hello, i have a 152 IQ and was raised in a family of entrepreneurs, if you live in the USA and want to become much richer than you are and never work more than a few single digit hours a month tell me your:
>total net worth minus absolute essentials
>total liquid savings if any
>*gross* annual income
>current total living costs annually with breakdown
>state, better if i have an approximate area, even better if i know your city
and i will develop a personal financial plan for you to increase your net worth, increase your income and reduce your expenditure and if you stick with me a little longer help you pay as little taxes as possible, quit your job and live entirely off of semi-passive income and if you really want, how to not only pay 0 taxes but get the IRS to actually pay you with the american people's tax dollars (very small amount, haven't figured out how to get big amount...yet). Yes i've watched rick and morty, yes this is a datamining thread yes i am jewish and yes my last name is goldsteinshekelsberg
Hello, i have a 152 IQ and was raised in a family of entrepreneurs...
Other urls found in this thread:
whatever i'll see what you got op. poorfag incoming.
>total net worth is probably like 13k but i have like 8k in student debt sooo
>total liquid savings is zero. i have a roth ira that i contribute the max each year to though.
>gross annual income is probably around 28k or some shit
>total living costs is zero except for gas and food i don't pay for rent or accomodation
>california, orange county area
ok, how much do you pay in gas and food annually?
Ok, I guess I'll bite. Let's see what you've got
Total net worth about 2M
Liquid savings, about 100k, most of which is in an index fund with Vanguard
Gross annual income about 300 - 200k from job, the rest from rental income
Total living costs about 4.5k a month, the lions share of which is a low-cost fixed rate mortgage
It's bugging me that I'm not honestly sure where to go next. I'm starting a business on the side, but that's going to take a while. My wife is also starting a business so once that's going, she'll likely be bringing in another 50-100k a year, maybe more.
The problem is that incremental changes won't take me to that next level. And I'm not even sure what that next level even looks like or if I even want it.
Genuinely curious on your thoughts
Since I'm curious, let's say I'm homeless and have no connections and no possessions besides my old banjo and the shirt on my back. NYC. What now?
>Wells Fargo storefront in the CAPTCHA
I think this is good luck.
Thanks for trying to help out.
All on my own, proly less than 2k. If I get handed down my father's house, 800k~, but I don't want to rely on that.
$400 on liquid.
I'm on a tech internship so I projected im receiving $3.5k on stipend from August until January.
Monthly Bill's are 220~ for transportation, phone and insurance.
New york, NY.
I'm somewhat aiming to develop my own apps for that financial freedom goal, owning a couple of asset for passive income and potentially developing a diamond in the rough and licensing it out. Heck, even making an app and receiving $500 off of ads would be considered a success to me
probably 9 or 10k? does that seem right? idk i eat out a lot but i don't budget because i'm dumb.
Nice data mining operation OP.
How can he use this info and profit out of datamaning?
>The problem is that incremental changes won't take me to that next level. And I'm not even sure what that next level even looks like or if I even want it.
well first of all you have to determine what level of existence, reality and consciousness you want to operate and subsequently what amount of money you want to be handling and how much you want to pocket, do you want to become a multi-millonaire? on what level? single digit, double digit, triple digit? do you want to become a billionaire? are you happy where you are now? do you really think you can handle mass wealth? ask yourself these questions and if you answer in favor then go ahead and follow through
my limit will only get you to double digit if you work at it probaly max triple digit though, anyways, there are many ways you can approach this, but here's a relatively much higher
risk-reward method although the risk on this is very, very low specially considering your financial position:
-save $150k a year for 7 years, only 4 and some years if you can save $230k
-20% down payment purchase multi-unit residential commercial property (example: loopnet.com
-take remaining needed from liquid savings for maybe around 20k
-rennovate units
-cash flow profit around $60-65k+ a year after rennovations
-hire desperate property manager, pay absolute minimum
-quit job
-file taxes as "real estate professional / investor"
-write everything off as business expense
-pay 0 taxes
-funnel as much of your income as possible into increasing value via renovations
your income and remaining liquid savings will protect you
if you want to start a business, don't, just buy one that already exists and already has cash flow, i recommend bizbuysell.com
Yes, I've been looking seriously at larger scale multifamily properties and have bought into a couple of syndicated deals already this year. If they go right, this could be my new "thing". I'm already very familiar with real estate, so this type of thinking has always been my go-to.
