Things seem to calmed down in here finally.
Things seem to calmed down in here finally.
Is there any way to see you again?
I really don't know but I'm always hoping so.
You realize once you say that, all hell will break lose, right?
>have feelings for a girl but do nothing because she has a boyfriend
>grow close to her as friends
>assume I'm the one she'll end up with when she breaks up
>find out she has already broken up and is already dating some new guy
Fuck. I knew about the friendzone, I had been warned, and yet I was an idiot. Idk what I should have done different though, I mean it's not like I didn't try to date other girls in the mean time. But I failed at that and was too emotionally involved towards this friend.
>girl leads me on
>kinda fall for her but remember that I shouldn't do it since she's my coworker so I try to keep my shit about
>she eventually finds a bf and he's a jewish rich model-tier Chad
>she hides that fact even from her best friend and keeps leading me on blatantly
>it's so blatant to the point that her best friend is even aware of that and thinks she's being genuine and actually works to make us become a couple
>realize she's got a bf by stalking her social media and connecting the dots
>she eventually spills the beans and laughs in my face in the "you didn't honestly think we could ever be together, did you, user?" kind of way
>apparently she's got a puppy love with that guy
>she even moves to the other side of the country to live with him and basically begin a new life there
>recently learn she broke up with the guy and it must've been bad because she deleted all pics she's ever had with him from her social media
How the fuck do I not laugh at this? lmao
Yeah I posted this before but I had to add some details that make it all the funnier
>tfw she won't talk to me
>it's actually my fault
>she most likely found some other guy who occupies her time
I can't get over that girl. She's the only source of both my happiness and my pain. I tried (and partially succeeded in) getting over her, but I always end up coming back to her. Because of her I either feel like I'm on the top of the world or six feet under the ground. She's like a goddess, her hair, her eyes, her lips, her smile...I can't get enough of it. The thought of seeing her was the only thing that would get me up in the morning or through the day
>mfw she means the world to me but she doesn’t understand/ doesn’t care that
Abandoned yet again you were very right user everyone leaves in the end...I stay for what? no lesson is learnt from this. We are what we are, I am nothing, I will be nothing and no one. time to build up again and stay hidden like was once again.
Yeah I'm a moron. I didn't even want to talk to her but now I kinda miss her. She wasn't all that bad really.
I'm not saying you're a moron.
That is exactly what I came here to say.
You're both dinguses message, call her, or text or all.
But I am a moron and I'm fully aware of it. Nice trips.
I did chat her up recently but it was a very short conversation she wasn't really interested in carrying any further. I mean she responded but just didn't want to message anything else than responses. No questions or anything. That's what girls do when they have someone else that interests them.
>im very happy to hear that you are doing alright user :D
>y-y-you t-too
tfw I've been thinking about suicide every day
I guess then every last one of us qualifies as a moron. Longing for things long gone.
On a bit of a roll today. Second trips.
Done all that. Several times over. How long can I persist knowing am not valued. By the person I value so much.
>That's what girls do when they have someone else that interests them.
Or she's just awkward. But then again I guess that's a bad thing too.
It's not even that I'm longing for something that's long gone, it's the fact that I'm fully responsible for the fact that it's gone and I've actually intentionally end it, thinking it's the right thing to do and I'll get over it soon.
She's not. She's initiated conversations and she was interested because I had her hooked at some point.
Raining dubs
Hmmm...too many variables to really try to figure out.
Call her out on her shit.
>Call her out on her shit.
How? And why?
"Hey, what's the deal with x?" Or "You seem distracted, everything ok?"
Closure, curiousity.
I have an ugly, obvious scar from the heel of my hand that wraps down around my wrist. There's no way I can face you like this. There is little question of the intent behind it. Hopefully you'll understand some day why I'm garbage and not worth getting upset over. I love you more than anything.
>"Hey, what's the deal with x?" Or "You seem distracted, everything ok?"
It's... not like that. We haven't spoken for more than a week, until I reached out to her with a question and we've chatted a bit about the subject and then it was it. That conversation happened last thursday.
>Closure, curiousity.
It's been so many times I tried that and every single time, like clockwork, a new guy was the reason. I don't want to get this kind of closure only to feel worse.
Go with your gut feeling then.
>be decent with women all my life but not a huge pussy magnet, my only power is I look 5 yrs younger than I am,become single dad, become bike fag, bike every where. Suddenly every woman 35 and up is after me, I have become the last value fertilizer for women who partied till 35.
My gut feeling tells me to not talk to her and just give up and hope that it'll fade (which it doesn't but maybe I need some more time) and post in this thread. I can't do much more.
My mom wants to have sex with me, now this sucks because despite moral and ethical questions, she’s hideous and has poor hygiene. I’m also not a huge fan of her personality so I have to avoid visiting because mumra the ancient horror wants to dueling banjo my canoe
I think you are valued, maybe they're going through something?
