hey! im a college student in Minnesota seriously considering prostitution, any advice on where to start? this seems to be a relatively peaceful area.
What is your gender?
I'm female. 18
Just be a stripper. It's safer.
no strip clubs nearby? not too many options in this place
Post CL/BP you are kinda shit out of luck for any meaningful funds. There is a decent substitute site out there but you can look for that on your own.
As pointed out, you are better off trying your luck stripping.
I have found a couple places, but nothing really pans out, mostly guys who want to hit it and not pay. I'd love to try stripping, but like I said, no nearby options
>the absolute state of women
Sad part is she will probably find a guy that "supports" her career choices.
Just whore yourself out on craigslist or use dating websites slut.
if you hadn't noticed, I can't on cl w/o getting arrested. also, who said I wanted someone who supported my career choices? I want cash for some dick, pretty straightforward. stay in your lane.
Can you post a body pic?
this, start your career as a whore by working pro bono
post some nudes
Alright time to take vacation to Minnesota. Ready for your first client, op?
how soon can you get here ;)
All aboard for AIDS.
It will be funny when guys are smacking you around and you can't do anything about it.
I'll cross that bridge when I get to it
Would you suck the dick cheese off my cock?
Pls be in Minneapolis
post it
in Duluth actually :(
I'd like to know what I'm getting into (literally). Height/weight/ethnicity/menu options
5'3/160, 36D/black/ how do you feel about anal? because I love it ;)
Mmmmm... Not my type. Best of luck to you. (Also I'm sure you'd be a lot of fun though.)
post your ass
thanks anyway :)
5'3"/115lbs, 28D/Pakistani
disregard that im a faggot
You're really going to need to post some pics if you want to attract clients.
I do kik, beamerupscotty
Well...maybe not. If you get to be "known" around school you'll be ok.
What this dude said. Make some connections with losers who need a whore. Hanging around any of the colleges is a good bet. Might be a good idea to try and only sell yourself at a college you aren't attending. Unless you dont care about people finding out about your questionable job choice. There's plenty of desperate people at UMD, you'll do great.
Not gonna lie if I had found a nice girl who'd have fucked a fat nerd like me when I was in college I would have made that investment. I was making a decent amount of money as a college student due to my over paid internship so girls like OP would have been a fantastic outlet for a khv (at the time) like me.
I monger a lot.
The first mistake you’re making is doing it close to home.
That’s a huge mistake.
To effectively whore you need money to go whore interstate otherwise you’re bringing a huge bundle of problems into your personal world. I’d recommend Nevada.
Also 70% of clients you’re going to hate banging most are fat married smelly guys with poor social skills. Then you’ll get regulars who are just super lonely guys who always hassle to date you every session who over repeat visits get more passive aggressive until they genuinely hate you, all the whole you pretending they’re nice interesting sexy balanced men because you need the income.
Being a working lady is a very very demanding skill set. If you think it’s just cash for cock then you’re way off target and will burn accordingly.
I recommend contacting brothels in Nevada to work from as its legal and you’ll meet older women workers who can guide you right.
Also post body pics and I’ll give honest feedback.
thanks for the advice! my problem is that I can't leave Minnesota right now, so Nevada probably isn't the best choice, though I might consider it later. Do you know if I con contact the brothels in Nevada and have them put me in touch with someone near me? I don't consider it cash for coke really, I know it's very demanding based off of what I've read, but it's my only option at this point.
I agree, there are plenty of desperate people at UMD, but they are all also broke. Everyone I've met is barely making tuition and eating pizza rolls for dinner every night/
>Do you know if I con contact the brothels in Nevada and have them put me in touch with someone near me?
I’m not American but correct me if I’m wrong, Nevada is the only legal brothel state yes? They won’t risk their licence to put you in touch with someone breaking the law.
Speak to the legal brothels call them and tell them you’re thinking of starting work and if they’ll roster you.
My advice would be got a loan from a company of $300. Buy a bus ticket, some heels, a sexy outfit, make it fun and reflective of you and go to Nevada and work a few nights.
You’ll easily pay back the loan in one night.
The money you’ll make is very good, but you work for it
Also post a body pic, doesn’t have to be nude, just let me see what you’ve got to work with and I’ll give you some tips
Also trust me on this.
Do your business away from home. This is so important.
Every professional WL I know works interstate, you’ll want to have a normal life where you live. Working where you live is a big mistake.
Why is it a mistake to work local?
What you want to do is become a sugar baby. It's safer and more exclusive than prostitution. Create an account on SeekingArrangement.
The ideal result of what could happen is, you get one or a few older men who will pay you for your company, and also give you lavish gifts and take you on fancy trips. You will of course have sex with them, but at best, sugar relationships are enjoyable by both. And you can have more than one at the same time.
Wtf. Where are that there are no strip clubs.
Post nudes.
How would you react to a fat guy who treats the session with the professionalism of a business meeting? I want to be a John but I don't want to treat the girl like shit or make her feel uncomfortable.
Fat guy here. Be clean, groomed (including pubic trimming), and be respectful. If you do these things you're already better than 50% of their clientele. Unless you're too fat to even have sex (unlikely) then you'll be fine. She's paid to fuck you even if the sex for her isn't great. Enjoy it, bust that nut, and have fun with her body.
>have fun with her body.
I've seen a couple of videos of a guy who fucks prostitutes in Europe and they always push him off when he touched their tits or anywhere besides their hips. Is that normal?
