Just how shy are women?

Just how shy are some women? The reason I ask is because I am texting two different women and they usually do respond. However, they never ever text me first. Like I will text them, “hey how’s things been? You ever find that show you were looking for?” Just something to strike up a conversation.

I would like them to text me first a little mostly because my ego and self esteem is so low that I actually feel like I am bothering them. I feel so small in the eyes of women. One of these two women I asked out and she had flaked on me and she herself rescheduled. The other, I ask her out but her work ours are strange. She said she just likes to stay in most days. Which I don’t mind because I am a home body also. But she doesn’t say yes to seeing me even though we have good conversations.

Just how shy are women? Are they not texting first out if shyness or is it that they probably don’t give a shit about me?

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They aren’t into you. You really need a thread to get this?

This isn't really a question you can expect Jow Forums to answer. There are a billion reasons why a girl doesn't text you. Could be because she is shy, could be because she is playing games, could be because she doesn't like you etc.

Legend has it it is easier to successfully send people to the moon than to accurately interpret a woman's behavior.

>how shy are SOME women

Imagine as shy as you can possibly imagine. Some women are like that. Now dial it back. Some are like that too. Now imagine not shy. Some women are like that.

Yes. If they aren’t into me, why haven’t they told me to take a hike? I would stop bothering them if I knew they wanted me to.

It depends really. Sometimes I'm short because I'm trying to maintain boundaries, sometimes because I'm not actually interested in what the person has to say and am too polite to tell them, and sometimes because I'm worried about spilling spaghetti everywhere. I guess this doesn't really help you other than the fact that everyone has their reasons and you shouldn't dwell on it too much.

What i do is just have a constant conversation with the girl im talking to, and we have multiple conversations going in the same message thread at the same time so theres never any silences or anything

they’re being nice. if they don’t ever text you first it’s most likely because they really aren’t into you like that.

Imo I think it's important to spill spaghetti sometimes. If someone can look past it than things are looking up

Women are like that. Men pursue and women choose. Simple as that. Dont listen to he is just trying to crab you down.

Women are basically cowards. They will never ever innitiate anything on their own. That is the job of the man who has "balls" to do it.

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>they’re being nice.
Can we stop this meme? They don't do it out of the goodness of their hearts, they doing it to spare themselves the awkwardness of rejecting someone. They have every right to do that, but let's not pretend it's a virtue.

>b-but they didn’t tell me to fuck off
>wh-why are women such bitches!

Trust me, as a guy who has gotten both types of rejection, the soft one is nicer. It lets you potentially still be friends if you’re not too deep into her, and keeps you from murdering her if you’re that crazy.

read my whole post before replying pls. that’s basically what i was saying.

>They will never ever innitiate anything on their own
wrong. every bf I've had I made the first move. we're just more subtle

my gf would text me first a lot when we first started talking. the girls that never texted me first never lead to anything. i’m just speaking from experience. not trying to “crab” him dipshit

Very true. But a hard leap to take.

Op here. Based on info given in this thread... I don’t think any woman has been into me then. What a.. revelation. I have always felt that I am pursuing women who don’t like me. I wonder what it feels like to pursue someone who does like you.

They want you to fuck off.

It's not that their world is as black and white as yours like that, they just don't give a fuck
You're an acquaintance to them. Not a prospect, most certainly not a date, just a dude who texts them for conversation.

It feels like magic.

>I wonder what it feels like to pursue someone who does like you.
Try befriending some women instead of treating them purely in a romantic/sexual content and maybe one day you’ll know.

hey lolcow

>befriending some women
women are boring cunts with milquetoast tastes

Women are not shy. At least not these days where they get their egos inflated to the sky. You're just not attractive if they're not texting you back.

Retarded advice. Doing anything with women platonically leads to nothing on a romantic level, so how does that relate to OP's problem?

What OP needs is to figure out how to identify women who are actually into him.

They aint shy, woman different than me are co-opers in their life and not like men that see every other as an enemy.

They dont text you because you aint good enough in their view to make them brake "inercia", just that.

Welcome back to reality.

If they did there's a chance you'd start pestering them. But why not me? Why don't you like me? Come on, just give me a chance, etc.

And that’s different than me pestering them right now? I don’t want to pester people but honestly I can’t mind read.