[spoiler]watch over me, as I am being left alone. Yes no one is meant to save you , I ask that you keep an eye on me and never abandon me![/spoiler]
>fall for a girl
>we start getting close
>she's leaving tomorrow
>good chance i'll straight up never see her again
>never got to tell her how i feel
how do i stop feeling like shit
I've kinda accepted that we're finished, and even though I'm glad I did nothing wrong, and I'm moving on, I still catch myself hoping you'll reach out. I hope you get yourself sorted out & I hope I can find someone worthwhile who won't use me.
Same user same but the not the moving on part though.
I can't take this. I can't. I hoarded all diseases and shit genes. I was already a mistake. then I'm abused by my family. extended family is disgusted by me as well, I'm the retard black sheep.
every day is a fucking stress. always drama. always noise.
I am unable to integrate into society.
I am stunted.
I can't work and support myself because of how fucking ill I am. But social security tells me to fuck off cuz apparently I'm privileged and depending off family still (im trying to get away from them you cocksuckers).
i have nobody. i CANT be around anybody.
I'm in suffering everyday.
I know I'm a mistake. I just wish I could die already and get some rest so damn much. It's not fair. I fought for so long, so hard and it's worth fucking NOTHING. I'm fucking NOTHING.
it hurts so much, please put me out of my misery.
I don't know what joy and happiness is anymore, I only know wrath, jealousy, sadness, fear, loneliness, hunger, pain.
don't fucking tell me your white girl quotes "we all fought our battles" and "oh hunty you're just going thru a rough spot", this is my entire life and will always be.
fuck you, fuck off and go live your normal happy life.
Jay you hurt me on purpose.
It was very obvious what you were doing. And you haven't even bothered to really explain the whole truth or admit to this, I don't want to say it is cowardly because I am understand how you are feeling, but I don't want to be apart anymore and need you to just.. tell me you want to be with me. I feel alone and abandoned by everyone already...
Kek. He really thinks I am stalking him, I guess. Even when I tried my best to avoid encountering him online and offline. What an ego, good fucking God.
It's true, I wrote it. Who else could know those references? Thing is, he asked me to write it because he doesn't know anything about you and nobody else does outside of me. You really have no friends, if I am that one that has to write it.
But I did it. Kindly. I thought about being nasty with it for a second but to be honest... Why would I? I'm not here to ruin your evening, I want you to enjoy it. I simply don't care so much anymore.
going through this fucking board every fucking post is a bunch of dick crusts crying wahh what is a wahman wahhh muh dick and females arguing and some fucking gender war holy FUCK.
EVERYTHING revolves around dating, sex, wuhuehejufh gurls are alien creatures roasties reee, MEN ARE PATRIARCHS PIGUS REEEE, muh politics, muh trump pol maga nazis, muh sjw tranny queerfaggots, shut up. SHUT THE FUCK UP. I want to to eat a loaf of bread and somehow the loaf of bread is full of fox news arguments and feminism and alt right and JESUS CHRIST, JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP.
I am so fucking sick of this world.
I can't tell if I just haven't met the right person yet or if I'm incapable of romantic love entirely.
>being such a babby you have to move away and hide from public view just because there is a chance you will see me because we live in the same town
I... don't even know you, man. What the actual fuck, we don't even talk to each other. Why would you leave your family behind over some girl you never even interact with? What kind of retarded logic is this?
This board is no different than the rest of the internet.
How do you know that unless you've been looking?
you're wrong, this board is no different than the rest of the Internet AND the fucking the rest of the world which is what makes me just wants to BLOW MY FUCKING BRAINS OUT
He confronted me about it. Duh. Just because I go to the some of same places as him doesnt mean I am fucking stalking, it is literally a coincidence. And I even try to avoid going to those places when I suspect he would be there based on previous encounters because I don't want him to feel uncomfortable. I am literally doing everything I can aside from uprooting myself and moving, which I wont do JUST because he thinks I am a stalker. Fuck that.
Then blow your brains out, faggot. No one gives a fuck and we will all carry on.
I ruined everything with a girl I really like, and now she won't even acknowledge my existance. I've tried apologizing but nothing works. I should probably just let it go but it's not easy letting go of someone I care about this much.
You were everything to me, and I ruined it.
Look for new girls asap, trust me, it's not gonna be super hard to get a new crush.
True, except for the blowing brains part. That's just defeatism.
Sounds like you need to stop pandering to this faggot and start living your life free of guilt.
It's never too late, it's not like you won't be able to die tommorow, or when you're 80. You only live once user, don't give up just yet.