I have been actually considering becoming a syndicator full-time, but I don't think I could pull off a deal with the job I've got. I have friends that have done it, though, and I am thinking that I might help them with their next deals.
Thanks for the info.
ok, so well..there are many models for this, but let's say there are 4 stages you have to go through to reach financial freedom, first that's become an employee, then become a salesman / small entrepreneur, then a medium-big business owner, and then an investor, unless you have immense will power and are cunning, you're not really going to be able to cut through the line so i believe for you that's how it would work
the first step you're going to have to do, is become an employee, or, if you can find a way, start to become a small entrepreneur / salesman, i can give you ideas but i'm not sure whether or not you're capable of executing them all at once, you have a lot of time and nothing to loose, so you really do have an advantage if you want to start earning small amounts of self-employed income
anyways, do you know how to become an employee? would you just like me to lay the summary of everything out for you?
no problem
save the ~$14k you'll be making in profit from your 5 month internship and buy a small micro business or multiple micro businesses
you can also search for locations outside of NY and if you're daring enough outside of the U.S, if you do that i'd recommend sticking to websites though
if you want me to help you i'm going to need specific numbers...
thanks, that's Mr. Shekelsberg btw, "OP" is for goyim
i was thinking about doing this on but you're all so brainwashed with internet shitcoins and crypto-flipto whatever-to i don't even think you're worth my time
i haven't given you any new information though apparently so i'm not sure what you're thanking me for but no problem, regardless it's good to know that you're already on the path to become a medium-big business owner, usually people just get stuck at where you're at because the think that's the most life can offer them and or because it's usually comfortable for them and or fail to surround themselves with people who are on the path or already are there as you are now, surround yourself with those people
there are some much higher risk options, if you like i could throw them at you but i feel as though you're not the type of person to go out and bet your money on things, but i guess if you haven't heard the rule of thumb already real estate and gold's safe, owning businesses and multi-billion$ big boy corporation stocks less safe but still safe, gamble stocks and others i.e crypto riskier... if you want to go for syndicator make sure you're safe first
what country are you currently in, what country are you from and what citizenship(s) and or residence permits do you hold?
you can either dedicate the next decade or so on getting a green card and or becoming a citizen and moving and establishing yourself in the U.S, figure out some other country but i can't help you there, stay where you are use the internet and learn programming and legally or illegally exploit the rich westerners, stay where you are and find a way to make money there, or kill yourself
I thought you were larping but you actually do know something about what you're talking about, here, have a bump.
Have you considered making this thread into a weekly general on Jow Forums? It would increase the board quality by a lot.
>i was thinking about doing this on but you're all so brainwashed with internet shitcoins and crypto-flipto whatever-to i don't even think you're worth my time
should do it anyways, plenty of people wander over there looking for non-crypto threads.
i don't know i mean...maybe? if i get good feedback why not
and yeah this board is actually very toxic
i made an ironic shitpost thread making fun of everyone who actually believed in trading or whatever but a ll i got was a few people going "based and redpilled" and a massive hoard of people calling me a boomer, a shill of some sort ranging from a competitor of some coin or even an israeli shill or something and a boomer lol
they're really just not worth the effort but i'll try tomorrow when i wake up anyways just to see if i'm wrong
>weekly threads increase the board's quality
It's a gamble but maybe
More name/trip/avatarfags is always a risk of more shitposting
>and yeah this board is actually very toxic
i don't think its toxic on Jow Forums so much that the posts are just asymptomatic of what people worry about, and their worries tend to be poorly developed and immature.>i made an ironic shitpost thread making fun of everyone who actually believed in trading or whatever but a ll i got was a few people going "based and redpilled" and a massive hoard of people calling me a boomer, a shill of some sort ranging from a competitor of some coin or even an israeli shill or something and a boomer lol
hah, well, come on, you poked the bear, what did you expect?
anyways Jow Forums has a couple obvious problems that Jow Forums is kind of spilling over into it, and i think Jow Forums and /v/ are too, because the way they talk about money just reeks of end-game theory type language instead of wealth building and wealth use.
though I'm not much one to talk, I make $35k in a dead end job for 10 years. I just have no debts and low lifestyle expectations...
Funny thread, I'll read all of it when I have time.
Op are you still there?
Op were did you go?