What advice would you give your 21-year-old self?

What advice would you give your 21-year-old self?

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Stop taking ADHD medication and go to parties you nonce.

Don't be embarrassed about your hobbies and interests and find those who share them. Only in a few years those hobbies and interests will merge into the mainstream and you'll be orphaned.

Stop caring what other people think. Tell that guy you like him. Be more honest with your feelings.

High five bro, youre amazing.

To dump his piece of shit girlfriend before she cheats on him...

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you're much more attractive than you think you stupid idiot holy shit

oh boy. I'm not one to hang onto what ifs too much because the grass is always greener. but I'm nearly 27 so back at 21,which ironically outs me exactly where I am right now but wiser, I would say don't dwell on what you can't change. so to follow that advice I won't dwell now.

My life turned out how it was going to anyway.

Quit your $6/hr job it's not worth it, focus on school, go to parties--they're not all bad like you were trained to believe by 80s movies. SOCIALIZE. Hyper focus on work means you're clueless in 5-6 years when you're looking for serious relationships.

go to the gym NOW
avoid that girl
start karate
go out with your friends more

oh and
go to a psychologist asap not 7 years later

Don't chase pussy. All the girls you're wasting your time on, they don't deserve you. They're all destined for the trailer park.

Don't tie yourself to losers. Most of your friends have already gone as far as they're going to get in life. If they're at the bar every weekend, they're done. Hangout when you want, but don't anchor yourself to their choices. Focus on what is best for your future.

Be vigilant about the mental illness around you. Don't do business with borderline personalities or bi-polar types. They'll sing your praises and cut the checks today, but tomorrow they'll be the bane if your existence and the reason that ringing phones give you panic attacks.

The places you dream about moving to are not what you think that they are. No matter where you go, you'll bring your problems with you. Solve that problems here and now, then you can get a genuine fresh start when you move on geographically.

Stop ignoring your medical problems. Go to the doctor and be honest, dumb ass.

Once in a lifetime opportunities tend to come around every two years, so don't get bent out of shape if you missed a few. Keep your eyes open for the next one.

You'll never find the time to lose that weight, so do it now.

Do not ask permission to succeed. Have the confidence in yourself to seize the opportunities that you see, even if nobody understands it.

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Break up with your boyfriend now and enjoy life instead of having him suck it from you.

Kys faggot then I'd steal his shoes

I am finally quitting taking this stuff. All it does is make me extremely robotic or emotional. Fuck it I'd rather drink energy drinks


Seconding this

If only I dumped her ass when I had the chance

Sip Hamms, bong natty

Invest in Bitcoin, hold until december 2017.


Stop smoking crack with this guy. Don't take that major; go STEM.

Leave the house you stupid fuck.
Do something, before it's too late.
21 is still young, nothing is over, you don't wanna end up 26 and still a fucking shut-in, because then your life is ACTUALLY over, so GET OUT OF THE HOUSE.