The hype on PUA's seems to have died. What's the news on the latest PUA trend?
What happened to pickup artists?
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Became too mainstream, the core pua community doesn't share new knowledge as much as it used to i guess.
And they're probably keeping their head down in the current years because womyn
PUAs broke up into various smaller communities and were gradually phased out of the spotlight in the manosphere due to more empirical and rationalist philosophies on gender interactions building up followers. Part of the reason for PUA decline was when that one dude wrote a book breaking it all down and the feminists were able to defame it as le evil rapist mind tricks.
Newer movements among pussy enthusiasts emphasize not discussing strategy or techniques with outsiders simply because most men aren’t ready for the truth and all women are horrified by betas overriding their filters on mates.
This... go look at youtube.. and after awhile you will hear the same Dribble of how to do this, that and the other thing on repeat a 1000 times. Everyone trying to make a name for themselves.. thats why Stylife closed down the forums... there was so many good nuggets of info in there nobody was paying $1000 for their seminars anymore... or not as much. Youtube chads killed it... for every 10 videos maybe 1 or 2 will have a new nugget of good advice. Most just repeat the same old mantras and PUA jargon.
They all turned out to be unfuckable Rodgers who chimp out when the tips (((Roosh))) gave them in his gayass books didn't work out. Then Roosh himself, the self-proclaimed master of Chadhood, was found living with his parents at 38, so his credibility got BTFO.
>inb4 found the roastie
Feminists can go drink bleach. It's not white knighting to acknowledge PUAs and MRAs for the tryhard faggots that they are.
Not that it’s a bad thing but this post reeks of salty incel or triggered redditor
>The hype on PUA's seems to have died.
It never went anywhere, you're just too immersed in the onions culture of Jow Forums now.
>What's the news on the latest PUA trend?
Lift weights, wash your ass, gather social experience; it's not really 'news' because nothing has changed.
>t. Almost took the bait into joining Roosh's cult of orbiters who dream of letting him pack their fudge
Why the fuck would you follow Roosh? The wisdom of the collective consciousness is leagues better than following random gurus. Jow Forums is a great source of redpilled knowledge.
I thought Return of Kings was just a self-improvement blog. Then I started seeing all the discussions of
>Oy vey, women hate me because they don't want me beating and raping and killing them! It's annuda shoah!
>Jow Forums
It's all Vargtards, shareblue/leftypol shills, T_D redditors, stormfags, and Wehraboos. I have wasted too much time in that shithouse.
Look, I get it on women, minorities, and Jews, but I really don't give a fuck. Just leave me alone and we're good. These days I go to Jow Forums for global bantz and Jow Forums for politics (gun rights are my biggest concern this election cycle).
>Oy vey, women hate me because they don't want me beating and raping and killing them! It's annuda shoah!
Eh...I’ve never spent much time there but I feel this is exaggeration. Only because feminists usually call anyone who isn’t a whiteknight an evil misogynist who wants to keep them chained to the kitchen and beat them up.
It's still there Jow Forumstheredpill, even trough they hate being called PUA and call them "losers in disguise", they are still just PUAs that internalise everything.
Nope. PUA philosophy is significantly more shallow and the worldview is entirely different. They think women are equals for starters, and believe you’re supposed to just put on a clown act.
reddit culture is inescapable for some reason.
I only read like one article. I usually dont like the PUA community they're very toxic and rapey towards women. Sex addicts essentially. They act like women owe them pussy. Idk thay kind of mentality drives me up the wall laughing my balls off. it's self righteous millenial scum like that who really make living worth it.
>owe pussy
The only group on the Manosphere that believes that is the Incels. Although seducing women in itself is inherently rapey, there’s nothing wrong with it as long as you stop when she seriously says stop.
>think women are equals
This is the biggest problem I have with the manosphere. They demand that you adhere to an edgy philosophy that can easily cost you your job and alienate you from friends and family, and for what? For internet approval?
It really is a cult mentality
>This is the biggest problem I have with the manosphere
>They demand that you adhere to an edgy philosophy
The manosphere is composed of dozens of conflicting yet unorthodox philosophies on gender relations and sexuality. Most aren’t edgy besides incels, dark awakening guys, and the more fringe elements of tradcons.
>can easily cost you your job and alienate you from friends and family
Only a complete idiot would spout his real opinions IRL
>and for what
Different guys have different motivations. Some dudes want sex, some dudes want love, some want a sense of belonging, some are trolls, some want a wife & children, some want to stop being taken advantage of, some do it for God, others do it for political reasons, some are opportunistic women who want attention, some are divorcees, some were falsely accused by women, some are directionless youths, some are old guys wanting to share wisdom, some are angry misogynists, some are scientifically minded folk who want to study un-PC aspects of human behavior, etc.
