Being born ugly means I'll be alone forever

Why shouldn't I kill myself knowing that?

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This is so obviously not true

In ops case it probably is

Why not?

Find purpose in life besides THOTS

Like what?

Honestly, you'll most liekly never have sex unless you pay a hooker to have sex with you. Even your looksmatch won't date you.

Sex isn't everything though, find a hobby.

Not OP but I feel like I'm in the same boat. Is Jow Forums a hobby?


Do you know the meme from dating sites how men rate women very well overall but women rate men very harshly?
It's easy: Men don't have to be pretty. Women have to be. Men have to have their shit together and be masculine. Stop fucking worrying about your face for once and worry about your character.

this guy cant be serious

>Men don't have to be pretty. Women have to be.
It's not a meme. It means that a few men sleep with almost all of the women. If you're an ugly male you can kiss your life goodbye.

Then paint your fingernails and put on makeup. Call me when that'll get your more matches on your favourite dating app, my precious princesses.



you're retarded


It's the solution to being ugly. Makeup fixes what genetics can't fix. Why don't ugly males just put on makeup and get laid?

It’s called plastic surgery stupid

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not everyone can afford it, stupid

You can get spouse as ugly as you

No you can't, ugly women do NOT want ugly men. they date and have sex with average to above average men.

>it's impossible to improve one's appearance

Your attitude is definitely uglier than your physical appearance.

I see ugly couples all the time you bitch, including your parents

when did OP say that?


That's the implication of his post.

>im absolutely obsessed with having sex with a woman because my empty worthless life has nothing of value in it, I'm a boring piece of cardboard that sits on the computer all day and do absolutely nothing to alter my situation
>instead I will blame it on factors entirely out of my control

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Why should you kill yourself knowing that?

Where did I even once mention sex?

Projecting much?

Oh? In that case what has physical appearance got to do with anything? What constitutes "being alone"? Why do you even want to be "not alone"?