I am tired of reading all your fucking BULLSHIT fucking PUSSIES

I am tired of reading all your fucking BULLSHIT fucking PUSSIES.

All your life problems can be resumed in your lack of action, procastination, lack of investment in yourself, lack of social knowledge, lack of experiences, for the mens the lack of balls and the woman the lack of attitude.

You wanna eat the cake before even preparing it. You wanna live a great life without any efforts. You procastinate, let your life in the hands of other people, waste your time on some shit underground dank memes ideology that wont lead you to anything sucessfull.

You are someone mediocre, without any great talent, skill or mentality, you are a pussieman and non pro active woman that wanna everything of good without bypass any bad shit.

You are 10 years late on experience and social inner circles but believe in shit advice like "fake until you make".

I'm still balling, have a virgin gf that I took her virginity and she is rich, I'm fucking poor and I have to kill a lion everyday to hold the ground of me and my family, I'm going to make even with all this shit.

You gotta take the bull by the horns, stop being fooled and take some action, if you are near death you wanna someone who can save you and not some bullshit.

So fuck you if you come with some niihilistical bullshit answer where you pretend you are a delusional Ubermensch version.


If you dont all the people that depend on you and that really love you will suffer too.


From a thirld world guy that live on a favela, no family, no inheritance, no money and even with that I have friends, an great inner circle, a gf that respects and love me even if she is rich and I'm not.


Attached: favelabiz.jpg (1248x1664, 874K)

Other urls found in this thread:


that's nice kiddo


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É broder, quando você ta calmo e vive bem e tudo depende só de você as pessoas começam a se culpar e a falhar pensando se tudo isso vale a pena.

Isso é tudo desculpa pra não assumir a responsabilidade das coisas.

Sim, com a pirâmide de maslow completa você parte para o outro nível, isso tudo vale a pena o que?

A vida? Tentar conseguir algo? Que tipo de questionamento filosófico você se refere, espero sinceramente que não seja o niilismo padrão.

A maioria assume comportamentos regurgitados e pré fabricados para se enquadrar num círculo social e depois chora quando toma no rabo, tomou no rabo porque não soube se quer se responsabilizar pelas condutas e ideologias que possui.

O que a maioria busca é um tapinha e ver quem é o mais fodido.


Thank you for this mano. you're not wrong

You have some good points. People are really good at making excuses for themselves. I have this friend that constantly complains about being fat, yet does noting about being fat. She tires often though, and fails. Now she is at that point that she has completely given up on her body, because she claims she will "never" get a boyfriend so that means I can get even fatter.

Don't get me wrong she has some serious mental problems and her childhood was a fucking nightmare. It's just sad, and I hope that she will be able to move on with her life.

People are experts at maintaining their misery and being afraid of actually being happy.

But here is the thing, I don't know what to do. Everyday I try to think how I can fix my life, how I can be a better and more likable person, but I always fail.
It is not easy. You can't just say "just do it lol", because you are oversimplifying a problem that can be really big.
De qualquer maneira, fico feliz por você. Eu sei que vai dar tudo certo no final, mas é difícil.

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De nada, voltei.
Its really sad when people doesnt understand that almost 80% of their problems are things that they dont try to change and as a result other problems happen too.

You really wanna fix your life?

Are you male or female?


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So first of all: we need to analyze your real problems and what are the by products of your real problems

Do you have any mental illness, any disease, do you are in extreme poverty? Does people hunt you down?

What are the problems you can see in your life?

Followed this post’s advice and got laid, see you later virgins

Attached: 1526609613172.jpg (1080x793, 119K)

Use condom.

im this guy I am humble. please help me vato.

Yes, almost all poor people I know also have friends. Being poor doesn't imply being less likely to have friends. So it's not an acomplishment what you've achieved. I'd actually say thriving to get better than your friends is what makes you lose them, people tend to not like those who are actually different (being better implies being different first). So I'd say you are going to keep being poor and keep your friends. Specially because you have pride in your situation, when the only way to climb the social ladder is by being uncomfortable about the current step you are at.

Anyway, cringeful post.

Você sabe que a patricinha só está transando contigo pra irritar o papai, né? Dá tesão transar com quem não deve. Uma hora ela cansa, porém.

