Why the fuck do you faggots have to constantly be chasing relationships like it is the only thing that makes your life worthwhile? You really need to reevaluate your life if this is so important to you.
Why is Jow Forums so obsessed with relationships?
Gif related is you guys
Cause it’s the only thing that people on here lack of. Or at least me. I have stable job, I went traveling, I have friends to socialize with. I only need that SO in my life.
Why though? Seriously, outside of trolling, why?
Because it’s something I’m missing out. I work, make money, go travel, go out for drinks with friends, doing everything I can but always all by myself. I want to know how that feels having someone that I connected with, genuinely care about me and feel the feeling of in love. I dated or in short relationship but never felt butterfly or genuinely loving someone that not family or related at all
Because women and relationships are something I just can't accomplish. They're a true reflection of your self worth. High worth individuals attract other high worth individuals. So, when you attract nobody...what does that say about you?
Because manchildren and some literal underage kiddies.
You are literally basing your own self worth by the people around you, when those people could just be fools. It doesn't make sense from that point of view.
I can relate to that, I just don't need that.
What is it with this travel bs? It seems to me traveling is some sort of glorified basic need like.
Realistically speaking our hunter gatherer ancestors would wander over vast areas of the world, so it could be a biological urge for some.
Well the travel part is to let you know O do enjoy my life not locked myself at home every weekend or only think about relationships to the point that my mind can not function and know how to live. Not like I’m a big traveler either. Just a metaphor
>Those people could just be fools
So which one is it, then? Are all women fools for staying away from me or are none of them fools and that's why they stay away from me?
>why do you people want to be happy???
lol this is counter trolling, right? If not, then this is precisely why you fail. Look at all those people they don't want me therefore no one does waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Grow the fuck up kid.
>why do you require outside validation to prove you are worth something?
>why is it if you don't get it then your life seems to be worthless in your eyes?
Seems counter productive to me
Yes, people in relationships are so uncool, real babies.
I don't even know what you're dribbling on about or how these things are mutually exclusive. You should probably just make a noose.
Fucking lol I am talking about the bitches on this site who constantly whine about not getting a gf and how sad they are because of this. Reading comprehension bro.
It's bordering on an essential Basic Need along with food shelter and water. People who lack relationships, be they romantic or platonic, often go insane and/or on a shooting spree. You can try to fill that void in your life with a thousand and one hobbies and video games and going to the gym and whatever else but it'll be the same as actually being with someone who loves you at least as much as you love them. having someone who actually resent you and sort of still likes you is actually better than being alone because they at least have some feelings for you and are still in your life.
>doesn't know what friends are
You don't need a romantic relationship to not go insane, you need some kind of social relationship. Like a friend.
Yeah because Buddhist Monks are going around shooting people. I think it's fine to want a SO, because not OP, but you need to acknowledge isn't a need. You make it a need
Sorry, nevermind.
I am just a faggot op. Yeah, I was implying romantic relationships
I've made a mistake
It definitely is repetitive
I don't think people on adv spend so much time on relationships. It's just that it's the thing one is much more likely to need advice on
Lmao you have missed the point completely. I was going to try and explain but naw, fuck that. Neck yourself.
>Yeah because Buddhist Monks are going around shooting people.
There are no Buddhist monks on Jow Forums or Jow Forums at large.
Monks, be they Buddhist or whatever else, also live for a single purpose while also being part of a tight-knit community full of interpersonal relationship. They also made that choice to sacrifice their lives for God(s).
If you're just some fucking guy living in the world who goes to school and has a job and watches youtube videos and wears pants and everything, you need a life partner. Even if the life partner is only part of your life for less than a year.
Serious case of first world problems.
It's boring as hell.
no, you don't. I don't think you were the one who originally posted the comment he is responding to, or that you understand what the word platonic or the phrase life partner actually mean if you are, so I will just echo that person's statement. It isn't a need YOU are making it a need. You need friends, you don't need an SO
If you have a point make it, otherwise you are exactly what my comment was making fun of. A fucking child.
Because most faggots on here at in middle school and high school, which is all most people in this age group care about. There is a lot more to life that who you're putting your dick into or who you wish you could marry.
That could be it. It could be skewed towards that.
>I don't think you were the one who originally posted the comment he is responding to
I am.
>You need friends
No you don't. Less than you would need a romantic partner. You can't cuddle with your friends and have crazy sex and raise a family with them..... I mean I guess you could it is 2018 after all but then they become more than friends.
I hate to make an appeal to nature, but we are discussing human nature, and the one thing that all living thing strive for is to have a(t least one)_ partner in life.
>There is a lot more to life that who you're putting your dick into or who you wish you could marry.
lol like what video games
Plenty of people reach old age who
>never married
>never had a family
>had sex but haven't had it in years because they weren't interested in it after trying it
The reason people strive for relationships is because they buy into the zeitgeist telling them that if they don't find a girl, marry, have kids, then die all the while working a shitty job that they are worthless. You apparently went one step further and generalized it as a basic requirement for being human.
You keep calling me a child because that's all you think you have. It's pathetic. Why would I bother explaining anything to someone throwing a tantrum like you are? You're not going to listen. You've made up your mind. Run along now and let the adults talk.
