Please help :(
How can I learn to stop liking men?
Are you an American who grew up without a father?
Why do you want to stop liking men?
Try sucking a dick. If you like it, theres no going back
It's disgusting and unnatural.
Look at this way. If you hate sucking a dick, you'll probably start hating men too
I know I'll probably like it.
How is it unnatural? I mean it seems to come naturally to you, isn't it actually unnatural to resist it?
You should be a traditional gay
>marry and have children
>fuck dudes on the side
Congrats you're now what gay men were for thousands of years.
It doesn't lead to reproduction.
Then stop being paranoid and second guessing your preferences. Keep your head high irrespective of what your choices are
Most straight sex doesn't, either, and when it does, most times it's unintended. So you're saying sex isn't "right" if it doesn't include the risk of pregnancy? Why do we have condoms? Is sex with condoms sick and unnatural, too?
Those thoughts seem to come and go for me. One week I have really gay thoughts and then they go away for months at a time and I'm really into women again.
As someone who lived in active, conscious denial for more than a decade, you MUST(!) either:
1. kill yourself
2. recognize that your orientation doesn't matter, and that everyone and everything is insignificant
Whether your decision is freeing or not is up to you.
Ah dude, this one is so 1960s. Reproduction is not the only goal of sex.
>x sometimes with y
>z never with y
>Therefore x = z
wew lad they teach you that logic in school?
You ever been with either op?
I have the same thing but it changes every week.
>Reproduction is not the only goal of sex.
Well am sorry for your lack of education then
Don't listen to anyone else OP, I understand what you mean. Totally ultra repressive gay. Self disgust and all that. Something is for sure wrong with you. Anyways just repress it forever until youre 40 with a wife and kids and then come out of the closet and ruin your families lives or kill yourself at 40 and ruin your families lives.
That's the niche
Do you even know what a "goal" is?
Haha...I do. But maybe you need to brushen up your believes as these became obsolete decades ago
You need masculine love in a more healthy way. Come to terms with what ever happened that twisted your need for masculine love into homosexuality.
Why did you ignore my question you fucking asshole?
Why are you asking?