So I'm a conservative dating a leftist. We agreed to leave politics out of our relationship because aside from that we are compatible and like each other a lot. The problem is we are both opinionated and arguments pop up. I always win the arguments because its easy to tear apart leftist positions, but it causes strain on our relationship. Should I stick with this or deal with some pain and move on?
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You are both completely insufferable. Move in together, into an apartment filled with black mold, so that the rest of us can just live and be normal and not deal with cringelord activists irl. I'm seriously sick of this- do people like you have any self awareness at all? I swear if one more person tries to make me declare half of all people evil in real life i'm going to go ballistic.
What the fuck are you doing? Get out now retard. MAYBE it might have worked if she didn't hold her beliefs strongly but two opinionated assholes in a room is always bad news. Add politics and gender to it and I'm just surprised it even came together at all.
>I always win the arguments because its easy to tear apart leftist positions
1/10. Try they always fall for shit bait like this.
We didn't know each other's beliefs till 2 months in
If both of you care more about winning a political argument than understanding each others' viewpoints, just do each other favors and get out of there.
It you're ideologically opposed, it's better to split. The moment you have to start thinking about the future and kids, you won't be able to last.
>I always win because it's easy to tear apart leftist positions
No, he doesn't have any self-awareness
>I always win the arguments because its easy to tear apart leftist positions
pic related
You girlfriend may or may not exist, and you may or may not tear apart leftist positions.
Then what?
What changes?
Are you converting her/people you argue with on the internet? Or are the two of you just doubling down on your own retarded identity politics?
Its not her position. Its because its a girl. They cant defend any position and hearing a man yell has an automatic flight instinct in them.
Randomly ask girls you know how they feel about men yelling.
I gotta go further. Hi there; my name is user. I like video games (modern and retro, but mostly retro), alternative music and Jazz, and working my stupid job. Did I put "owning leftists" in there? "socialism"? "philosphy hot from Reddit"? No, I didn't, because i'm a real human person with thoughts that don't concern hating other people for their thoughts and have interests beyond the world's largest game of Halo 3 Red Vs. Blue politcian edition.
I get it, NPC's are a meme, but some of the irl words coming from flesh-and-blood people in my flesh-and-blood world so closely resemble things i've read a thousand times in these fucking stupid news articles and this batshit retarded site and stupid Reddit forums i'm starting to wonder if some people's minds are even their own. Even my own mother is doing this now, apparently she feels called to argue with a pastor who said something she disliked. I'm completely losing my mind.
Somebody out there tell me i'm not crazy.
Relax buddy. You just figured out that there are a lot more sheep than wolves. It's always been that way. You think literal witch hunts happened because they were all sane rational individuals or because some asshole got them stirred up over a bitch who turned him down?
You wanna make the world a better place? Figure out how the sheep think and manipulate them into doing something good instead.
Autists flock to conservative ideologies because it gives them the necessary adversarial foundation they need to fully exercise their narcissism. "Owning leftists" is the closest thing they'll ever get to experiencing any kind of dominion over anybody else so they go on the internet and LARP as people with thick skin so they can project their hatred for their own thin skin onto people who have a minimal grasp on the concept of empathy.
You're a fucking idiot. If someone is wrong on some point. Dont fucking tell them 'you're wrong and here's why..'
You fucking help them come to the correct conclusion, so they teach themself the correct answers.
Politics are stupid to fight about. The only way to win a fight with a woman is to lose.
You can probably get over it because conservatives are pretty used to disagreeing with people and not getting their personal feelings hurt. She probably won't because leftwing politics tend to grip their emotions really tight and paint anyone who disagrees with them as enemies. My advice? Bail now before too many feelings get caught
case and point
>case and point
Explain how I am incorrect or how you disagree, because in my experience, using "oh you're over emotional" as a dismissal technique and as replacement for a thoughtful response is a pretty common knee-jerk conservative reaction. Who needs to use their brain and develop a coherent thought when you can just call people over-emotional and pat yourself on the back?
>conservatives are pretty used to disagreeing with people and not getting their personal feelings hurt
I hope this sentence is satire
For what it's worth, Ben Shapiro's wife was a leftist when they were still dating. She eventually came around.
>Ben Shapiro's wife was a leftist when they were still dating. She eventually came around.
Sounds like horse shit, she rightfully stays out of the public eye, we do know that shes an orthodox israeli
I stand corrected. I actually have no way to tell if she ever was a full-blown leftist, but apparently she used to hold some major leftist beliefs (pro-abortion and anti-guns). Still, people with left-leaning opinions can reverse their stances.
>2 party system
you're both retarded