Is this a tranny messaging me on Tinder :/

Is this a tranny messaging me on Tinder :/....

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I'm not sure. But it's definitely a thot.

Ask her


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Totally you can tell by her lack of tits


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I hope so.

she's just burying averageness under filters

Yeah, notice the male gender sign in the first pic.

Is that sarcasm lol

Perfect. I'm very average.

>actually look at the description
Jesus fuck. Was she tripping on Mario Paint?

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Yeah, Idk wtf she was doing.

A fat rail of that sweet sweet white lightning, my friend

I think I should mention she had a account on there.... She hasn't asked me for money though and it has given me it's number.

White lighting, never heard that one lol.

If she is you'll smell it right away and then you can just leave.

Just make sure you smell her really close because she might be wearing perfume, you'll know once you get through the the body odor smell whether it's a male or female

Dude, you can't just literally sniff out trannies. Unless I see a pussy IDK. Some guys have chicks bodies and faces, I'm so scared after reading threads on here about people end up being trannies..

100% female, jawline and chin are too disproportionate to be a dude.. plus there's no way a dude could ever have those honkers, this chick has pepperoni nips 110%

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Isn't white lightning slang for moonshine liquor?

>Dude, you can't just literally sniff out trannies.
This is how I know you are clueless. Try giving advice once you've actually dealt with trans people a bit, okay?

I mean, I doubt it. But what's really the problem if it turns out she is? She looks kinda hot based on the pics. If she likes you and you like her and she's nice to you, well, what's the difference?

idk, but it has a nosering, stay away from that, unless you like being accused of rape

>what's the difference?
You gotta be trolling.

Yeah user what's the difference between fucking a wet pussy or taking some tranny dick its basically the same thing

I love peperonis.

I'm a very open minded person, so I get what your saying, but Idk, I want an actual women you know?

I just couldn't date a man..


>I wouldn't mind taking dick in the ass

Haha, what I'm saying is that in theory it shouldn't matter if they look legitly a woman, but it matters a lot to me. I think people should do what makes them happy.

Tittyfuck and leave

i mean theyre a real woman (inb4 Jow Forums fags having a stroke), but they dont have a real vagina or real tits so i get it

Welp, because she might have a fucking dick that's why.

Like it or not, men and women have different brains and different personalities. Trannies are psychologically fucked, which they will agree with you since the whole thing started as gender dysphoria and that's a literal mental illness.

No vagina means no children. Even if they had an operation, it's still not a vagina. It's going to function differently than a vagina as well. Trans sex is not the same as lady sex.

There is also the mental issues of "Will I pass as a girl today? Will someone notice?" which will never go away. They will always need constant validation and that might not always be from you.

Seriously, there is a difference with pretending to be a girl and actually being a girl. There will be differences and there will be a fucking lot of them. Subtle, hard to notice at first and some will be blatantly obvious. If they started out as a man and were raised as men then that's going to alter their personality greatly. They will be doing everything based on what they THINK a woman does in order to appear more feminine. Again, they are pretending.

If someone told me that my exes were men... I would agree with them. They were all fucking psychotic.

They say I was born intersex, removed the female parts but kept the male ones. They say I have a female brain in a male body. They drrugged me with hormones and steroids my entire life to make me appear more masculine.

Except that never really worked now did it? I was always off. I was always kinda girly. I never fit in with guys and I just... no oine seemed to be like me. I'm living proof that there are difference between female and male brains inherit to our genetics.

People should be allowed to do whatever they want and I'll call a trans person a lady but they will never actually be a female... no matter how hard they try. Their genetics will remain the same. Their brain will remain unchanged.

They have have a real Y-chromosome, that's the issue

>they're real women, ecept they don't have vaginas real tits or two x chromies

You don't get tits like those from hrt. You're clear to proceed

No she’s definitely a female. Don’t go for it unless you just want maybe a good fuck. Her face is turned the same in all her pics which means she only looks her best at that angle.

I’d stick my dick in her.

Yeah, I noticed that

Holy shit, so you wish they kept the lady parts instead?

There's a lot of info that points to trans people being wacked out of there mind.

Thank you sir, will fuck.

I think she's ghosting me... fuk. Forever alone.jpeg

>match a tinder girl
>exchange numbers
>she's super message-happy before we even had a first date

Is this good or bad because she's messaging me like we're already seeing each other