Be me

>be me
>quiet incel autist with horrible social skills
>have to show two new Chads around their first day in the office
>by the end of the day they're making fun of me for not having a gf "How could someone as charming and cool as you not have a missus or fiance?" while laughing their ass off

I'm tired of this fucking shit why are people always making fun of me how do I put a stop to this shit

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what happened exactly?

I know I have legitimately bad social skills and due to years of NEETdom my voice sounds like I'm in ESL and I can't project it worth a damn but I have no idea how to fix this shit so late in life (21).

maybe you need practice talking
if you're willing, talk to strangers on discord or some other chat thing

Did you tell them you were single?

>maybe you need practice talking
Should I join a toast masters?
>if you're willing, talk to strangers on discord or some other chat thing
I think I need work on public social skills desu

No it was just brought up randomly and then they had a big laugh over it

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Just bring up how good being single is and how you can do things without your gf/fiance stopping you.
Say your life is stress free in your spare time

They said how charming you are. Generally, people won't go full sarcasm to your face as soon as you meet them, especially at a work setting.

Just relax around girls bro. If you like one, ask her out.

In the mean time, get fit

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Things that never happend. Shit bait or larp or whatever. Booo

fucking hell who is this

I can't say that unironically irl because I'm a dork. I talk like an autist, have a slouch and probably walk like one too.
Trust me they were mocking me I've had enough similar experiences by now to know otherwise.
Go away.


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You seem disproportionately hung up on this OP.

You gotta learn to let this stuff go,
putting too much stock is just stressing you out.

Vampire Rules: Never. Break. the. Masquerade.

Seriously, if you can't social chameleon out of the FAQs by now, then your heckling will never end.

Also as said, try to laugh it off and let it go. In these social settings, especially with lot of guys, it is a usual custom to try and take the piss out of each other. It's natural for establishing the pecking order. If you show they got to you, you'll just sink lower in said order.

nice digits

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So late in life? You've barely lived it.

Sum dum slut

>Seriously, if you can't social chameleon out of the FAQs by now, then your heckling will never end
What are some good ways to bullshit out of it?

Retard. Incel, beta, chad and all of the like are basically memes in a post-post-post etc. ironic internet. If you label yourself or others those things you've got far bigger issues than not having a partner. Just stop thinking in that mindset and your life will drastically improve. You shouldn't give a shit what anyone else is thinking or saying as long as you're making your money. Work isn't school and if you're working you're too old to not have noticed this.


Chads genuinely thought you were cool and laid back and were stunned to find out that you didn't have a quiet nerd gf of your own, you mistook their friendly chuckle for a malicious cackle

You don't understand. This is the beta uprising drill sergeant recruiting NEETs.
Sig me up Sir Drill sergeant Sir

>It's natural for establishing the pecking order. If you show they got to you, you'll just sink lower in said order.
No they already know he's far below them, that's why despite being newbies they're so willing to mock a guy more established in their workplace. They see right through him.

>No they already know he's far below them
I don't think they were being explicitly mean or taking advantage of OP's low status, maybe he's just being sensitive. He should have bantered a little back.

Although you don't usually make inside jokes like that with people you just meet desu.

Why should you put a stop to it? They were clearly making fun of you for real, legitimate problems that you have. Just accept your place.

>Just accept your place.
That's pretty pathetic user

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Unironically don't put up with this shit. Job hop until you find a workplace that isn't like this. Or put a complaint in with management about them creating a hostile workplace.

Why not tell them to go fuck themselves?

Catching a few punches can't be worse than being the office bitch.

Hey just you’ve get to try and stop it as best you can

>Job hop until you find a workplace that isn't like this. Or put a complaint in with management about them creating a hostile workplace.
But that's the cowards way out and I like this job.
>Why not tell them to go fuck themselves?
I wouldn't have an issue telling them to stop but it wasn't hostile enough for me to escalate.

OP, you're actually a recluse. It's a joke. Hell they might actually help you get some bodies under your belt.
>"How could someone as charming and cool as you not have a missus or fiance?"
OP, they just complimented you. They aren't making fun of you. You're overreacting. Make friends with them ffs.

Just hold onto your anger until you can stab them in their backs

>OP, they just complimented you.
t. doesn't know what sarcasm is