Can anybody explain to me how real sex looks like.
Do i need to lick pussy after kissing?
How many positions you need to change, etc.?
Can anybody explain to me how real sex looks like
Your life will be much better when you understand that there aren't as many rules as you think.
I really hope this is some kind of retarded bait
I think there are but people just understand them naturally without having to "learn them" consciously.
What are you talking about? It's perfectly normal that someone would ask how to have sex on Jow Forums Jow Forums.
>I think there are but people just understand them naturally without having to "learn them" consciously.
So, not only you are torturing yourself over imaginary rules, but we can add envy to the cocktail of misery you are making.
No, people don't magically know what to do in bed. They try, make mistakes, and keep trying.
Even so many people had an older brother or a male friend who they could ask just in case. Why deny OP the advice he needs?
Sometimes I feel like people just want others to fail.
>Even so many people had an older brother or a male friend who they could ask just in case.
Not everyone. And even having someone to ask doesn't mean you'll get good advice.
What works when fucking your mom doesn't need to work when fucking your GF. If you want general, meaningless advice, we can give you that. But this:
>How many positions you need to change, etc.?
is a worthless question. We can't give you a list of positions and instructions on how to change them because such a thing doesn't work.
Here's your general advice: THe hole is lower than you think, make sure you have napkins or something to clean yourself handy, and foreplay lasts thrice as long as you think it should.
Not OP but how long should sex last? How often do you change what you are doing? Or do you just have to keep pushing your dick through her vagina until its over?
I know these are extremely stupid questions but I'm fucking clueless and I wouldn't know anyone else to ask.
Read my post right above yours. We can only offer general advice, everything else you have to work out with the girl you are fucking.
But even so, just giving examples of what worked for you is a thousand times more helpful than "just figure it out yourself".
But that's how it works, mate. You won't learn to fuck online. So instead of trying, you need to accept that experimentation is part of life. Prepare yourself to ask and listen, even without words, because if you are not ready, if you can't get it inside your mind that things will get awkward, that you'll bump into her, knee her or pull her hair by accident, then you'll only get flustered and be unable to go on or learn.
Prepare yourself for your making mistakes and moving on, don't try to avoid them. Cause you can't.
Not helpful at all.
You don't teach someone to drive by just telling them to sit in a car and figure it out.
Because cars are not people. They are made to work the same so you can actually learn to drive. That's what you need to accept, that people are not objects to study and "master".
It's better to learn to roll with your mistakes. That's the real skill you need.
Actually most people have roughly the same way of doing things, that's why we are tought about ettiquette rules. From what I hear most people have sex roughly the same way.
And some hints will be needed when we are older and still a virgin. A teenager is allowed to make more mistakes.
>From what I hear most people have sex roughly the same way.
Where did you hear about this? I thought you didn't have anyone else to ask.
I don't have anyone I feel comfortable enough to personally ask for advice on this while showing them I'm clueless. But of course I've heard people discuss having sex with others.
>But of course I've heard people discuss having sex with others.
And did everyone agree on everything?
Idk if agree is the word, guys don't debate about sex, they just tell each other about how they fucked some girl.
Then how do you know they all do the same stuff, following these imaginary rules?
I don't think this conversation is going anywhere anymore, sorry.
Why? Because I'm trying to make you face these rules you use to live your life?
If all your friends share the same experiences, then you don't need to ask us, there's your guide. If all your friends have different experiences, then I'm right and you need to learn to do instead of ask. It's pretty simple. Am I right or not? Do your friends share similar experiences with you?
There are no rules, user.
You are the result of thousands and thousands of evolution and survival, at a primitive level you know how to reproduce by instinct.
When you have a bond and intimacy with the another person things will occur naturally, Its not robotic as to pay a hooker, its somethings that will just "flow".
Your body and mind know what to do.
Just dont get addicted and dont go to hookers, your soul will be attached and fucked if you do that.
Even being poor, no fame, no family I still make uga buga and girls always come back, dont get fooled.