How can I get a girlfriend if I'm extremely shy, introverted, anxious, a voicelet, have no social skills and talk very little in conversations? Also I'm 27 years old and a khv.
How can I get a girlfriend if I'm extremely shy, introverted, anxious, a voicelet...
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Well, online dating is an option
I talk very little in online conversations too. Also I get near radio silence on dating sites, I don't know why.
There are people who never have a relationship or sex their entire lives. You might be one of those who are destined to become one of those. Sounds harsh, but the reality is that someone has to become those people
Sneak up on her and use a chloroform rag.
Either work on your flaws or live and die like you are now
OP doesn't need to become one, I've already taken that position for him.
>28 years khv and counting
There's more than one vacancy, there's space for both of you
You have nearly zero chance of finding a partner with you're current skill set.
It's not absolute zero, but it's about as likely as detecting signs of dark matter.
You're best bet is to find someone who is a psychotic sexual predator who will prey on your complete ignorance for their personal gain until you are a shattered husk or you're former self.
Or you know... work on other life goals...
Books are nice.
>How can I run a marathon when I'm obese in a wheelchair?
Thats you right there OP
Dancing lessons. Ask for her number after classes or invite her for coffe or burger.
Not so much the wheelchair part, but lots of practice, and dropping the defeatist mentality most of these people have, will at least increase their odds.
Oh, and from personal experience; you don't really go out with the intention of meeting a girlfriend. Instead just try to meet new people.
I met my girlfriend when I least expected it, and it all worked out pretty nicely
You couldn't be farther from the truth. I'm engaged.
Also what the fuck is there to be jealous about OP, and why would anyone see him as competition?
If you honestly don't think that some people don't die alone, you're delusional.
Actual advice:
Start with building friendships,
you're much more likely to meet someone through a larger social circle.
Friendships are also the place to develop interpersonal skills and are the people who are going to provide you with support in social situations that make you look approachable to the opposite gender.
Don't focus too much on 'finding a girlfriend' it will mess you up.
Look at forming genuine connections with other people generally, and relationships will emerge.
So instead pulling in from inside of the bucket you are that dude who throws them back to the bottom. Good job!
Somebody has to show them their place! Please please post more like you did here and keep telling them there is 0 point in struggling. You will help so many people!
What, you think that telling OP that everything's going to be alright and that he'll find the princess of his dreams one day and that he's a KLV at 27 because he's too good for any woman is helpful?
Please refrain from posting on /adv if your best advice is equivalent of "give up, lie down and wait for death".
There is a healthy inbetween "no hope kys" and "everything will be alright and happen on its own".
All op needs is to never tell anybody about his virginity status (because virgin shaming is insane these days), learn how to flirt a bit and attend social events he hates like or simply just night club.
Consider posting on r9k, that is place full of people who gave up. You will fit right in with your give up posts.
Why are you taking this so personally? Does this hit a little too close to home, or are you just expecting a hugbox?
Yes, a lot of the stuff on this board is toxic with brief bits of honest wisdom interspersed.
I see 'giving up' as healthy, by that I mean be less harsh on yourself or placing the expectation that you should feel shame or judging yourself based on 'others'.
'everything will be alright' is a healthy place to be.
Go talk to you're friends,
try to be a decent human,
take care of your self,
do things that interest you,
be sincere and conscientious.
Just basic stuff.
> (because virgin shaming is insane these days)
TFW got laid at 24 to some roastie. Got told I wouldn't feel any better after losing my virginity and that it means nothing but felt significantly like less of a loser afterwards.
You being a khv is a symptom of bigger problems. Get therapy. Let me guess, you are a NEET?
No, I have a well paid job.
Then take a vacation to Europe for 2-3 weeks and travel around, stay in hostels. Talk to other travellers, make friends. Possibly even get a girl, but that's secondary.
If i wanted hugbox, i wouldnt be here of all places. But sure, if fighting assholes is taking it personally, then so be it.
Best advice I can give is to be super social around females for a long period of time. This alone will increase your chances. I don't know where single females in your region are found. In my city it's usually in organizations, people that work voluntarily for a good cause. Perhaps try joining a mental health organization?
throws your head to body ratio off and makes you look inhuman and untrustworthy
You will be passed over by women.
Wizard here. I'm shy, introverted, and anxious with poor social skills. If you can't talk to people, you can't relate to them, so you won't get anywhere. You will have to be somewhat sociable to get your foot in the door.
It is very unlikely that some woman is going to come to you unless you have exceptional wealth, status, or looks.
You become an interesting person
I'm pretty sure you're the reason people shoot up schools.
You're over 25. Nothing short of a miracle is needed.
if you and every fucking incel on here only expect instagram thots like your pic then there is no fucking solution
holy fuck your standards of how women are like are pure fucking fat incel cancer
have you ever fucking walked outside you limp noodled bogan god fucking damn
No, the belief that women should like you despite making no attempt to fix what you're doing wrong is.
Please stop using "you're" like that.
Same boat, friend. At least we have anime.
Nigger, you were talking about how OP is statistically one of the ones to die alone.
You said nothing about self-improvement.
Thank you.
The whole thread is predicated on complacency
is it, and that includes your posts
I hate to agree with a normie nigger, but this guy speaks the truth. Outside of bottomless pits of cess like tinder, the only way to get laid or get a girlfriend is to make friends, op. Expanding your social circle will allow you to meet new people, which in turn will present opportunities for you to fuck roasties within your newly found clique.
That said, they're gonna be roasties. Used up whores who have been tossed around and fucked by every guy in the group already. If, like me, you find that to be distasteful, I would just avoid it entirely. The truth is that these chicks are just whores who are easily finessed by lowtier Chad's into sex. Also, good luck actually breaking into a well established friend group, especially if you're like me. These niggers have emotionally coated themselves in cement so as to not allow anyone from the outside to penetrate their clique. Fucking normie niggers.
Prostitutes exist
OP asked about girlfriends.
>lots of practice
I need details on this please.
Where to practice?
How to practice?
Grocery store.
>what’s going on. I’m hungry, got any dinner ideas?
Matter fact. I think I’m gonna keep that line. Don’t use that one.