Hi,throat felt a little sore, went to looks and it looked worse than expected, particularly the dark red spot/stone at my left...
I’m worried stuff will evolve further into septis or some shit?
Hi,throat felt a little sore, went to looks and it looked worse than expected, particularly the dark red spot/stone at my left...
I’m worried stuff will evolve further into septis or some shit?
It's just tonsil stones. Clean your fucking mouth dude, apple vinegar is a good start.
I’ve had those, and the “pus” is not hard, it just oozes, nor am I able to push the red stone out with q-tip like I usually
I also use a hydrogen peroxide mouthwash
oh ive heard of these fuckers
i think you just squeeze them out... the big problem is that they stink like halitosis
As I said, I’ve had those before, and yeah they stink, but this stuff is just oozing puss
probably some tonsil disease. go to the doctor
You probably have an abscess. Think of it like a mouth pimple. Go to a dentist to get rid of it.
t. Wife is a dental hygienist
Stop bragging about your fucking wife asshole
looks a lot like an infection i had before. i had a sinus infection and the drainage dripped into my throat infecting my throat and tonsils. see a doctor for sure!
Does apple cider or hydrogen peroxide actually dissolve them? I've taken 1 tonsil stone and tested them in both, yet I see no reaction. No bubbles in either, when lodged in those fluids.
Is their a better solution for dissolve them or is the dissolve just a lengthy process?
They're made of calcified bacteria/infection/gunk, so anything that can dissolve strong calcium deposits.
may not be something you want to put in your mouth though.
Seeing that calcium is "alkaline" anything acidic should dissolve such a compound. But is there a solution which works in a few seconds and doesn't damage any mucus glands?
You don't want to dissolve/break the stuff in pieces while its still in your tonsil crypt, you want to get it out of there, if that cunt breaks up its gonna releaae a whole bunch of dormand (and active) bacteria right back into your tonsils, thats why yoy are supposed to push/roll them out.
But let's say it's too big to get out even with a q-tip or the tonsil crypt entrance is too small for it to be lodged out, wouldn't breaking it down make it easier to get out with a waterpik afterwards?
No because if its too big to come out without surgery using a waterpick is only going to leave chunks of it (and most of it's bacteria) behind to live another day and continue ruining your breath, as well as a VERY real shot at giving you an infection in your tonsils and throaght.
If it's too big to be removed without damaging anything, get a doctor to remove it. You do NOT want to fuck up and get an infection anywhere near your head, that shit will travel to your brain quickly and kill you.
A new way to commit suicide, nice
it wont just kill you outright, spend some time on google reading about how oral/brain infections WILL fuck up your shit sixteen ways sideways.
That is not the way you want to go if death is your goal
>looks a lot like an infection i had before. i had a sinus infection and the drainage dripped into my throat infecting my throat and tonsils. see a doctor for sure!
U had a sinitus infection u crippling kek
trust me user
drink 1 glass of warm milk and 1 tablespoon honey in it. 1 glass in morning and one glass before going to bed, for 3 days. gargling with lightly warm salt water 2 times a day also helps
it is the only method that worked for my repetitive throat infection
>tfw no throat infection after 2 months
I went to doc, got erymax to prevent abscess. Not a fan of ABs, but I got a busy week so hopefully this will stop it before I get too sick
you should see a dentist dude, half of your teeth have caries marks
Not OP,
but do you guys have symmetrical tonsils (same sized crypts, same positioning)?
For some reason my left tonsil has tiny 1-2mm sized crypts/holes while my right tonsil have huge openings.
The left one even looks slightly larger, but doesn't seem swollen and I have no issues swallowing.