Eu acho que nos nos encontramos em outro post. Eu sou a terapeuta q ta na alemanha. Enfim...
I completely agree. I have heard not here but also in many other people making shit ass excuses and doing mental gynastics on a olympic level just to play oppression olympics and feel entitled and "allowed to cry" about their shit. If i had a penny for every single son of a bitch who would spend 200$ at any given time to buy random shit (instead of saving up for a degree for example) but "has trauma" from working as a cashier / vendor when they needed to, i could already buy quite a few islands.
One of my best friends has said that, when youre coming from a shit ass place the place hardens you, you get stronger. People who were coddled/had comfy lives dont have that.
That might be why me and you see these degenerates crying and shooting schools bc they dont have gfs and feel like that. Its like weve been in a car crash and these shitlords keep crying nonstop bc they fell from a bike.

I'll help you, user. Do a protonmail so we can talk later.

Você é analfabeto?

Eu estudo com pessoas ricas, não sou autista igual você, pobreza é temporária mas a sua burrice é eterna com a prepotência que tem.

Sou eu mesmo, obrigado por responder.

what the hell is a protonmail.

actually scratch that. im not making an email account just to talk to you. anything you have to say you can say it here

Its a email called protonmail, like hotmail.


I would say to you that you have to change your mindset at a progressive rate and that means you have to read, apply and have feedback in your new actions and mindset.

You have a 30 years old mind with bad attitude, do you think it will change in 1 minute?

Through protonmail you could ask anything and I would answer you, just that.

Start with:

I was going to ask you: Why you keep lurking on ib's?

This is basically "baww-ing." Reported.

Thats basically your fuckind retarded mindset, hurr durr.

>é eterna com a prepotência que tem.
>calling me arrogant after making that original post

my ex is getting fucked next door as we speak. we moved next door when we were together. I dont even want her back that much but I feel pretty shit right now. I have a 24 h shift tomorrow and I need to sleep and I cant. what do you suggest.

>source: my ass
Be sure to kill yourself.

Cara, você é amaldiçoado. Não sei que distorção mental você quer ter pra não assumir isso, você é fodido, marcado, amaldiçoado, entendeu?

A menos que você assuma isso e peça ajuda a Deus você vai continuar dai pra pior, tu é passivo agressivo, folgado e arrogante, se acha melhor por critérios aleatórios como o dinheiro.

Tenha um diálogo consigo próprio e busque a verdade.

What does I suggest?
Let me see,you prolly are a cuckie, prolly paid things to your "ex", prolly gave her presents and if I say you need to invest on something you pretend you are another level shit.

You have been doing shit for 30 years almost, with wrong manners, wrong mindset and a lot of shit involved, now you wanna rush and change it in 5 minutes for free.


Read that and send me a email when you end it.
How can someone kill something that is already dead?

>"clearing that bullshit"
I stopped at the sumary. You are doing great in life, OP, don't read this poison.

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>Cara, você é amaldiçoado. Não sei que distorção mental você quer ter pra não assumir isso, você é fodido, marcado, amaldiçoado, entendeu?
No, I did not understand. Where did you get from I am haunted?
>tu é passivo agressivo
>using "passive aggressive" without understanding the meaning of it
Tell me, where exactly was I "passive" about my aggressivity towards you?
>folgado e arrogante
>again, the guy who creates a thread for the sole purpose of saying how better he is than everyone on Jow Forums calls ME arrogant. Damn, talk about lack of self-awareness.

Also, for what you are saying to others:
>you prolly are a cuckie, prolly paid things to your "ex", prolly gave her presents
>all this assumptions
>again... says OTHERS are arrogants while saying this kind of shit
>posts a manosphere meme book like it's the saint graal of self development

You are either on cocaine or a troll.

I did skim through it, doesnt really help me in any way. yes I know womenwhat today get moreover attention than they deserve but I can't do anything about that.

It was for the notion that the book say, not for any misoginy or related thing.

Você sabe o que eu quis dizer.

OP has a good point, don't be lazy, slowly work on yourself, be a go-getter, etc etc
>don't take no shit, don't fake shit, the good comes with the bad, the bad will make you stronger unless you cuck-out
Pretty based, favela-bro

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Interesting book, except there is no scientific basis at all. The author claims that feminism is the cause of neuroticism, and then goes out of his way in claims about how inferior women are to men. I'm not completely against the idea but I want more evidence than anecdotes and armchair analysis.

Ignore this, now that I've started reading it I noticed the author put some in-text citations. There are a lot of good points.