above that height are virgins. So unless you are rich you are lying. Which you almost certainly are because you are clearly extremely insecure, and girls never find that attractive.

I'm anjy I'm short and cute. Please be my husbando. umu

You're getting very defensive and projecting haha.

Girls love guys around the 6" to 6"4 range. That's common knowledge, mate

My dad is 5'6" and he seems to do alright.

Clearly not, just look at how you turned out

Show me just one 6'4" man that women find attractive, who is not rich and famous. You can't. This is called coping.

Can't believe I fell for your bait.


It will be difficult for you but you aren't completely fucked. If you are short then most likely your dad is short as well. And he still managed to reproduce.

Just make a lot of money since u most likely have a small dik.

OP, I know somebody that's 5"6 that slays on tinder and constantly gets girls to fuck on the first date on a weekly basis.

Some girls are superficial, but a lot of them don't care about height when you have other traits that are desirable such as confidence

my cocko is of slightly above average size

6"1 male, no doubt.

>that most girls don't find guys above 6'
lmao are you the retard from the other thread?

That is literally me lol. 21 y/o guy, 6''1 (feelsgoodman.jpg) but my hairline is already starting to get pretty fucked (feelsbadman.jpg)

Have you heard of minoxidil?

He's 6" and his hairline is going.

Attached: harry-styles-hair-line.jpg (800x1046, 173K)

Not him, but I would try it, but I don't like the sexual side effects and the fact that it can make you grow hair everywhere

Never heard of it. But i'll do some research on it. Thanks.

Use the liquid, the foam doesn't work as well. Minoxidil is the same as Rogaine only in generic form. You can buy a 6 months supply from Costco for $17.

Nope. You just have to change a few things. Get passionate about stuff, work out, get a job and such.
You'll have to show that you have more than just height alone. Not just to others, but most all yourself. Why do you think the lanklets of/r9k/ still bitch and cry? Because that's all they are, tall and nothing else.

Work on you, be kind but not nice, cast a large shadow and youll be fine.

And if it's about women, when you're a man of worth, height can be overlooked.
t 5'6" manlet with a 5'10" gf

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Who cares, everybody gained some inches for the last 20 years.
6' is the new 5'6

you get to live much longer than lanklets. the tallest man ever only lived to his 30s

Yeah women only like taller men

I'm 5'6.
Used height-increase insoles and some thick shoes last night that made me seem more like 5'8. Definitely noticed a lot more looks from girls. Those couple inches make a lot of difference.

Maybe. Why do you care so much about it? If your height is all you have to bring to the table, then you're fucked from the get go m8

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For any manlets here, avoid dating sites and focus on face-to-face interaction. Women on the internet are retarded and will set standards arbitrarily. In real life, however, they're much more forgiving and open to a relationship.
Most women have a height minimum of either their own height or slightly above it, and considering the average woman in the US is 5'4, you're fine for the most part.

Larping 6'2" virgin detected.

Average height person detected

You are fucked until you arent fucked ever again because you are married.
Thats not a play on words.
Life is harder but not impossible.
We are getting wrecked by that meme mentality.