Why will women fuck short men but won’t date them?
Why will women fuck short men but won’t date them?
same reason some guys will fuck fat chicks but won't date them . it would be embarrassing
>women fuck short men
this is a lie
t. manlet
You got a point except being a fat fuck is unhealthy.
If I got attacked by wolves I wouldn’t want a hobbit protecting me, sorry
Short men are good to step.
what? isn't it the opposite? wouldn't women prefer dating a short guy because he's cutie cutie cuddly babe but only want tall big dick chad for a fuck?
Well there's truth to this but short people can't help being short. Fat chicks can help being fat but they wont.
Also captcha can eat a dick I just went through 100 images of cars only for it to tell me I'm wrong
tall men immediately project value that other women see. It's a status symbol
yeah but the world is not fair. focusing on unfairness is a sure path to not improving your situation
sometimes you have sex with whats available and easy but you don't want them hanging around, what would my friends think if they knew
I'm agreeing with you I was just saying
I'm dating a guy a bit shorter than me. It's rare but you do see couples in which the woman is taller, sometimes even noticeably so
but why? seriously, you don't have to. I'm 5'6" and plenty of guys ask me out that are taller than I, even in heels
what the fuck? is this sarcasm or a joke or some shit?
i really assumed short guys were the ones being more dated.
each day i understand women less and im starting to question whether i really am one and my vagina is just somehow fake.
Hmm maybe the problem has some of it's components inside the minds of men.
Honestly I'm basing my opinion on a combination of media tropes, anecdotal expressions of attraction towards tall men, and observation. As a teenage boy you see people zeroing in on the taller guys all the time. They get more attention and they become more confident accordingly. They end up dating women who most would agree look much better than them. Short men grow up feeling-second rate/worthless if they don't go out and find their own way to be confident.
Do you personally prefer shorter men?
how short is ‘short’?
when does it stop being a negative?
im somewhere around 5’10
5'6let here
stop taking it personally. So what if girls like tall guys? Tough shit. find a girl who doesnt care about height.
and being a short fuck usually makes you seem less suitable as a long-term partner to women, still works both ways
Kek I just posted this to see if it’d get as many replies as the “why will men fuck fat women but not date them” thread
Ty tho baby sometimes I just need someone else to say it to me
your guess is as good as mine if not better then. im pretty out of touch with the world.
the only thing i recall in school days everytime there was a tall male classmate, THEY were the odd ones out. usually called giraffe, tower, asked how's the weather up there, asked if they play basket, etc
if there was someone really short, people wouldn't really pick on it because people think it might be a disability, growth stunt, or something and only really edgy edgelords would call them out on that.
>do you prefer short men
It's not that i prefer them. I don't mind them. I don't prefer tall men either. it's whatever.
Every guy shorter than me that I know has had more success in relationships than I have
Your problem isn't that your short, it's that you're a piece of fucking shit who plays blame games on Jow Forums
useless fucking faggot
>tfw over 6' and in shape
Endless bait on this board. That or a lot of you never go outside and genuinely believe guys don’t date fat women and women don’t date short guys
and still a virgin lmao
>not being average height and getting the best of both worlds
Laughing at all of you non-5'10" guys
Sorry for late reply
Why wouldn't I date him? He's well-read, fun, incredibly handsome and treats me well. I'm 5'10 and always found men around my height or slightly shorter the most attractive
manlet shit is a meme. Don't care what anyone says. Most of the men that women swoon over in Hollywood are "manlets".
I also personally know a guy who is like 5'2 and gets women left and right as well as dates them. How does he do it? He's incredibly fucking confident.
Men that pretend to be women, like yourself, don't count
he's a chef at Wendy's too right
anything shorter than 5'7
>Fat chicks can help being fat but they wont
You guys still believe in free will?
What makes you think I'm a guy?
Is it really that impossible for you to believe that height doesn't matter that much?
yeah because people are motivated by what's healthy first and foremost
not 6ft?
they will, theyre not dating you for other reasons user (usually)
>implying women will fuck short men
Also nice job flipping around the least creative bait out there.
>Well there's truth to this but short people can't help being short. Fat chicks can help being fat but they wont.
Sad truth to this is height is inherited, being a fatass isn't which is important when it comes to having kids
I think he was trying to say it's a negative anywhere shorter than the ideal height (probably 6'2" to 6'6" assuming no skelly), but it only gets serious 5'7" and below.