>It really is a cult mentality
No. In a cult there is one guy claiming the end is near and he has a special connection to a force that can save you if you hand over your shekels and abandon your loved ones.
The Manosphere is like the Sramanic movement in ancient india against the Brahmanic orthodoxy. Or the new schools of post-Platonic Greek philosophy. Or the 100 schools of philosophy in China during the warring states period.
Bunch of AFC’s up in this thread.
I think "errant white knights" would be a better term. Folks are lashing out at their own imaginary enemies ITT, to bask in the glow of their imaginary friends.
>The Manosphere is like the Sramanic movement in ancient india against the Brahmanic orthodoxy. Or the new schools of post-Platonic Greek philosophy. Or the 100 schools of philosophy in China during the warring states period
Blah blah blah we wuz Aryan pajeets an' sheeit
I wanna do a shit on the floor and watch her stomp up and down on it, pushing it between her toes and then make me lick it all off like the hungry little piggy I am
On Jow Forums the people most against the Manosphere are tradcucks, mentally ill incels, women, and lost redditors. They all have distinct traits.
He’s a soft feminist who believes that die juden shoot mind control rays at women to make them not want to be 1950’s propaganda housewives. Most of the time he’ll try to shame you by calling you a biological dead end or loser. He believes that women are innocent angels that want nothing more than to cook and clean for Bob the salaried accountant as long as he LARPs as a “strong” yet toothless devoted family man (or for people with eyes & brains, a beta provider). Favorite phrase is “Quality woman”.
You’ll know them when you see them. Severe body dysmorphia and autism. Any challenge to their religion is coping (their equivalent of “mysterious ways”). These chaps completely lack self awareness and believe that if you’re not having sex then it’s because you are a grotesque lovechild of Count Orlok and an Uruk-Hai from LOTR. You can only attract women if you are a legit 10/10 male model no exceptions. They hate most of the Manosphere for being “PUA” regardless of who they’re arguing with. Favorite phrase is “Chad”.
Goes without saying. They don’t like men examining what makes them tick because it allows low SMV guys a way into their vaginas which terrifies them on a biological level. Naturally their preferred insults are “virgin” and “rapist”. Which IRL would usually be enough to send guys fleeing from the angry group of people out to vanquish the “misogynist” and protect the maidens from him. Because this is the Internet these things fall flat. They don’t know much about the Manosphere or particularly care, but they are frightened by the implication of less than premium men being able to win sexually. In debate she’ll repeat herself like a broken record “not all women are like that”, “who hurt you?”,
“I bet you just hang out with trashy girls”, “blahblahblah”. They’ll usually mix it up with hyperbole about how you are an evil woman beater with mommy issues and claim that you wanna enslave/torture/rape/kill women. Real heartstring pulling stuff because women rely on gathering the sympathy of the public to defend themselves. Favorite phrase is “Insecure”.
>Lost redditors
Exactly what you’d imagine. Your typical 20-30 something nasal voiced effeminate young liberal male with a beard and likely glasses. Grew up very sheltered and safe, and counts his 2-3 deadfish sexual experiences with long term girls as definitive proof of his moral superiority over the cruel and evil brutes of the Manosphere. He’s typically shaking and red in the face when the types of women he’s attracted to are insulted or explained to be subpar. Favorite phrase “Yikes”.
Riveting argument
>“not all women are like that”
“I bet you just hang out with trashy girls”, “blahblahblah”.
Both of which are perfectly valid points. Women are not, universally and without exception, perpetual 12-year-olds incapable of breaking the conditioning.
As for trashy girls, you have hookup culture, women's liberation, and Tinder to thank for that. If your sample of women is dive bar roasties and your Tinder matches, then I have no sympathy for you.
>inb4 arguing with holes
Ad hominem
The truth is, the sexes have been pitted against each other by decades of casual sex and noncommitment to relationships. Call me a tradcuck all you want, it won't erase the fact that the war of the sexes will be our undoing.
>Both of which are perfectly valid points
>Women are not, universally and without exception, perpetual 12-year-olds incapable of breaking the conditioning.
Of course not
Around menopause women start to develop mentally almost to the level of a man
>As for trashy girls, you have hookup culture, women's liberation, and Tinder to thank for that
Ah yes, the tradcuck in all his creationist glory. Even he cannot stomach genetic explanations.
>If your sample of women is dive bar roasties and your Tinder matches, then I have no sympathy for you.
Yes user yes, we’re talking about random bar skanks obviously. You got it. Congrats.