Mate I’m a fellow fat guy.
I’m a punter not a WL, but I guess I’d high give you over the girl we are spitroasting if the chance arises
In Europe yes.
You pay more for access.
In Asia it’s mostly open slather depending on culture.
one day we will meet brother
in all honesty? I wouldn't care if he were fat. as long as you are nice, I could care less
Just repeating it, become a sugar baby. Safer and nicer.
I've been on seeking for a while, kind of hard to find people actually willing to pay
Women have radar for discovering female sex workers, and some take exception to their husbands fucking you.
They’ll spit in their coffees, ruin their hair, all types of nasty shit.
A lot of women see hookers as homebreakers because they screw so many married men, god forbid the hookers screws their actual husband.
What are you out of ten?
Sugar baby only works if you’re a 10 or solid 9
Honey post a picture. No one's going to judge you
a solid 7 1/2. big tits, big ass, kind of curvy
Expand the range a bit. The guys who have money will not have any problem flying a bit farther away and meeting someone on their travels. Just present yourself as a normal nice college girl.
t. Have been on SA as a sugar daddy
ok then
Sounds good so far, what about... height? White?
nice ass
what are you pulling here lass
lmaooo I used a time filter, make it edgy
With that body if you went to Australia for a working holiday you’d make a fortune from being exotic.
You’d make in the cities you’d make $1,500 a day. Work 5 days a week in a parlour for one month you’d make $30,000 and it’s legal work and earnings.
Oh it’s a LARP
I'd recommend you take one laying down on a bed while showing off your ass
for being exotic? christ I'll pretend to not speak English if necessary.
Uh. What...? I'd be furious if I paid to fuck some girl and I could only touch her hips. What the fuck kind of bullshit is that? Is that really how it is in Europe? Is that the standard?
It’s not the standard, but basic package yes. Some places you pay for extras, it’s a sliding scale pricing. The places are important because the quality difference is huge. Some of the places in Germany are simply mind blowing.
In the right market you can make insane money
That's not really how Nevada brothels work. Unless you're a celebrity of sorts or a proven earner, they're not going to take someone on for a weekend. An overweight black girl isn't likely to be accepted for anything less than a one month contract, and that's going to be her having to pay rent, giving the house a large cut of her income, and basically being restricted to the property (plus the fact that most of the brothels are located in the middle of nowhere so there's nowhere to go anyway).
A lot of guys who use prostitutes aren't nice. The advantage of working a brothel is that it's legal and there's security. You can expect that a lot of guys are going to push you to do things that you don't want to do, most of which have a lot of potential to endanger your health. A lot of guys are going to treat you like garbage.
The previous channels that prostitutes used to share information are largely gone. There are some new sites going up outside of the USA, but the prostitutes I know who are "regular" people doing a job (as opposed to fly-by-night junkies looking for quick money) are still scrambling to figure out how to stay in business and how to contact each other to share information about dangerous clients.
So... You pay more to be able to touch their breasts? You're balls deep in her vagina and boobs cost extra?
I don't know, I just saw the videos. You can look them up on pornhub by searching "peruanito."
>That's not really how Nevada brothels work
Cheers bro, it’s different here
Yeah, I'm aware prostitution in a lot of countries in the EU is very different.
One of the big differences is that Nevada doesn't permit prostitutes to ply their trade as independents. They have to work for a brothel, which gives the brothel owners a lot of power over them. And of course the brothels exploit this power to as great an extent as they can.
Yes, same with DATY, fingering, anal, kissing, etc etc
Some girls just do it, some only if they like you, but extras are becoming common in Some countries.
so I guess I'm going to Australia this summer
In parts of Australia the girls are 100% independent and the brothel like licences room hire.
To the point where girls can stay out back look at the intro room via camera and decide whether they want the customer or not.
I still love Thailand for mongering. But god I want to try Colombia or Dominican Rebuplic. Got a thing for black and Hispanic chicks.
Id recommend a few parlours in Melbourne. Also STI are mandatory here. You need to be 100% free not even HPV.
I can’t mention names or places here though.
fair. I'll definitely check them out, gotta plan a vacation
Clubpleadure huntingdale you should contact
Well shit. Oh well... I've always looked forward to visiting Europe and having a metric fuckton of sex with legal prostitutes
Europe has places where although you pay extra the quality is fucking amazing!
If you just want a quick bang it’s still very cheap and accessible
Yeah if I'm on vacation I'm there to spend money. How much extra is extra? Like total per visit? Am I looking at a couple hundred dollars or like a thousand?
Go to Frankfurt, Breite gasse.
FS 25-30€
Extras €10-20 depending
It’s all ST no LT
LT you start getting into 100s to 1000s of usd. Best ask a local though. I was only there for 3 days and ST everything
What do you mean by LT and ST?
>I can’t mention names or places here though.
why not?
start fucking all those people on medical vacations in that shit tier, god forbidden, wasteland you call Minnesota. I hope some mid western serial killer long haul trucker cuts you up into little pieces and they dont find your remains until spring thaw.
honestly me too. at least I won't have to finish paying tuition
some sell labor, some sell sex, some sell time. I have hard time understanding why people want to be prostitutes but all the power to you
Europe is not one country and there's lots of differences between every country. In some prostitution is also illegal. Probably the easiest is Germany, if you have a few hundred to burn you can go crazy in a FKK club. The best club that I like going to is called FKK Oase in Frankfurt.
just cam whore