I can't talk to boys

I'm in my last year of secondary school (I'm 18). I have no brothers (only a sister) and all my couusins are female. My school is all-girls Catholic. As a result of this, I am terrible at talking to the opposite gender. The few times I've hung out with boys my age I've found it hard to make conversation and act normally... after 18 years of this shit (no male friends, no boyfriends, never even kissed anyone)
should I just become a nun or some shit?

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>or some shit
Clearly you don't have the inclination for it.

Don't think of us as boys. Think of us as people. You've been around people. You know how to talk to them.

I assume you’re going to college, no? You’ll probably be a bit of a sperg for the first year but that should give you the experience you need.

it's just like anything, the more you do it, the better you will get. I'm bad at talking to girls cause there are barely any in my life, but if I say, got a job with a bunch of girls, I'd get better eventually. same thing with you, the more guys you talk to the more comfortable you will become talking to them.

Girls don’t need to talk to get guys. Wear a dress, perfect a Mona Lisa smile and just go with the flow.

You don’t need to. Men are ravenous wolves when it comes to women. You could literally sit down and grunt like a retard and we’ll still try to fuck you.

bring a banana to lunch... instead of eating it... just try several times to see how much of the banana you can get down your throat without breaking it or throwing up... choking is perfectly fine. If you can keep your eyes open and make eye contact with the school's football or basketball team... or hell.. the chess club... the better. Bring more than one.. you will get popular super quick.

Is that you Ursula?

Remember not to fall for any boy that gives you attention

this is insanity. I make it clear to girls that wanna fuck that "I wanna fuck," but no i guess not for some reason. What ever fug u

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Talking to men is super easy, because they don't really care about what you are saying unless its vaguely supporting of their character.

So really, find some guy who likes to talk about what he does and go "wow!", "that sounds awesome" and "you're so cool". He'll be ready to fuck you in about 20 or so minutes.

Now, small talk for the sake of small talk can be safely ignored. This does not exist to guys, so don't worry about it.

If you're pretty you will eventually realize your stock value.
If not, listen to the dude with the banana advice

That's my exact experience with talking to women. I only have to ask questions about themself, pretend I'm interested in what they say, and they go on and on for hours. If I want to have meaningful conversations, I have to speak with men.

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People who are mindful of a conversation do exist. But it's extremely unlikely that two such people would actually meet to have a conversation with each other, as both lack the drive to start talking.

gotta +1 some other dude here

if you are attractive to the guy you are talking with, you can basically do fuck all just smile at him and keep eye contact (well, not even that)
From my experience talking to most girls is like talking to a wall anyway and they seem to not have problems finding relationships

>should I just become a nun or some shit
If you aren't asexual you'll make your life miserable. Oh, and you'll destroy the church inside out.

why so true T T

but I did get lucky to meet a guy like that

How to Talk w/ Boys
>Approach them
>Let them participate
>Smile, if appropriate
>Get them to talk about themselves
>Be confident
>Be nice
>Make eye contact
>Use humour
>Be mindful of your body language
>Enjoy yourself

did you even read the post

I really fucking hope so

I want a relationship, not a one night stand

I don't really wanna date a guy that hates talking to me desu. Does that make me picky?


What's the problem though? Don't you have anything to talk about or what? Do you feel uncomfortable leading a conversation?
Just fucking talk, talk about things that you give a shit about or like, especially if other people also do it.
Not knowing how to talk to people sounds like someone saying they don't know how to breathe to me. Especially with strangers, just fucking talk, don't be afraid to make a fool of yourself, laugh instead and try to find a connection.

well then it's as simple as to not be a pain to talk to. actually ENGAGE in conversation and you're already ahead of a lot of women.

I miss the girl that went off to Catholic school...

Get a male online friend. Talk to them. Realize they are the exact same as you.
Then take it IRL, find yourself a male friend. Spend time together. Realize that they are the exact same as you.

There. All your anxieties resolved. Starting from your comfort zone and pushing right through to the end.
No need to thank.
Good luck.

Smile and look pretty. If you're halfway attractive, a friendly smile is more than enough to get you started.

This is actually a great way to get lots of experience with guys really quickly. I'm not sure how much you'll actually enjoy jumping right into that kind of lifestyle, but you'll get popular.

No one said you have to tell them yes. But you can still practice flirting with them briefly even if you don't have the chemistry you're looking for.

>exact same
hahaha hahaha no


>Any time a guy even LOOKS at me I stare at the ground and can't make eye contact and there's this weird, dripping shit my vagoo does that Catholic school didn't tell me much about.

>Should I be a nun?

Yeah, seems like a great idea, sister.
Just dress up real cute and go to a bar or something. Pick the least rapist-looking one off of the shelf and let him buy you a drink. It's not like it is for guys. Your problem practically solves itself.

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>Realize they are the exact same as you.
Any guy who acts like he's the exact same as you is putting on an extremely disingenuous persona. Very feminine males are known to imitate female behavior as a means of getting close to the goods. Even if he's not attractive to the goods, on account of seeming more like one of them than something they want to fuck, it only takes one bad breakup or kegger in a network of 20+ women to get some easy action.

Men and women are not the same creature, at all. They don't go through the same problems, they don't have the same wants and anxieties, they don't tackle problems in the same ways.