>Ad hominem
As a woman it would be madness if you DIDNT defend your sister’s sexuality like this. You are wired for hypergamus behavior, widespread awareness among men would be your doom in society and reproduction.
>The truth is, the sexes have been pitted against each other by decades of casual sex and noncommitment to relationships
Men and women have hated each other since Sumer
>Call me a tradcuck all you want, it won't erase the fact that the war of the sexes will be our undoing.
No, but you are a willfully ignorant fool
PUAs went stealth mode because of the incel witch-hunt. They still fish but the community isnt as strong.
Sauce: yourself
>Around menopause women start to develop mentally almost to the level of a man
Sauce: also yourself
Come back when you have sauces from peer-reviewed journals of medicine, psychology, biology, biochemistry, etc. Unless that's too Semitic for you.
>Ah yes, the tradcuck in all his creationist glory. Even he cannot stomach genetic explanations
What the jumping monkey fuck is this supposed to mean? Men and women have differently wired brains. Everyone who didn't major in gender studies or sociology knows that, fucknut.
>Men and women have hated each other since Sumer
So what do you propose we do? Start beating women in the streets into submission and taking them into communal harems? After all, it's what muh ancesturrs did.
As it stands, all I see from the manosphere is a pack of whiny cucks who sit around and circlejerk each other in pity over how crafty and set-in-stone (while simultaneously stupid and directionless) women are, without exception.
Manosphere/MGTOW is a psyop to further hammer the wedge between the sexes. Its the same exact thing as third wave feminism just on the opposite side of the coin. Its a shitty divide and conquer strat that preys on ronery futilityfags.
Not to mention getting the ronery futilityfags to fork over shekels to e-celebs.
Sauce: Yourself
>Come back when you have sauces from peer-reviewed journals of medicine, psychology, biology, biochemistry, etc.
Chicks brains work better after they leave the breeder phase of life
>What the jumping monkey fuck is this supposed to mean?
You think that “social constructs” make women hypergamus instead of DNA
>So what do you propose we do?
Accept our differences and sterilize women to reduce hypergamy selectively over a few generations to create normal women. Same with selectively sterilizing r/selected men. The world no longer needs humans who breed like rats and horses. We need humans who breed like wolves and swans.
>Start beating women in the streets into submission and taking them into communal harems?
Kek, you really are a woman. Always straight to the kinky rape breeding dungeon fantasies.
>As it stands, all I see from the manosphere is a pack of whiny cucks who sit around and circlejerk each other in pity over how crafty and set-in-stone (while simultaneously stupid and directionless) women are, without exception.
Only MRAs & Incels think women are evil masterminds. Most of the manosphere acknowledges that women are overall mediocre mentally, but are wired to be good at appealing to emotions like protectiveness & sexual desire to get what they want. A child doesn’t need to be smart to know acting cute will get them a cookie.
Fuck off tradcuck. MGTOW are like 10% of the Manosphere. It’s not like feminism at all. It’s about men using their natural born gift of reason to enhance success in dealings with women, or learning to avoid their malevolent tendencies.
>the breeder phase of life
Terms like this are why third wave feminism is winning.
>You think that “social constructs” make women hypergamus instead of DNA
Uh, no. In fact, social constructs do keep hypergamy in check. Monogamy worked for thousands of years and among many cultures.
>sterilize women to reduce hypergamy selectively over a few generations to create normal women. Same with selectively sterilizing r/selected men. The world no longer needs humans who breed like rats and horses. We need humans who breed like wolves and swans.
Good luck with getting over half the human population to agree to that.
>inb4 we'll force them to do it, because we stronk woryurs
You and what army?
>Terms like this are why third wave feminism is winning.
>In fact, social constructs do keep hypergamy in check
No, almost 40% of children were born to men who were not the real father. 70% of our ancestors were women. 1 man bred for every 16 women.
>Good luck with getting over half the human population to agree to that.
Good luck getting over half the population to go back to your Disney LARP
>You and what army?
We have a silent majority
And may I please add, I have no love for feminists or their bugman orbiters.
You are a feminist like all tradcucks. Feminist in the socially acceptable whiteknight way.
Youre in denial.
Men dont need a silly eceleb run support group to deal with shitty women. You are literally the King of Cuckolds if your ego is fragile enough to be done in by a roastie. If you ever use the words "mens issues" you need to get over your oxygen addiction yesterday.
All manos are bugmen silly boy!
Fuck off and go back to YouTube
Proving my point famalam
>No, almost 40% of children were born to men who were not the real father. 70% of our ancestors were women. 1 man bred for every 16 women
You are contradicting yourself. If hypergamy is the natural order of things, then who are you to stop it?
