Gosh you're fucking pathetic. Your face isn't the problem, it's your personality.
>chad doesn't need muscles as he already has the face.
Right, literally two minutes outside and I'll see loads of ugly fuckers with hot girls, if you want to do that.
>he just needs to eat well (easy)
Eating is probably the hardest part of looking buff.
>I do more than chad does, I have better hobbies, interests, opinions, stories, thoughts and so on
I hate to break it to you but chad ISN'T FUCKING REAL it's just a fucking bullshit meme you keep telling yourself so you don't have to think about it. You're saying that you are quantifiably better to an imaginary person. Moreover, I don't really know how you can even begin to claim you have better hobbies, interests, opinions, stories, and...thoughts? How the fuck do you even quantify thoughts?
What a load of shit- your hobbies and thoughts must be so good that you've concluded (through your bountiful wisdom) that crying about it on Jow Forums is going to work
>nothing can fix an ugly face
Yeah it fucking can, you're probably average anyway
>if you aren't a chad or a girl, do not use tinder in 2018
What a fucking wuss, no wonder you don't fucking get anywhere "I'm better than everyone, I'm so misunderstood, it's not worth trying"
Jesus fucking christ what is wrong with you?
You're no better than anyone else, you're no more intellectual, you've not better thoughts or hobbies than anyone. The reason no one dates you is because you're an entitled piece of shit that doesn't fucking listen to anyone and is so self-assured of how wonderful he is- and how wonderful you are, alone, reading this on your computer.