No, its because that is all you have given me to respond to. Bitching. Give me your point and we will see.
see this WHOA I calmly conceded a point. Insane, right?
I don't need advice on other things, since I'm happy in all aspects of my life except relationships. I have no friends to ask for help, and the harsh truth of anonymous strangers is sometimes really eye-opening.
>Plenty of people reach old age who
>>never married
>>never had a family
>>had sex but haven't had it in years because they weren't interested in it after trying it
and do you think those people feel fulfilled at the end of the day and at the end of their lives, leaving nothing behind and having no one to care for or care about them?
>You apparently went one step further and generalized it as a basic requirement for being human
Reproduction is out biological imperative, and relationships go hand in hand with reproduction.
I live in nonwhite infested shithole, I like to leave as much as I can
>friends can't care for you
>the only thing you can leave behind is children
>not businesses
>not a house
>can't work on charities in the free time you would have spent with a gf or raising your bratty kids
Now for the last bit
>humans are merely animals that have no desires or ability to think outside of what biology tells us to do
>asexual people and people who don't want kids don't exist
>first world problems
Found the nigger
Instead of spending money on travelling, why not move anywhere else?
Yes I can totally buy a house while I'm unemployed and still in fucking college and doing flight training. Also I dont know if you live in a bubble but homes are expensive as shit
>>friends can't care for you
>>the only thing you can leave behind is children
>>not businesses
>>not a house
>>can't work on charities in the free time you would have spent with a gf or raising your bratty kids
>Now for the last bit
>>humans are merely animals that have no desires or ability to think outside of what biology tells us to do
You can do and have ALL those things - and a partner and kids.
>asexual people and people who don't want kids don't exist
They do exist and that's fine, but they're a minority. People on Jow Forums are not "obsessed" with relationships, they want to be in one like the majority of people on earth. I don't get why it's making you upset. Sour grapes?
you could always just get an apartment...
>living in a box
>and do you think those people feel fulfilled at the end of the day and at the end of their lives, leaving nothing behind and having no one to care for or care about them?
This is what YOU said. This statement falsely conflates having a partner with having had worth in your life. How dumb are you?
I mean, a house is only a larger box, but fair enough.
Not him but again you are wrong. Childless people are nothing but a scourge on the world. You look at all of the childless politicians in Europe: Macron, Teresha May, Merkel, what do they have in common? They have self-destructive policies that undermine the future because they themselves have no children and thus have no concern for the future.
Wrong, a home on a couple acres of land is freedom. I dont want niggers, spics, jews, coding laws, quiet hours, noise, noise complaints, restrictions, etc. I want to be left alone and free with my eventual family
I will have no children but have concern for the future (I want things like less debt, better health care in an affordable manner, better environmental controls so we don't fuck everyone, stuff like that). You just chose some cases that stand out which you think prove your point and ignore/don't look for anything that might suggest otherwise, then you generalized those cases to all people. You don't need children to be concerned about humanity.
Ohhhhhhhh. Okay, yeah, I can see that point of view. I was thinking a better suburban home, not that.
I meant no legacy in the sense of having kids and also passing on their values and teachings onto them. I thought that was implied.
>in b4 be a teacher or some kind of niche craftsmen that has apprentices
I mean at this point you're raising and teaching other people's kids, which again is fine, but I don't get why you're mad and upset and arguing that people are wrong and stupid and misguided for wanting to have relationships that lead to that.
No I've come to have disdain for the suburban homes, theres so many shitskins moving in, they are becoming overpriced and there's too many rules. Associations are the scum of the Earth
I am more annoyed that Jow Forums is constantly filled with people whining about their relationships. Why does girl x treat me like this? Should I dump this boy? Why don't girls find me attractive reeeeeeeee? I want to try to give advice to people who actually need it, not these faggots. I also disagree with what seems to be your belief that kids make life worthwhile that is what life is about. However, I am mostly arguing because I am bored.
Yeah associations are. In my mom's neighborhood the guy who was "elected" uses his "authority" to try to fuck people he doesn't like.
If people wanting advice for relationships are bothering you, just hide the threads.
>However, I am mostly arguing because I am bored.
Why not work on charity instead like you were saying a minute ago?
>If people wanting advice for relationships are bothering you, just hide the threads.
Fair enough but I am posting this for the entertainment value as well, that should be obvious
>Why not work on charity instead like you were saying a minute ago?
non sequitur much? My point with charity was that it was a way to leave behind something that doesn't involve kids, if you need to leave something behind. Not that it is what you should be doing with your life all the time... so nice non sequitur broski
I tend to argue through refutation by counter example, which should also be obvious
>but I am posting this for the entertainment value as well
maybe you should go back to /b/ instead of complaining that people on Jow Forums are asking for advice while you're just here to distract yourself.
And you aren't?
I'm not. I was here to explain to you why people seek out relationships, and seek advice about relationships from this board until I realized that you're just some kid who got banned from fortnite or something and now you're just looking to argue until you have something better to do. see ya.
I explicitly said this. But ok, its about time for this thread to die anyway.