>Good luck getting over half the population to go back to your Disney LARP
What Disney LARP? Only morons think there ever was, or ever will be, a golden age. We are shitty as a species.
>We have a silent majority
Then what are you waiting for? Come on out to the streets and fight. If you're such badasses, come and reclaim your birthright!
>You are a feminist like all tradcucks. Feminist in the socially acceptable whiteknight way
I'm a whiteknight because I fall outside of your personal, specific orthodoxy, which you frequently change, contradict, and walk back?
>"It's not like feminism at all"
>"wiener meat good! Beef flaps bad!"
Islam truly is the answer
The days when I did PU and nobody heard of Neil Strauss. Only Erik aka Mystery, Project Hollywood and other stuff hidden in english oldschool forums or newsgroups and nobody had an idea about.
I want it back. Awesome time.
>You can only attract women if you are a legit 10/10 male model no exceptions. They hate most of the Manosphere for being “PUA” regardless of who they’re arguing with.
no sorry but apart from your strawman exaggerations you really are the delusional ones for thinking some shitty self-help couched in angry machismo is going to make a difference, it's about as effective as jelqing
Wrong, we have empirical data backing us up
Truth is, most incels are fakecels, if you are 4-6 you are normie tier, normie tier can attract women in the same range, unless you are under 4/10 you have no right to be an incel and no one to blame but yourself.
Of course I'm sympathetic to truecels, but unless you tried Jow Forums, /fa/, /lit/ and the redpill you are a volcel.
Todd Valentine
Todd is the only one who actually teaches techniques anymore
Fuck off. Mohammad was incel who used islam to get pusssy. Religion is for loser to be given a wife. In the tribe only to top guys breed.
Nah, Mohammed was pretty alpha as a young man. He seduced a MILF and took all her money.
Well, I think that everything has pretty much been said, all the knowledge is out there on the internet for free.
I mean, you just need an internet connection and the will to go out and get better in order to bed "LA 10s".
Mystery method was incredible (and still is), RSD (especially Julien) built on that and showed your could go even further. But I don't believe you can go beyond this point. With Mystery and Julien's stuff, you have basically 90% of the important material.
In my opinion the next frontier will be longterm non-monogamous relationships, and how far you can go in this field.
Blackdragon is the only one that I know of who has tried codifying this, and I personally benefitted a lot from his content.
As of today, it is basically : pickup phase > mystery + Julien. Relationship phase > Blackdragon
Mohamed was a true alpha of his time.
The man couldn't fucking read, and yet he convinced hundreds of thousands of people, in his own lifetime, that he was sent by God with Holy Texts that had to be passed on forever. These texts are STILL being passed on, in their original ancient Arabic even. And he couldn't write it down, so he got his more educated followers (re: nerdy beta arabs in the 5th century) to write shit down for him; imagine if Bart Simpson got Milhouse to write down an entire book for him while he just sat down rambling about random shit for years, all the while philandering with girls, having multiple children, conquering other school neighbourhoods with his posse. That's basically what Mohamed did. He conquered most of the middle east and had people submit to his religion with a sword at their necks. That's why the Saudi flag is what it is, the Shahadah reads "La ilaha il-Allah, la Mohamed-un rasul-Allah", "There is no God but Allah, and Mohamed is his prophet" with a sword underneath, because those who were captured could either choose to submit to Islam, or be decapitated. Islam truly is a cutthroat religion.
So basically, Mohamed was an alpha in the sense that without any education, without any inherited riches, without being born into power in anyway, through sheer charisma and determination alone, he built gigantic armies that conquered most of his region in the name of a religion that blatantly stated that he himself was sent by God to save humanity. And while his men were fucking dying fighting his wars for him, Mohamed himself was happily impregnating his various wives, and spent most of his 70s having sex with teenagers and enjoying his riches. At that point, he probably didn't even give a shit about his hokey religion, but Islam continues to be propagated, even today, and his genetic progeny still live on.
Why do I know this? Because my name is Mohamed and I was curious about my namesake.
It started with PUA and moved to the guy who wants to eat her eyes because they're like blueberries.
It became too mainstream and too many morons tried to get healthy relationships off of it, which isn't really its design or intent.
pua was a scam. every guy actively trying to get laid is a pickup artist. pua title was a way for false gurus to get attention for their mediocre, hollow, rapey, overgeneralized advice
PUA just helped guys who were incels or autists finally get some ass. I mean, if it can stop one guy from turning into fucking Elliott Rodgers, I see no harm in it. And as long as the girl consents, it's not rape.