Nigga just message her
The guy I have a crush on seems like he's completely lost interest in me, and I feel like it's my fault for having acted like an obsessive weirdo. I won't get into the details of what happened, but since the conversation (or conversations) that I suspect changed his feelings about me, he hasn't said much and has ignored me a tiny bit. When we did talk, he avoided flirting back at all. We have a date tomorrow, and he hasn't even asked about it. It seems like he doesn't care at all, which almost wants to make me cancel plans with him entirely and give up.
I want to believe that I still have a chance with him, but it's really hard when he goes from wanting to talk to me and flirting with me and wanting to fuck me to treating me like I'm just an acquaintance that he hardly knows. It really hurts.
Whose? Mine or hers?
I lost my virginity to a hooker at a rub n' tug.
>be me, 21
>incel by definition, wanted to get laid but never put in the effort to build relationships
>also terrified of rejection
>stumbled upon massage place by work
>went in, asked about rates, went for a half hour with 6/10 ukrainian lady
>it was alright
>leave satisfied
>never go back
I don't even really know why I did it, I just did. For a while afterwards, it gave me a sense of peace and had me thinking "Okay cool, you did the thing, you're not a complete fucking loser."
These days, it gives a mixed sense of shame and happiness. It was a nice time, and I don't regret it completely, but I can't just up and tell anyone that I banged a hooker just to lose my virgin status.
You're right and I should. So I will. Fuck him, he can think whatever he wants. I am tired of bending my life to some stupid boy, especially when my efforts are in vain anyways.
>I can't just up and tell anyone that I banged a hooker just to lose my virgin status
Then don't. In a world where women can fuck 100 men and never tell their husband about it you can fuck a hooker and never tell anyone.
Atta girl! Don't be insecure, if you aren't stalking then you aren't stalking and he can go take his opinion of you and go fuck himself.
I literally cannot stop catfishing. no one messages me in real life but getting a bunch of messaging all at once makes me feel so good. I don't scam people, I just want people to talk to.
Plus I wanna be a girl so fucking badly but I was born with chad genes and I FUCKING HATE IT.
I did the same thing, user and all I can tell you is that it indeed unlocked me.
And don't ever mention it to anyone. Girls fucking hate men who've been to a hooker.
I was afraid of developing feelings for you once we met after our breakup but luckily that didn't happen. You act totally different than when I started dating you. Not that any of that is worse. It's just not for me. Yet I still - after 3 months - wish that we were together. The fuck is wrong with me?
I still don't understand how no one else would want that shared relationship thing. It's the most amazing perfect thing ever and you're telling me not ONE girl was into it?
This is just proof that you're all just in this to fucking use me. They just want to do their time, get their money, and leave ASAP. They don't give a fuck for me.
They want their money so they can get out and fuck as many people as possible. That's all they want. Just dumb greedy whores.
They don't want long lasting relationships and friendships. They just want their fucking money.
Stop talking to her. She might see you differently if you're no longer in her life
Sometime in the next week, I'm going to walk into my local sport shop, buy a handgun, drive to somewhere remote, maybe a forest preserve, tell my mom and sister that I love them, and finally kill myself.
Why not cross a few things off your bucket list first?
I would if there were any, user.
I doubt any of you will believe me, but from 2010 up to the past year or so, I was such a shut-in that I developed an irritation for modern photographic and recording tech because I viewed it as a kind of distortion of reality. Of course, on sites like Instagram this is a half-truth due to the ridiculous amount of filters people paste on, but I mean this for every photo taken on a quality smartphone or footage from television from the past decade. Every time I saw it, I'd think "That's straight up uncanny, people don't actually look like that". But now that I've rejoined society and interacted with people for the first time in years, I've realized, holy shit, they do, and in fact the girls around my campus are as attractive as the women you see fawned over on /tv/. And what stunned me too is realizing I could theoretically end up with one, because I'm average-looking at worst and I know how to dress. I'd just have to start working out and make a few friends first. Despite being a loner my entire life, I've gotten along with normals quite well, and at 19 it is still entirely within my reach. I am incredibly lucky to be in this position. Apologies if this comes off as bragging, but it's an exciting thought, and I have nowhere to share my thoughts but here.
How the hell did we let this all go to shit like this? Fuck me for trying to make friends, I guess.
I have to choose carefully. I'm already 31. My next gf should be my last. That's why I'm taking this reeeeeally slow. Also I'm a shy sperg.
I'm too afraid to socialize, I want to neck myself.
You can’t do anything right, you’re selfish, you’re not smart, you’re stupid, you’re lazy, you’re not funny. You are nothing. Fuck you. Die die die die die die die die die die die die. Accept your place as a loser and stop bothering people about it on Jow Forums. Blowing your brains out is a much better plan than begging for attention on the internet because you feel like you deserve it. Worthless. You have no excuse for this. Someone ought to break all of your bones with a hammer, then maybe you’d be even with the world, but you won’t let that happen because you’re too fucking selfish. Worthless worthless worthless worthless worthless. God, you love these thoughts. What the FUCK is wrong with you? Go lay in bed for six hours hours repeating this stuff in your mind because that’s what you were going to do anyway. Embarrassing.
Welp, time to neck myself.
From whom? To whom?
just fucking do it in the parking lot.
Also you can't buy a handgun without a wait period. You can get a rifle or shotgun the same day. So get a 12 gauge and make sure you aim a bit back towards the center of the head and not just your face.
Seriously, life never gets better. Never.
And you cry about not having a gf and not having sex like every other sad loser on here? No one fucking cares. No one is attracted to sad losers, there’s no point getting upset about it. You’re just a monkey whose brain tells him to stick his penis in females and you’re weak enough to get worked up over primitive instincts. Stop it. Maybe dying a virgin can be your one accomplishment in life. How about you think about getting a new job and apartment since you’re moving (with your dad that you still live with at 21!) soon? What am I saying, you will procrastinate doing that until you’re a NEET living on dwindling savings, putting a bare minimum effort into job hunting. It’s amazing how you ALWAYS do the opposite of what you know you should do. You should buy a gun so hopefully the next time you’re in a drunken emotional freak out you do something with it.
My superego to my ego, if I’m remembering those Freudian terms right.
if they kill themselves I hope they take you out with them.
Trust me there’s no way they wouldn’t
then you should kill yourself cus holy shit you're a shit person.
Those posts are about myself lol. That was my whole point.
but you're still a loser, you paid for sex. do you think that whore was actually attracted to you?
which really brings me to another topic- if you did manage to have sex now, what would she be attracted to? probably your wallet, maybe your house. she's already had the cock of chad inside of her, or will when she's cheating on you.
god i fucking hate whores dude... fuck this gay earth. this shit is fucking me up, seriously.
I'm having a rough time. I'm a 29 year old guy. I live with my parents and run a remodeling business with my dad. I love my job; it's very fulfilling. I am in no position to move at the moment.
I am lonely. I was okay until a few months ago when i started dating a girl for a couple weeks. Got intimate and moved on. Then i realized how lonely i am. Weekends are the worst. At least week days i have work and crossfit/gym/running. Literally the only things keeping me sane and not thinking of killing myself. Fitness has been my anti-depressant for past 7 years. Now it's just going through the motions. Working out only feels good for a few hours, repeat. Or i fap and feel like shit (obviously i need to stop that).
The thing is i look normal on the outside. I'm decent looking, eat well, don't drink, fit, tall, clean, ambitious about work. I'm constantly working on myself psychically and learning new trades. I can talk normal but can become autistic at times. Even the dating i did do; i put in minimal effort. She gave me her number without me asking, dated, and boned. I've never been in a relationship before. I've had few one night stands- that's it.
I have such a hard time connecting with people my age (+/- some). I have zero social media. My only friend is childhood one who lives many states away; i talk to him occasionally.
I don't know what to do. I don't want to feel lonely anymore. Any advice? Is there a pill for this shit?
I'm friendless and I finally know why. I'm an asshole.I push people away, I'm distant, insulting and try too hard.
I'm sad not for myself but for what people have become. I can't go into details but I see a lot of my words here that I didn't write, that's how it is to be user.
I'm sad that everyone hates everyone else more so than ever. Guy here hates girls, hate democrats, hate different religions and races. I'm sad mostly because that's the last thing I'd want to feel had in part in and if I hadn't contributed to what I thought was right, things wouldn't have been twisted as they are. You'd have to know me to understand.
I failed everyone and that will haunt me forever.
Its mostly all bait user. Go outside for a while.
Of course, that probably was too...
the fact you are posting on here means you are part of this shit. Or a bot, I don't know.
So your words are just fucking digusting and I fucking hate you. FUcking end this shit you fucking assholes.
>dating a girl for a few weeks
>going fairly well. No sex yet, but I think we're working towards it
>usually very texty
>today barely any texts, and when she does they're short
>told me she couldn't hang out tonight, didn't say why
>Texted her awhile ago, haven't heard back
>I've been stressing
>Then I see my phone light up, it's a text. Maybe I'm just paranoid
>The text is from my mom
I don't know what to do with these feels. She still hasn't responded. Any advice on the best way to handle this?
Find something to do, something that'll occupy your mind. Vidya maybe?
no you don't understand at all
I'm pretty sure I do.
let me go. Everyone knows this isn't right but they don't do a damn thing about it.
I know who snow white is
It's Jace. Everyone knows this.
How could anyone not know this by now.
It's much more than that.
Same as all CIA code names. They are based on someone. I know who it is.
I simply cannot naturally relax around my parents.
I dont know if I love you anymore.
Yep, that's what I've been doing. But I keep losing my fights because it's hard to focus on the them. My mind wanders to what she's doing.
Based NEET
Is it weird that I don't feel suicidal "right now" but can only see suicide in my future?